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Far-right outsider Javier Milei wins Argentina’s presidency

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7 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Man-made climate change is disastrous for the human race and we need to take immediate action to alleviate it if we can. What that action should be is open to debate. There’s no cult. Anyone who denies the reality of man-made climate change as an existential crisis, with no connection to natural climate change, deserves to be demonized. 



"Climate change is not a game."


"I’m all in on trying to fight climate change. But I’m not all in, necessarily on green energy. I don’t know. The truth is I’m looking for a way to make gas prices lower while at the same time fight climate change. Are these impossible goals?"


"To expand on this: part of leftist ideology is that people need to suffer in order to achieve good results. I reject this, I am not a leftist. Neither is Joe Biden. I do not want people to suffer, ever."


"The nation moves on. We’re going to get a lot of stuff done. COVID will be defeated, and we will deal with climate change and infrastructure and, hopefully immigration. Biden is doing a fine job and things look pretty  bright. The Republican Party, and conservatives in general, will not move on. They’re in disarray right now, a train wreck, believing in fake news and conspiracy theories and continuing to stay loyal to the worst President in American history. They’re becoming less relevant every minute, every hour, and Donald Trump is stuck in their heads. I think they’ll right the ship eventually but it’s going to be a while. In the meantime the Democrats will have to continue being the grownups for everyone."


"I’m not for the climate deals (as you put it.) "

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7 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Man-made climate change is disastrous for the human race and we need to take immediate action to alleviate it if we can. What that action should be is open to debate. There’s no cult. Anyone who denies the reality of man-made climate change as an existential crisis, with no connection to natural climate change, deserves to be demonized. 



Biden his time: how the US president is failing on the climate crisis

....Now, a year into Biden’s presidency, it’s clear that what little optimism I had was misguided. Biden’s climate legacy is starting to take shape, and it doesn’t look good. So far, his administration has:

1. Held the biggest-ever offshore oil drilling lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico

In November, Biden offered up 80m acres of water to oil drillers. For years, the US government has regularly leased portions of the Gulf of Mexico for offshore exploration and drilling. But environmental and public health advocates had hoped that the president who campaigned on climate action would at least scale back the practice.

2. Permitted more drilling on public lands in the West and in Alaska than Trump did in his first year

Biden has approved nearly 900 more permits to drill on public land in 2021 than Trump did in 2017, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. That’s despite his campaign pledges to end new oil and gas leasing on federal lands. In November, Biden also urged drillers to produce more oil, in an effort to lower gasoline prices.

3. Failed to advance a climate legislative agenda

On the campaign trail, Biden promised to cut US climate emissions in half by 2030, including by investing significantly in renewable power. But his legislative package to do so – Build Back Better – has stalled. 

4. Faltered in quickly reinstating rules

Under Biden, even minor regulations that mandate more energy efficient furnaces, freezers, and lightbulbs are stuck in regulatory limbo. And he could face a significant blow this month if the conservative-tilted supreme court decides the federal government can’t write rules to curb climate pollution from power plants.

Biden hasn’t followed through on the basics. And he certainly hasn’t brought the kind of sweeping and aggressive action the world’s scientists say is necessary to avoid catastrophic global heating.This isn’t the first massive failure of climate efforts at the federal level, and it won’t be the last. The lesson: policymakers and industries won’t do the right thing unless they are forced, by our decisions with our ballots and our wallets.


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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

Hmm. I don’t remember that. I think you’re mistaking me with somebody else. 


Tim, in his own words, doesn't want to use green energy. But he wants that PLUS lower gasoline prices on a national scale while ALSO fighting "climate change"

And if it doesn't happen, it's all the fault of Republicans. 

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7 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Man-made climate change is disastrous for the human race and we need to take immediate action to alleviate it if we can. What that action should be is open to debate. There’s no cult. Anyone who denies the reality of man-made climate change as an existential crisis, with no connection to natural climate change, deserves to be demonized. 



Barack Obama Is a Climate Hypocrite

In March of 2012, Obama gave a speech in Cushing, Oklahoma in which he touted “what we’re calling an all-of-the-above energy strategy.” That month, more than fifteen thousand warm temperature records were broken in the United States, making it the hottest March ever recorded — developments that were likely exacerbated by climate change.

He told the crowd, “Under my administration, America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years. . . . We’ve quadrupled the number of operating rigs to a record high. We’ve added enough new oil and gas pipeline [sic] to encircle the Earth and then some.” ....Obama went on: “As long as I’m president, we’re going to keep on encouraging oil development and infrastructure.."....Obama received $1.1 million in campaign donations from the oil and gas industry during his 2012 reelection campaign.

In 2015, Obama declared that there was “no greater threat” than climate change. Later that year, he signed legislation lifting the forty-year ban on crude oil exports, a key priority for....the fossil fuel industry, increasing fossil fuel exports by more than 750 percent in the first five years after it was lifted....As president, Obama oversaw an 88 percent increase in total oil production.....“You wouldn’t always know it, but [oil production] went up every year I was president,” said Obama at a 2018 fundraiser for a think tank at Rice University in Texas. “Suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people.”


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16 minutes ago, Blue Horseshoe said:


Tim, in his own words, doesn't want to use green energy. But he wants that PLUS lower gasoline prices on a national scale while ALSO fighting "climate change"

And if it doesn't happen, it's all the fault of Republicans. 

I’ll use green energy if it’s cost productive. So far most of it isn’t. What I want to pursue is nuclear fusion.

I’m not big on the blame game. 

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16 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

I’ll use green energy if it’s cost productive. So far most of it isn’t. What I want to pursue is nuclear fusion. I’m not big on the blame game. 



IvanKaramazov: "The Democrats are the ones primarily responsible for our lack of nuclear power.  With the benefit of hindsight (although many were saying this at the time so it's not exactly Monday morning quarterbacking), that was a massive unforced error over the span of nearly a half century.  The Republicans certainly haven't been helpful on the topic of climate change, but Democrats have been actively harmful.  I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that our retreat from nuclear power over the last half-century or so has been the single most destructive mistake that we've made as a society on this issue.  It's the sort of decision that an evil super-villain might have made if they were intentionally trying to make climate change worse. Today we have a broader portfolio of non-fossil fuel sources, so nuclear only needs to be one arrow in the proverbial quiver.  But that's a lot of damage already done, and it's 100% on you guys."

timschochet: "I’m forced to agree with this criticism."



timschochet: "But my main point continues to be: for all their faults and errors, at least the Democrats are making proposals and addressing the issue. Meanwhile the Republican alternative is to simply ignore it and expand oil drilling. Therefore my proposition remains valid: if you truly care about this issue as the priority of our times, you must vote Democrat. There is no good alternative."


"America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years. . . . We’ve quadrupled the number of operating rigs to a record high. We’ve added enough new oil and gas pipeline to encircle the Earth and then some......Suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people.” 

- President Barack Obama

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32 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

I’m not big on the blame game. 



timschochet: "I play the blame game as much as anyone here"



ekbeats: "So Democrats want to ignore the laws on illegals coming in, but once they are here they want the laws changed to allow them to be citizens?  Pretty good racket."

timschochet: "Democrats are more to blame than Republicans for the situation we face. Republicans are generally opposed to illegal immigration, but Democrats had the power to grant a path to citizenship in 2009. They did not do so because they are scared and also because they want to continue to use this issue to garner support among Latinos, but not lose white labor votes. Between the two parties it’s the Democrats who IMO have behaved more shamefully."

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10 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Globalism is inevitable. And it means freedom. The opposite of globalism is slavery. 

Slavery vs freedom huh?

The corporate media loves Lula and Hamas who both despise the US and the west. Meanwhile this guy is seemingly fully oriented to the west and the corporate media hates him.

I know you like to claim fealty to western values which would seem to mean we have something in common but I would go mad trying to square these circles. I never have to jump through loops to deal with such logical inconsistencies, its all pretty straightforward and I find it easy-peasy to be an advocate for America and American values. I don't know how you handle it.

Yours is the side of slavery.

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6 hours ago, Voltaire said:

Slavery vs freedom huh?

The corporate media loves Lula and Hamas who both despise the US and the west. Meanwhile this guy is seemingly fully oriented to the west and the corporate media hates him.

I know you like to claim fealty to western values which would seem to mean we have something in common but I would go mad trying to square these circles. I never have to jump through loops to deal with such logical inconsistencies, its all pretty straightforward and I find it easy-peasy to be an advocate for America and American values. I don't know how you handle it.

Yours is the side of slavery.

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds ...

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7 hours ago, Voltaire said:

Slavery vs freedom huh?

The corporate media loves Lula and Hamas who both despise the US and the west. Meanwhile this guy is seemingly fully oriented to the west and the corporate media hates him.

I know you like to claim fealty to western values which would seem to mean we have something in common but I would go mad trying to square these circles. I never have to jump through loops to deal with such logical inconsistencies, its all pretty straightforward and I find it easy-peasy to be an advocate for America and American values. I don't know how you handle it.

Yours is the side of slavery.

100%  :thumbsup:

The Party of slavery, antisemitism, anticapitalism and anti-free speech is the Democrat Party.  The pretzel logic they come up with to deny any of that is simply amazing.

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1 hour ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

100%  :thumbsup:

The Party of slavery, antisemitism, anticapitalism and anti-free speech is the Democrat Party.  The pretzel logic they come up with to deny any of that is simply amazing.

Modern Liberalism is indeed all of this, and has evolved into a religion of hate....and yet still seems intent to defend itself as some kind of moral entity.  They essentially mirror radical Islam

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8 minutes ago, RLLD said:

Modern Liberalism is indeed all of this, and has evolved into a religion of hate....and yet still seems intent to defend itself as some kind of moral entity.  They essentially mirror radical Islam

I think the cracks are showing. In backing Hamas, we have some massive hypocrisy to point out if/when they go back to whining about micro-aggressions.

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1 hour ago, Voltaire said:

I think the cracks are showing. In backing Hamas, we have some massive hypocrisy to point out if/when they go back to whining about micro-aggressions.

Micro-aggressions, hell, the truly enlightened have now been trained to detect pending future infinetesimal unpleasantries, or worse failure to affirmatively anticipate the emotional state of a democrat and to positively bolster it no matter the cost to oneself.

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1 hour ago, Voltaire said:

I think the cracks are showing. In backing Hamas, we have some massive hypocrisy to point out if/when they go back to whining about micro-aggressions.

Yes, but they realized very quickly they were caught....and some of them are standing up to the radicals.  You see, their radicals are shock troops.....and are permitted to do vile things while liberals smirk and pretend not to notice....but when it hurts their potential access to power, they merely take a more central position.

Interestingly, they do not yet appreciate the genie they have been in bed with....nor the consequences of the allowance for evil as it was useful to them......

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I saw some posting on EX suggesting he is both a WEF and 'worse' schill  ... Maybe we should temper expectations ...

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Sign me up for "far right extremist" please.

The haircut worked better in the 1970s when Michael Palin wore it though.

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Still, perhaps nothing has raised more questions about the President-elect’s mental acuity and fitness to lead than the widely-reported (and ridiculed) matter of whom he turns to for advice: Conan, Murray, Milton, Robert, and Lucas. They were the first people he thanked when he finished first in the country’s presidential primaries in August—except they’re not really people.

“Who else?” he said. “My four-legged children,” referring to his five dogs whom he has called “the best strategists.”


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It all started when Milei adopted an English mastiff named Conan, a reference to the 1982 film Conan the Barbarian, in 2004. González, the Argentinian journalist and unofficial Milei biographer, wrote in the Buenos Aires Timesthat the pet became, in Milei’s words, his “true and greatest love” and that Milei came to see Conan as “literally his son.” Milei, who is never-married and childless, has credited the 200-pound dog with being his closest friend and confidante and sticking by his side through difficult and lonely times.

Read More: Why Dogs and Humans Love Each Other More Than Anyone Else

When Conan died in 2017, Milei reportedly visited a medium to communicate with his late beloved pet. It was in that telepathic conversation, Milei has said, that Conan relayed God’s mission for him to become President of Argentina. According to Argentina’s La Nacion newspaper, Milei believes that he and Conan first met in a previous life more than 2,000 years ago as a gladiator and lion in the Roman Colosseum and that the pair did not fight because they were destined to join forces in the future (which he believes was a prophecy of his animal-influenced presidential campaign).

In 2018, Milei went on to pay about $50,000, according to Reuters and the New York Times, to U.S. company PerPETuate to clone Conan using his DNA, something Milei had reportedly been planning to do for some time. The procedure resulted in five puppies, whom Milei named after the original Conan and the economists Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, and Robert Lucas. Milei regularly refers to the current clone Conan as his son—and doesn’t distinguish him from the original Conan—and the other four dogs as his “grandchildren.”

González and other Argentine news outlets have reported that Milei seeks counsel from his dogs on matters of his campaign, policy, and more. In an August interview with Spanish newspaper 20minutos, González said that Milei “is convinced that the dogs advise him in different areas: one in politics, another in economics, another gives him general advice.” González added that he is worried about such an “unstable leader” in an already “unstable” Argentina: “This man who would command the fate of the country wakes up each day, does medium sessions with the dogs, and then makes a decree based on that. It’s very shocking.”

When asked by The Economist in September about the reports of his unconventional canine cabinet, Milei didn’t deny it, responding with seeming pride: “What is it they say, that my dogs determine my strategies, yes? That they are like a strategic committee? They are the best strategic committee in the world. Tell me: when has an outsider-outsider achieved what we achieved in two years? If so, they are the best political analysts in the world.”

Link :unsure: 

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Is there a single issue that the leftist bastards propose which does not involve the destruction of the family and individual rights and the advancement of a more powerful unchecked centralized authority.   Concentration of power in the hands if the elites is all they care about. 

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14 hours ago, jonmx said:

Is there a single issue that the leftist bastards propose which does not involve the destruction of the family and individual rights and the advancement of a more powerful unchecked centralized authority.   Concentration of power in the hands if the elites is all they care about. 

Komrade Stalin approves!

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On 11/20/2023 at 2:04 PM, The Real timschochet said:

Globalism is inevitable. And it means freedom. The opposite of globalism is slavery. 

What a retard 

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55 minutes ago, iam90sbaby said:

What a retard 

The only Jew who would cheer the Germans loading up the railroad cars.   Does he not realize how the elites he so blindly supports do not give a crap about average human beings?   It has to be ignorance and naivity.   They would wipe 4 billion people off the face of the earth if they could and those who support a Jewish state would be amongst the first to go.   

These globalist bastards he so supports write papers and endorse ideas such as 

- population reduction.

- elimination of meat eating replaced by bugs.

- elimation of fossil fuel consumption.

- elimination of private property ownership and everyone living in very condensed uniform living quarters 

- controlling of news and speech.

Of course these are all whacky conspiracy theories, which they write papers about in their think tanks, discuss in the high level globalist meetings and plot out how they can implement by 2030.   The idea that globalist supports freedoms in any way is probably the stupidest notion Tim ever typed, and that is a very f-ing high bar to cross.  

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2 hours ago, jonmx said:

The only Jew who would cheer the Germans loading up the railroad cars.   Does he not realize how the elites he so blindly supports do not give a crap about average human beings?   It has to be ignorance and naivity.   They would wipe 4 billion people off the face of the earth if they could and those who support a Jewish state would be amongst the first to go.   

Even by your standards that is a horrible thing to say,

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37 minutes ago, squistion said:

Even by your standards that is a horrible thing to say,

I am so sick of this stupidity marching us towards an authoritarian state while the bootlickers are calling everyone trying to stop it fascists.   It is not like they hide their agenda for anyone spending 5 minutes outside their mind-numbing propaganda called mainstream media


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In 2020 Argentina passed a law for rentals that demolished proprietor's rights and thousands of properties were taken off market. Those people were paying the expenses of having an vacant apartment rather than exposing themselves to the risk of renting them.

With Milei’s decree deregulating the housing market, the supply of rental units in Buenos Aires has doubled - with prices falling by 20%


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5 hours ago, Dizkneelande said:

In 2020 Argentina passed a law for rentals that demolished proprietor's rights and thousands of properties were taken off market. Those people were paying the expenses of having an vacant apartment rather than exposing themselves to the risk of renting them.

With Milei’s decree deregulating the housing market, the supply of rental units in Buenos Aires has doubled - with prices falling by 20%


That’s good. Libertarian ideas do work. Capitalism works. Hopefully he sticks to this sort of thing and stays away from the other stuff that’s not so good. 

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On 1/14/2024 at 2:39 PM, The Real timschochet said:

That’s good. Libertarian ideas do work. Capitalism works. Hopefully he sticks to this sort of thing and stays away from the other stuff that’s not so good. 

Go figure



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2 hours ago, Maximum Overkill said:

Go figure




Are you implying he impacted inflation in 3 months?

Mind boggling how stupid MAGA is.

And he created a budget surplus in 3 months too huh?


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