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Official Geek Club Poll

Best Sitcom Ever  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. In your opinion, which one of these is the best sitcom ever?

    • Seinfeld
    • Mash
    • Cheers
    • Arrested Development
    • All in the Family
    • Friends
    • Frasier
    • Cosby
    • Roseanne
    • other

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I had to choose "non cartoon" because Family Guy and The Simpsons are fantastic but not true sitcoms. If it's "other" what else would it be? I thought about adding Wings, The Bob Newhart Show and Happy Days. Anyhow, go ahead and vote.

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I would vote for Scrubs over many of those, but I would have still chosen Seinfeld. :thumbsup:

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I would vote for Scrubs over many of those, but I would have still chosen Seinfeld. :thumbsup:


Oh yeah...Scrubs. Good one. Should I add it?

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Arrested Development.


Honorable mention, off the top of my head...


Married With Children

Night Court

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Lucky Louie

Eastbound and Down



News Radio

The Norm Show


The Cosby Show is in my not so humble opinion the worst sitcom of all time. Never funny, never interesting, never anything other that rotten garbage.

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I realize it's two seasons does not compare to most of these, but Big Bang Theory is already on the top of my list.

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Wow. Blowout so far.


Also I went with Seinfeld.

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Seinfeld [ 12 ] ** [70.59%] Never watched it

Mash [ 0 ] ** [0.00%] was ok

Cheers [ 1 ] ** [5.88%] greta show

Arrested Development [ 2 ] ** [11.76%] meh

All in the Family [ 0 ] ** [0.00%] best of these by far

Friends [ 0 ] ** [0.00%] never watched it

Frasier [ 0 ] ** [0.00%] never watched it

Cosby [ 1 ] ** [5.88%] was ok

Roseanne [ 0 ] ** [0.00%] hated it

other [ 1 ] ** [5.88%]

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Arrested Development.


Honorable mention, off the top of my head...


Married With Children #1

Night Court Good call

Curb Your Enthusiasm Huh?

Lucky Louie Double huh?

Eastbound and DownTriple huh?

Scrubs kinda funny

Taxi Obvious crassic

News RadioBack to the huh? catagory

The Norm Show whatever huh?


The Cosby Show is in my not so humble opinion the worst sitcom of all time. Never funny, never interesting, never anything other that rotten garbage.


You pretty much suck at this.




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You pretty much suck at this.



I tried to come up with sitcoms the original poster missed, while being a bit unsober. I'm disappointed I forgot about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and The Office.


Married With Children (#1)

Night Court (Good call)

Curb Your Enthusiasm (Huh?)

Lucky Louie (Double huh?)

Eastbound and Down (Triple huh?)

Scrubs (kinda funny)

Taxi (Obvious crassic)

News Radio (Back to the huh? catagory)

The Norm Show (whatever huh?)


Let's explore your commentary with my commentary.


Everybody loves Married With Children. Next.


Night Court, one of the most underrated comedies of all time. John Larroquette was a genius. No arguing yet. Next.


Curb Your Enthusiasm is on HBO and no doubt you can't afford a premium cable channel. He is and was the creator and driving force of Seinfeld. And he took that formula and created an even better show, mostly improvisational scenes, and cringe humor at it's finest, peerless other than maybe Ricky Gervais.


Lucky Louie was on HBO as well. Not only are Jim Norton and Louie CK among the top 5 comedians working today, the humor of the "sitcom" was so biting and dark, it was a polarizing show to critics and viewers. Canceled after one season, despite rating that were improving every single week.


Eastbound and Down was just on HBO this year, and will return for a 2nd season. Danny McBride is not only starring in Seth Rogen and Will Ferrell movies now, he took his character in this show to legendary status. Kenny Powers is already a legendary character.


Scrubs. Everybody seems to like Scrubs. Next.


Taxi was only on for 4 seasons, but the cast was terrific and the characters resonate to this day. Danny Devito, Andy Kaufman, and Christopher Lloyd played three of the greatest sitcom characters ever, and this show should have been in the original poll in this thread.


You really have to go back and watch NewsRadio, like I have been on DVDs. Not only is the show loaded with an incredibly good cast, it's a very funny show that a lot of other shows seemed to borrow from. It felt like a trailblazing sitcom, derailed just before it's 5th season, when Phil Hartman got murdered. It's a genuinely very funny, but underrated show.


I threw in The Norm Show since I am a big fan of Norm MacDonald's humor, the show had a pretty solid cast, and made me laugh. Due to bickering behind the scenes, it may never come to DVD. It lasted for at least 2 seasons. Call it a homer pick.

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groundbreaking and socially/culturally relevant at the time and holds true today. it paved the way for all other comedies listed and not listed. it allowed us such "treasures" as married with children. it pushed the envelope for what tv could and should be. smart jokes as well as sight gags. and a stellar cast. any other vote is wrong. :overhead:


honorable mention to arrested development which is much the same vein, poking fun at society and family and yet still applauding its worth and intrinsic value. freakin brilliant.



also also, taxi and newsradio - i agree with phillybear


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groundbreaking and socially/culturally relevant at the time and holds true today. it paved the way for all other comedies listed and not listed. it allowed us such "treasures" as married with children. it pushed the envelope for what tv could and should be. smart jokes as well as sight gags. and a stellar cast. any other vote is wrong. :unsure:




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I tried to come up with sitcoms the original poster missed, while being a bit unsober. I'm disappointed I forgot about It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and The Office.


Married With Children (#1)

Night Court (Good call)

Curb Your Enthusiasm (Huh?)

Lucky Louie (Double huh?)

Eastbound and Down (Triple huh?)

Scrubs (kinda funny)

Taxi (Obvious crassic)

News Radio (Back to the huh? catagory)

The Norm Show (whatever huh?)


Let's explore your commentary with my commentary.


Everybody loves Married With Children. Next.


Night Court, one of the most underrated comedies of all time. John Larroquette was a genius. No arguing yet. Next.


Curb Your Enthusiasm is on HBO and no doubt you can't afford a premium cable channel.


Says the dork who can't afford a digital camera :shocking:

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I'm glad to see the responses to my poll. I agree with some of the honorable mentions. Among my favorites that I considered are Scrubs, The Office, News Radio and Taxi. I wouldn't put Married with Children anywhere near a top ten list. The show was too low brow humor and while I appreciated the effort, not my cup of tee. Same with some of Philly's choices of Lucky Louie and Norm McDonald. I liked both of them but no way are they top ten to me. Not even close. I would rather watch many other shows before them. Also, somebody mentioned Big Bang Theory and I completely agree. Very, very funny show. I also would throw in New Adventures of Old Christine, Two and a Half Men and How I met your Mother. All very clever, well acted and great writing. That is all. Thank you for participating.

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voted for seinfeld, but mostly bcoz that is my personal favorite.


have to include I Love Lucy on that list though.

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I just don't get the love for Seinfeld. It was a decent show when it was on, but it certainly does not hold up over time. I can't watch the reruns at all. The show is very, very dated.

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i dont even undersand how anyone could put a cancelled hbo show on the list. apparently not so dreat. and those hbo "legendary" characters, hey i am sure you love them, but that doesnt make them great or legendary. How about Laverne and Shirley the only show EVAH to debut at #1. How bout Gilligan the only show to be cancelled despite being #1. Green Acres


alsoitisatipthatsteveurkelwastheshiznit :thumbsup:







i voted 4 cheers

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Im one of the mash votes. I watch it all the time and can tell you whats gonna happen in the episode after watching it for a min or so.

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I just don't get the love for Seinfeld. It was a decent show when it was on, but it certainly does not hold up over time. I can't watch the reruns at all. The show is very, very dated.


Obviously, you are in the minority. I don't know a single soul that prefers shows like Lucky Louie and Norm MacDonald over the truly great ones. Lets face it Philly. You're an odd duck.

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I just don't get the love for Seinfeld. It was a decent show when it was on, but it certainly does not hold up over time. I can't watch the reruns at all. The show is very, very dated.


Wow....I completely disagree. To me, it's one of the few sitcoms that does hold up over time.



By the way, Barney Miller should be put up for consideration.

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i dont even undersand how anyone could put a cancelled hbo show on the list. apparently not so dreat. and those hbo "legendary" characters, hey i am sure you love them, but that doesnt make them great or legendary. How about Laverne and Shirley the only show EVAH to debut at #1. How bout Gilligan the only show to be cancelled despite being #1. Green Acres


alsoitisatipthatsteveurkelwastheshiznit :(

i voted 4 cheers


Laverne and Shirley. Gilligan's Island. Green Acres.


Awful. Awful. Awful.


If you ever watch them from today's perspective, you have to be convinced that TV writers were on crack. The concepts and wrting along with the acting was just brutal.


Kenny Powers is legendary. He throws the ball faster than fock. Why give 100% when doingt 35% will get you laid and paid?

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Wow....I completely disagree. To me, it's one of the few sitcoms that does hold up over time.

By the way, Barney Miller should be put up for consideration.


I think Curb Your Enthusiasm completely destroyed any good memories I had of Seinfield. Curb is such a superior show, Seinfeld reruns bore me to tears.


Barney Miller reminded me of WKRP in Cincinnati, another good one for consideration.


Maybe this poll needs to be completely redone. And MASH sucks a big hairy chode.

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I think Curb Your Enthusiasm completely destroyed any good memories I had of Seinfield. Curb is such a superior show, Seinfeld reruns bore me to tears.


Barney Miller reminded me of WKRP in Cincinnati, another good one for consideration.


Maybe this poll needs to be completely redone. And MASH sucks a big hairy chode.


Barney Miller was an amazingly funny show, as was WKRP. No reason to re-do the poll. The ones on there are solid choices. In hindsight, I may have added a few but Lucky Louie and your other horrible choices will never make anybody's list. Also, I have seen every Curb episode and it doesn't do it for me. It's meh at best. Seriously, what the heck is wrong with you? MASH sucks? Really? Considered one of the greatest sitcoms on almost everybody's list but it sucks? Good Grief Charlie Brown. Of all the Charlie Browns in the world, you're the Charlie Browniest.

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You forgot to say "away" again.



all the guys like her. oh man that episode was sooooo wrong. did you see the dvd where jason and justine were talking about doing those scenes? so awkward!!! but great for comedy.



as for the rest of this thread... :pointstosky:

seinfeld? seriously? oh on 2nd thought... a buncha whiney self righteous self absorbed do nothings who think they're really funny... hmmmm makes perfect sense! :rolleyes:

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all the guys like her. oh man that episode was sooooo wrong. did you see the dvd where jason and justine were talking about doing those scenes? so awkward!!! but great for comedy.



as for the rest of this thread... :thumbsdown:

seinfeld? seriously? oh on 2nd thought... a buncha whiney self righteous self absorbed do nothings who think they're really funny... hmmmm makes perfect sense! :rolleyes:


You're right. Because it's only the FFT guys that think Seinfeld is the best sitcom ever. :rolleyes:

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You're right. Because it's only the FFT guys that think Seinfeld is the best sitcom ever. :ninja:


:o are yo uimplying that you think i was referring to the FFT geeks??

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NO clue why they ended Seinfeld so early. It was the #1 show on TV and None of the actors did anything else! Kramer - only thing he did was go on a racist rant , George - bit parts , Elaine - after a few bombs hit a good show with Christine - Jerry and Larry did well but thats it. They should of kept going for like 5 more years

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