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Vick haters from years past

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The end of the 2010-2011 NFL season is fast approaching. For those Vick haters in years past, what are your thoughts now about Vick. Do you think he still sucks as a NFL quarterback. Were you wrong in judging him when he was with the dirty bird team which had no supporting cast. And if you thought he would never be a 'good' NFL quarter back, what has this season proved to you?


I would love to hear what the haters in years past.

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For folks that like stats, here are the 8 games he started and completed this year.


2194 passing yards

15 passing TD



450 rushing yards

6 rushing TD

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I said it a few weeks ago in a thread on here. Mike Vick is transcending traditional fantasy thought and is becoming a top 3 2011 pick in redraft leagues. The guy is a #1 QB and #1 RB combined in one package.

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I always said Vick would never win a championship. He just wasn't a top notch NFL QB. He's definitely more mature and humble. I don't know if that's from his time in the klink or if it's his situation in Philly but he's developed patience in the pocket and when he does scramble, he's still looking to throw first and run second. He looks like a completely different player.

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It's amazing what you can achieve when you set aside torturing animals to concentrate on watching film and practicing.


He's still a focking scum bag that I'd never touch in a draft. I don't draft QB's early, but I'd take Rivers or Rogers over him if I did. Sure it's just fantasy football, but I just can't root for a guy like him.


PS. All three teams that have him in my leagues missed the playoff's. Karma imo. :cheers:

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The end of the 2010-2011 NFL season is fast approaching. For those Vick haters in years past, what are your thoughts now about Vick. Do you think he still sucks as a NFL quarterback. Were you wrong in judging him when he was with the dirty bird team which had no supporting cast. And if you thought he would never be a 'good' NFL quarter back, what has this season proved to you?


I would love to hear what the haters in years past.


No doubt i was one of the Vick haters i past. He looks like a QB now. But he is coming back to reality lately. :thumbsup:

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PS. All three teams that have him in my leagues missed the playoff's. Karma imo. :cheers:


Thats funny cause in my 2 big leagues the Vick owners also missed the playoffs :lol:


I traded Forte and Vick for Chris Johnson in week 3 and up until lately i thought i got a steal. But damm what i wouldnt give to have Vick and Forte right now over CJ and Matt Ryan :doh: But i think CJ rips Indy tomorrow night

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I'd like to get a better definition of "hater".

I've ALWAYS been entertained by Vick's athleticism: he's always been a player that draws me to a non-home-town-team game.


But Vick couldn't read defense, he wasn't an accurate passer, and he didn't manage the game well... and that was all part of what made him so exciting: every play was "fight or flight" drama resulting in either a breathtaking run or a flick-of-the-wrist 60 yard bomb.


The dog fighting only solidified any thinking that Vick was not dedicated, was immature, and a bad decision maker.


I'm all for his redemption today. I hope the guy has seen the light and is finally pairing his amazing athleticism with study, preparation, appreciation, and dedication to the game.

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I hope he dies in a fire, but I'm a UVA guy who's gay for puppies, so I have several long-standing grudges. He's been retardedly good this year. I think more teams will have answers for him next year--remember, nobody came into this season expecting to play against him--but he's clearly playing the best ball of his career.

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I think some praise must go to Andy Reid and the system. McNabb, Kolb (rook), and even a seasoned vet (Garthia) were fantasy gold playing as Eagles.


I think the only difference is more living dogs in Philly.

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I am not sure I would have called myself a hater, but I thought he was a bit of a disappointment in the past for many of the reasons listed above. You would watch games and say "this guy should be the best ever with his talent, but he obviously either doesn't have the wits to play or doesn't put in the proper effort."


He was cursed with being a bit of a dipshit with insane talent. A lot of those guys think that their talent will always get them by. Some times it does, but if you want to be great it doesn't. Guys like Manning, Brady, and Brees are not great because of talent. It is because they bust their balls off to continually try and improve. Vick didn't do that in the past.


Going to prison was very humbling for him and he obviously learned his lesson. I thought he was all done when he went to prison and had no shot at being a real QB ever again. I was way off. He has been outstanding this year and looks great. He is true difference maker and is currently my #2 pick for MVP (behind Brady).

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He sucked back then, he is good this year for sure but I want to see a full year of good play before im a buyer in the draft next year.

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It's amazing what you can achieve when you set aside torturing animals to concentrate on watching film and practicing.


He's still a focking scum bag that I'd never touch in a draft. I don't draft QB's early, but I'd take Rivers or Rogers over him if I did. Sure it's just fantasy football, but I just can't root for a guy like him.


I pretty much agree with all of this. I have a mutt that is prolly 1/2 or more pitbull that I found starving in the marsh as a puppy. She is the most loyal and gentle dog I ever had. Whenever I think of Vick I think of what someone like him would have done to this dog. As a Steeler fan I would root for the Pats or Ravens in the Superbowl over the eggels. You can not deny that he has unbelievable talent but I will NEVER root for this guy.

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I have a mutt that is prolly 1/2 or more pitbull that I found starving in the marsh as a puppy. She is the most loyal and gentle dog I ever had. Whenever I think of Vick I think of what someone like him would have done to this dog.


I'd euthanize your pos breed of a dog.



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I'd euthanize your pos breed of a dog.




Judging by your name I am guessing that you would try to go down on her first.

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Judging by your name, I'm surprised you can read. :dunno:



Gobble was a black lab. You know, Labrador Retrievers - known for being smart and loyal. Unlike pit bulls, they aren't known for mauling kids.

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What has he won? :dunno:


My only problem with Vick was I asked him to watch my dog one weekend while we were out of town and I never saw Rover again.

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Judging by your name, I'm surprised you can read. :dunno:



Gobble was a black lab. You know, Labrador Retrievers - known for being smart and loyal.Unlike pit bulls, they aren't known for mauling kids.


I always believed that too until I got this dog. She was about 5 lbs when I found her and had no idea what the breed was. I would not have kept her if I had known and that would have been a mistake because she is the most gentle dog. It is the owners that make them mean and aggressive.





...pit bulls make wonderful and loyal family companions. Like all dogs, they require intelligent, responsible, and dedicated ownership. Because of the breed’s undeserved negative media image, pit bull owners have to be even more careful and responsible than the average dog owner. They must also be aware of the myths (urban legends, really) surrounding their dogs. Owners must be well educated about bully breeds, because they will likely face comments from friends, families, and neighbors. Unfortunately, some people obtain pit bulls for the wrong reasons—to boost their own image, for dog fighting, or for backyard breeding—which makes life difficult for responsible owners.

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Still hate him. I admit he is more talented than I thought. It's almost like those two years in the federal slammer made him a better football player somehow. And he did pay his debt to society. But at the same time, I bet he faces a tough D in the playoffs and folds like a cheap card table. Vick and the Eagles won't even make it to the NFC Championship.

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Still hate him. I admit he is more talented than I thought. It's almost like those two years in the federal slammer made him a better football player somehow. And he did pay his debt to society. But at the same time, I bet he faces a tough D in the playoffs and folds like a cheap card table. Vick and the Eagles won't even make it to the NFC Championship.


I think it may be him maturing as a player. When he was with ATL he thought he could do it all. Now he relies on the team more. I agree about him paying his debt and deserving a chance to come back into the league. I just still can not stand him and will always root against him. I believe if he was not busted he would not have changed. He seemed more sorry to be caught than sorry for what he was doing.

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I believe if he was not busted he would not have changed. He seemed more sorry to be caught than sorry for what he was doing.


That has been my impression as well. I'm not sure he possesses the self-awareness to ever be truly sorry for what he did.

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That has been my impression as well. I'm not sure he possesses the self-awareness to ever be truly sorry for what he did.

At the time, one of the defenses that either he or people defending him used is "it is how he was raised." If that is the case I doubt that he all of the sudden in his heart, he changed his view on dog fighting. Unlike many other players he is smart enough to know where his bread is buttered and I think football means more to him than anything else. He has learned first hand how far you can fall by doing something stupid. I hope that he stays out of trouble and has a long career but on the field I will always root against him and any team he plays for.

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Jim Mora Jr is a focking moron of a head coach. Atlanta won despite his genius. Andy Reid is somewhat less retarded than Mora, so Vick is doing better for now.


I've supported Vick ever since he got that bum deal with the government. Dogs kill more people every year than terrorists. It's time that we support the extermination of all dogs on this planet, or at least hunt and kill them and use them for food like the filthy, insect infested, disease carrying, violent, child biting, feces littering garbage that they are. Michael Vick was a humanitarian doing the world a huge favor.

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Judging by your name, I'm surprised you can read. :dunno:



Gobble was a black lab. You know, Labrador Retrievers - known for being smart and loyal. Unlike pit bulls, they aren't known for mauling kids.


Pit bulls are actually terrific dogs if they're raised the right way. They're extremely smart and very loyal to their owners. They are territorial with other dogs but that's no different than huskies and other breeds. Pit bulls have a bad rap because they're the breed that's most often abused by owners. Of about 100 dogs last time I went to my local SPCA, at least half of them were pit bulls and most of them were either neglected (malnourished with mange) or outright fought and abused (missing ears and other injuries). They're otherwise a terrific breed.


I have a boston terrier, by the way. :cheers:


Anyway, this thread is dumb. Who could blame people here for thinking Vick sucked in the past? He did. Vick was a terrific athlete who couldn't read a defense and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. To his credit, Vick has completely changed his game and he's now someone who can beat you with his arm or his legs. A lot of credit should also go to Andy Reid for coaching him up and putting him at the center of an offense that has a terrific young receiving corps and a great RB and TE.


I guess if, back in 2004 or something, you were predicting that Vick would one day develop into an elite QB then you were right and congrats. I just couldn't blame anyone for thinking he sucks back then, because he did.

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I've always been a fan of his athleticism and WOW factor as a football player. When he was in ATL, though, he was admittedly lazy and complacent and never tried to hone his craft. Now, after going through his literal trials and tribulations, he has dedicated himself to being a better football player. He's got great coaching, a great system, and great weapons at his disposal. Those factors, combined with his abilities and new-found dedication to football, make him The Michal Vick Experience that was marketed to us earlier in his career.


All those people who were down on him while he was in ATL were right. he's not the same player now he was then, though, so you can't really call anyone out for their opinions of him back then. Had all of this never happened to him, he would have never become the player he is right now, IMO.


For those that say he will 'come back down to Earth" or revert back to the old Mike Vick, you haven't been watching or reading the stories about this guy. First one in to the facility and last one to leave, he truly has rededicated himself. Whether or not that holds up is open for debate. I think it will because I believe he has "seen the light" so to speak about football and his career. He has played 2 of the toughest Ds in football 2 of the last 3 weeks and scored 19 and 24 fantasy pts in those games and he's averaging 30.2 pts/week (in my league's scoring). He produces no matter the opponent.


I own him in a 1 player keeper league (14 teams; 6 pts for passing TDs) and I have no hesitation about him being my keeper next year. RBs are much easier to find and WRs can be had in the first few rounds.

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Jim Mora Jr is a focking moron of a head coach. Atlanta won despite his genius. Andy Reid is somewhat less retarded than Mora, so Vick is doing better for now.


I've supported Vick ever since he got that bum deal with the government. Dogs kill more people every year than terrorists. It's time that we support the extermination of all dogs on this planet, or at least hunt and kill them and use them for food like the filthy, insect infested, disease carrying, violent, child biting, feces littering garbage that they are. Michael Vick was a humanitarian doing the world a huge favor.


Leave it to phillybear to bring this to a whole nother level. Well done man.

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It's amazing what you can achieve when you set aside torturing animals to concentrate on watching film and practicing.


This :thumbsup:


Amazing what a stint in Federal pound you in the a$$ prison will do for your attention span and concept of reality. He used to be last in first out in practice and had zero work ethic. Maybe J. Russell should do a stint in prison.


As far as no supporting cast, give it a focking rest. No one doubted the guy had natural talent; us 'haters' doubted he'd ever live up to his potential which it seems he's beginning to do. Back in the day he was very inaccurate (I'm in Atlanta and saw a bunch of his games) and chose to run first as opposed to going through his reads. Now he's actually working at it and you see him able to hit guys in stride.

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The NFL is a joke, bunch of hypocrites. If a 3rd string lineman got caught killing dogs for sport, that player would be banned for life.

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The NFL is a joke, bunch of hypocrites. If a 3rd string lineman got caught killing dogs for sport, that player would be banned for life.


Or more realistically a 2 month jail sentence and probation and no suspension from the NFL.

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Was the question do I hate Vick the football player, or Vick the dog killer? Personally I didnt like the person he was when he was in Atlanta. He seemed very immature as a person and untrustworthy fantasy football wise. As for his treatment of animals, of coarse that was terrible and unnecessary. My Opinion is that whatever he did to the animals(dogs), we have far worse people in the NFL. Wife/Girlfriend beaters, rapist, and a player who committed vehicular homicide to name a few. I do have Vick on my FF team. Im very thankful for the successful season he has had. From a nonfootball point, I hope he has become the person he appears to be. I just need two more productive weeks from him (15,16).


Go Vick :clap:

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Wow, seems like folks are so glue to what he did in the past with the dog fighting and didn't even bother to look at his numbers.


"not able to read defenses"


The guy has 2 INT all season while throwing for 2,900+ yards. I would say he's done an adequate job in reading D.


"What has he won?"

Does winning a title dictates anything? Trent Dilfer won a title. Dan Marino didn't win one. Point is? Trent Dilfer is a better QB? ha!

Football is a team sport. Can anyone take a guess on what is Vick's winning % as a starting QB in this career?

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Call it maturity, call it focus, call it growth? Vick was never a great pocket passer or very accurate, but he seems to have developed the mental side of his game which is helping him throw the football like never before. We always knew he could run the ball, but his evolution into a complete package is something I don't think anyone saw coming. I'm still rather skeptical it's not a flash in the pan, but he'll make a believer out of me if he keeps it up the rest of this season and next.

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The NFL is a joke, bunch of hypocrites. If a 3rd string lineman got caught killing dogs for sport, that player would be banned for life.


Great insight. Read any Nils Lofgren letters lately?

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Wow, seems like folks are so glue to what he did in the past with the dog fighting and didn't even bother to look at his numbers.


"not able to read defenses"


The guy has 2 INT all season while throwing for 2,900+ yards. I would say he's done an adequate job in reading D.


"What has he won?"

Does winning a title dictates anything? Trent Dilfer won a title. Dan Marino didn't win one. Point is? Trent Dilfer is a better QB? ha!

Football is a team sport. Can anyone take a guess on what is Vick's winning % as a starting QB in this career?


Have you been reading?

The not able to read defenses was a knock against how he used to play.

I think most are saying he is doing better now and actually focused on football.

To say this is some vindication because people rightfully criticized him in the past is laughable.

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