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Serious WWYD?

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My friend who has a bit of a drug issue was over my house last night. He was going to do some painting for us, as I don't paint. He was there to see what he needed and how much paint etc.


long story short.


he was in my bathroom with the door shut and before he came out he made some fake coughing, moaning noises. I thought nothing of it, but I knew it was odd.


my girlfriend texted me, she knew he was there, so she checked and her entire bottle of percs is gone, but the empty bottle is still there. She had 12 of them from an operation like a year ago, just saving them for a rainy day or for whatever. he knew we had them, because I had given him 3 a few weeks back.


She saw them sunday night and no one else has been in the house.





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My friend who has a bit of a drug issue was over my house last night. He was going to do some painting for us, as I don't paint. He was there to see what he needed and how much paint etc.


long story short.


he was in my bathroom with the door shut and before he came out he made some fake coughing, moaning noises. I thought nothing of it, but I knew it was odd.


my girlfriend texted me, she knew he was there, so she checked and her entire bottle of percs is gone, but the empty bottle is still there. She had 12 of them from an operation like a year ago, just saving them for a rainy day or for whatever. he knew we had them, because I had given him 3 a few weeks back.


She saw them sunday night and no one else has been in the house.






Have him do the painting and then tell him he already paid himself with the pills

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Ask Dez Bryant if he wants his friend back...

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How good of a friend is he?


If it's a really good friend, I'd say "WTF dude?". If he said yes, I'd tell him how pissed you are and that if he ever steals from you again, yall are done. If he says no, then you gotta drop him.


If it's a so so friend, I'd simply tell him I don't need him to paint my house anymore because I'm thinking he took the pills. No big confrontation. Then I'd not worry about him anymore.


Or something along those lines.

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Have him do the painting and then tell him he already paid himself with the pills


he already owes me money, that is why he was doing the painting.


he has no job and he's just a sad person at this point in time. I feel bad for the guy, I can't help it. he's like my real life gocolts


I try and help him out all the time. For fock sakes I brought him to dinner last night, with a girl friend of ours :mad:

he had already taken them before we went to dinner.

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I know this sounds ass backwards but if it was my brother or really close friend, I would confront him in an effort to show how out of control his drug issue is that he would steal from his own friends. In an effort to try and change/help him.


However, by your post, this seems more like a casual friend. If so, I would let the issue go. He knows what he did was jacked up, and he obviously has issues. I wouldn't bring it up, but I would slowly and surely disassociate myself from this guy. Life's to short to hang around folks like that. I would let it slide off my back, while I let him slide out of my life.

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If your friend has a drug issue and you dont confront this OR if you give him money (via employment or whatever) all you are doing is enabling him and setting yourself up for some disappointment.

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I know you consider him a friend of yours, but I would not let him do the painting. He's going to rb you blind. The fact that he took pills that he has no idea if you or your girlfriend needs, shows that he has no regard for you or her. Not compared to his cravings for pain killers. If he stole them, he'd also steel material things from you to pawn off for drug money.

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...her entire bottle of percs is gone, but the empty bottle is still there. She had 12 of them from an operation like a year ago, just saving them for a rainy day or for whatever. he knew we had them, because I had given him 3 a few weeks back.






I'd turn myself in to the police for supplying prescription meds to a person other than that for whom they were prescribed. :music_guitarred:

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I'd turn myself in to the police for supplying prescription meds to a person other than that for whom they were prescribed. :music_guitarred:



Winner! :first:



Please turn yourself in immediately. thank you.



Id confront him about it.....hes going to lie anyway....but id still make him aware that you know. And i wouldnt come at an angle where you are angry and pissed.....but that you are hurt that he would take things from you when you've apparantly taken him in and cared for him....almost like the disappointed parent angle.

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I'd go to his place, excuse myself to use the bathroom, then replace his toothpaste with some sort of extreme x-lax substance. Or something along those lines.

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Winner! :first:



Please turn yourself in immediately. thank you.



Id confront him about it.....hes going to lie anyway....but id still make him aware that you know. And i wouldnt come at an angle where you are angry and pissed.....but that you are hurt that he would take things from you when you've apparantly taken him in and cared for him....almost like the disappointed parent angle.


I like this approach, but I'd wait until after he paints your house for you. :thumbsup:

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very proud of you geeks.


80%+ solid advice :thumbsup:


Still not sure what to do, but I appreciate the advice.


More of a casual friend, for sure.

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very proud of you geeks.


80%+ solid advice :thumbsup:


Still not sure what to do, but I appreciate the advice.


More of a casual friend, for sure.


Now that I have a wife and kid, I've found it pretty easy to de-prioritize any friendships that cause drama or stress. I've never disassociated myself from any of my long time friends per say, but there are several that have been relegated to just slightly above acquaintance status.


You have a wife and kid, so you know what I'm saying. Right?

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Now that I have a wife and kid, I've found it pretty easy to de-prioritize any friendships that cause drama or stress. I've never disassociated myself from any of my long time friends per say, but there are several that have been relegated to just slightly above acquaintance status.


You have a wife and kid, so you know what I'm saying. Right?



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you drug dealer :mad:


i totally forgot you for person i'd like to have a beer with. :cheers:

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I dont have friends that would steal drugs from me or even do it in the first place. honestly, whats the point. If you arent related to it or married to it, move on.

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Make him paint the house since he already owes you money. If possible get a lock box and hide all of your meds in there and don't leave him in the house alone. Don't give him any money...if he needs food and tells you it's for that...tell him you'll take him to the store, things like that. Talk to him and see if you can get him into rehab or something, but if it's not his decision it won't work.

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Make him paint the house since he already owes you money. If possible get a lock box and hide all of your meds in there and don't leave him in the house alone. Don't give him any money...if he needs food and tells you it's for that...tell him you'll take him to the store, things like that. Talk to him and see if you can get him into rehab or something, but if it's not his decision it won't work.



Thanks Debbie Downer.

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Thanks Debbie Downer.



How about you bite me? Or are you in on the cocaine is cool thread as well agreeing that it's such an awesome drug? I'm betting most of the people that think it's awesome have no sinuses left

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How about you bite me? Or are you in on the cocaine is cool thread as well agreeing that it's such an awesome drug? I'm betting most of the people that think it's awesome have no sinuses left



See smiley above my post, I'm yanking your leg....

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hide your ecstasy


if I had some and someone stole it..


then I would kill a b1tch.


I just don't like downers, that's why they were still there.

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I will hold on to your drugs for you.


I keep em in my ass

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1. He can't be trusted obviously, as he stole from you. No way I'd let that focker back in my house..unless you're prepared to follow him everywhere he goes.

2. That being said, you kind of started this whole mess by giving him a few pills in the past. Between that and the fact you knew he was an addict, you really shouldn't be surprised.

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1. He can't be trusted obviously, as he stole from you. No way I'd let that focker back in my house..unless you're prepared to follow him everywhere he goes.

2. That being said, you kind of started this whole mess by giving him a few pills in the past. Between that and the fact you knew he was an addict, you really shouldn't be surprised.


I'm not, but still.

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And you no notice when he stuck hand up you butt and stole pills?





Maybe he liked it...


oh and Mike Honcho I missed the smiley...and I'm kinda a Biitch anyway

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Pimp him out like James Spader did to Robert Downey Jr. in Less Than Zero


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