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Harrison Butker, geek club hero

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Best part of that whole story, when he talks about being blessed by God, I hope he’s accepted Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior   



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I'd offer to buy a jersey, but then people would think I liked the Chiefs.

(I don't dislike the Chiefs, they're in a 31-way tie for second place).

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Interesting how someone starts a thread on a FOOTBALL board and can't even spell the player's name correctly. 

At least Yahoo sports got his name right. :rolleyes:

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hes not lying, women are much happier being moms

of course liberal men can't get those women so

they get these miserable blue haired blame everyone pieces of crap, or that spend their lives in the working world, only to live in misery


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3 hours ago, weepaws said:

Best part of that whole story, when he talks about being blessed by God, I hope he’s accepted Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior   



Oh yeah, I’m guessing you agreed with himzzzYou religious nut jobs and making sure you have submissive women

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2 minutes ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:

hes not lying, women are much happier being moms

Moms, or stay at home moms? 

Funny when kickers try to act tough

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Only because the buttkicker kicks fg and wins super bowls :banana:

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This is getting hype on my Facebook feed, of course.   It isn't like anyone can afford to live off one income anymore anyway, so it's a moot point (unless you make millions kicking footballs).

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9 hours ago, GutterBoy said:

Bro getting some heat

For what, being right or for being honest? 

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6 hours ago, TimHauck said:

Moms, or stay at home moms? 

Funny when kickers try to act tough

How is he trying to act tough and what did he say that's so shocking 😲 to to you?? 

Everyone Woman wants to be in a position of security to where they can chose to work or not. That's why rich guys get the hot Women, and guys like you have 300 lb, blue haired, fat pale girls who complains about climate change all day. 

It's all relative. 

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5 hours ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:


No way, I’d say it’s no more than 50% that actually want to be a “homemaker.”  Many want to have a career, and a lot of hot gold diggers don’t want to have a career or do much of anything around the house.  Tons of hot wives of wealthy people that also have nannies or au pairs. 

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36 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

How is he trying to act tough and what did he say that's so shocking 😲 to to you?? 

He said being gay is a deadly sin lol

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5 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

He said being gay is a deadly sin lol

So what? That's his belief, it's words. 


You Liberals crack me up. 

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He said IVF and surrogacy “stem from pervasiveness of disorder,” lol

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43 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

No way, I’d say it’s no more than 50% that actually want to be a “homemaker.”  Many want to have a career, and a lot of hot gold diggers don’t want to have a career or do much of anything around the house.  Tons of hot wives of wealthy people that also have nannies or au pairs. 

Hysterical how the uneducated, neck incels who prostrate themselves to an orange idiot know exactly what women want.

Newsflash necks, educated and secure women want different things than GED, trailer park trash who want nothing more than to eat bon bons in their trailer waiting for their man to come home from the shop.

And secure men support secure women, which is why you insecure cultist can't fathom a woman having her own goals.

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Like I said, take it from where it comes. Weak men and mouthy women with issues. Disregard them. They don’t rate. 

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1 minute ago, BeachGuy23 said:

Hysterical how the uneducated, neck incels who prostrate themselves to an orange idiot know exactly what women want.

Newsflash necks, educated and secure women want different things than GED, trailer park trash who want nothing more than to eat bon bons in their trailer waiting for their man to come home from the shop.

And secure men support secure women, which is why you insecure cultist can't fathom a woman having her own goals.


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7 hours ago, RaiderHaters Revenge said:

hes not lying, women are much happier being moms

of course liberal men can't get those women so

they get these miserable blue haired blame everyone pieces of crap, or that spend their lives in the working world, only to live in misery


And feminists admitted as much in the 70's this was the debate between Simone de Beauvoir and Betty Friedan; with Friedan asserting that women should have the choice to work and  de Beauvoir countering that she felt women should be compelled....because given a choice they would usually pick to be a mom in the home....

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Of course we have a bunch of men telling women what makes them happy, and of course it's serving men. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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2 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

Of course we have a bunch of men telling women what makes them happy, and of course it's serving men. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Simone de Beauvoir was a woman, a prominent feminist, but also rather smart.....and understood women.

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2 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

Of course we have a bunch of men telling women what makes them happy, and of course it's serving men. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

The dude went to a college graduation and told half of them they just wasted 4 years and $200k, lolololol

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Wait a sec...  I thought Ron_Artest was Gutter.  Gutter started this thread and now Ron is responding??? 

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5 minutes ago, DonS said:

Wait a sec...  I thought Ron_Artest was Gutter.  Gutter started this thread and now Ron is responding??? 

Based on the quality of their posts I inferred they might all be in the same middle school class, and post based on what the teacher is presenting that day

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6 minutes ago, DonS said:

Wait a sec...  I thought Ron_Artest was Gutter.  Gutter started this thread and now Ron is responding??? 

Like I was saying about weak men. This one is quite childish as well. 

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15 minutes ago, Ron_Artest said:

Of course we have a bunch of men telling women what makes them happy, and of course it's serving men. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

And women wanting to be moms doesn't mean they want to be chained to some some mouth breathing, uneducated wrench turner to get by in life.

Secure women many times want a family AND their own identity and career.

Insecure cultist have zero clue how to handle strong women.  Insecure cultist can only relate to weak women.

Y'all deserve each other. 

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14 minutes ago, RLLD said:

Simone de Beauvoir was a woman, a prominent feminist, but also rather smart.....and understood women.

It was also 50 years ago. A lot has changed.

It was a dumb comment by Harrison. But he’s a religious nut and those people want their women to be submissive. Not surprising.

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Just now, cyclone24 said:

It was also 50 years ago. A lot has changed.

It was a dumb comment by Harrison. But he’s a religious nut and those people want their women to be submissive. Not surprising.

A large part of the problem is that conservative men are falling way behind educated liberals and are threatened by them.  So they double down on wanting their women to stay subservient and give them a sense of power since uneducated, conservative men don't have power in their work lives as they're either cogs or wrench turners. 

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Just now, cyclone24 said:

It was also 50 years ago. A lot has changed.

It was a dumb comment by Harrison. But he’s a religious nut and those people want their women to be submissive. Not surprising.

The points raised remain relevant.

Scandinavia really got into this, and they chose the Friedan approach.....let women decide for themselves....and the gender differences haven’t disappeared. In fact they are more stark than in other developed countries.   

de Beauvoir knew this would be the case because she understood the development of humans, and we naturally gravitate toward hierarchies....

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1 hour ago, Maximum Overkill said:

So what? That's his belief, it's words. 


You Liberals crack me up. 

He talked about how glad he was that his wife “converted to the faith.” Kinda sounds like something a groomer would say

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Catholics are the ones pushing “dangerous gender ideologies”?  And he’s not saying Biden was responsible for Covid lockdowns is he?


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16 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Like I was saying about weak men. This one is quite childish as well. 

Sometimes you'll find the two responding to each other's posts as well.  :lol:

What a d0uche.  

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11 minutes ago, BeachGuy23 said:

A large part of the problem is that conservative men are falling way behind educated liberals and are threatened by them.  So they double down on wanting their women to stay subservient and give them a sense of power since uneducated, conservative men don't have power in their work lives as they're either cogs or wrench turners. 

Wow. The level of snobbery in this post is other level. 

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2 minutes ago, Fumbleweed said:

Wow. The level of snobbery in this post is other level. 

Read that carefully..... that is the mindset of many on the left....they believe this to their core...... this is what cults develop

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I don't see anything wrong with what he said.  :dunno:

Women have been sold a bunch of lies with feminism and it haunts most of them once they reach their 30's when they're childless and alone.  Feminists like to "say" it's a choice between motherhood and work, but those that choose motherhood are shamed for it by those very same feminists so, yeah, "choice" is not really an option in the feminist world.

Of course, the weak and spineless beta soy boy male trash like Gutterboy and his Power Twink buddy BeachGhey who like to be dominated by women will lose their bacon, but they're weak and spineless soy boy males so EVERYTHING fake outrages them.  :lol:

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2 minutes ago, RLLD said:

Read that carefully..... that is the mindset of many on the left....they believe this to their core...... this is what cults develop

Cults worship a single man or deity.  Like you guys with Trump.

Exactly who do liberals worship?  Who do liberals fly flags to?  Sink boats to?  Attack our capital for?

GTFO with your talk of cults when you people don't even know how to think without Trump telling you.

"The election was stolen and rigged!!"


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