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The Party of sodomy,surrender,abortion and atheism never sleeps

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Already owning Hollywood, the world capital of depravity, and also spewing their immoral messages over TV every night is not enough. Now it's school textbooks and by extension, "official" confirmation of sodomy as just another freedom for the children. Note the usual lib buzz words peppered everywhere in the piece in an attempt to spray perfume all over this Dem sponsored, steaming pile of sh!t.


They wants the kids to be indoctrinated early


Decay from within has destroyed many cultures throughout history.

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The liberals want child-adult sex legal.That is their goal. :ninja: :mad: :wub:

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Since this thread will be filled with nothing but polarized ideas, I'll throw mine in:


That proposed bill sucks.

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:unsure: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:




YEAH FARTFISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Already owning Hollywood, the world capital of depravity, and also spewing their immoral messages over TV every night is not enough. Now it's school textbooks and by extension, "official" confirmation of sodomy as just another freedom for the children. Note the usual lib buzz words peppered everywhere in the piece in an attempt to spray perfume all over this Dem sponsored, steaming pile of sh!t.


They wants the kids to be indoctrinated early


Decay from within has destroyed many cultures throughout history.


Could you explain what you find so horrible about this?


Decay from within has destroyed many cultures throughout history? Since when has progress, diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and broad knowledge been the equivalent to decay?

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Could you explain what you find so horrible about this?


Decay from within has destroyed many cultures throughout history? Since when has progress, diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and broad knowledge been the equivalent to decay?


At the risk of coming off like a religious right nut job, I'll propose a different question: Since when has a man sticking his peemus up another man's pooper been the equivalent of progress, diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and broad knowledge?

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How about a leader, rising from a central state to national power, driven by his sectarian religous beliefs, who fights wars and causes thousands of American deaths over a mistake, while our national debt goes literally off the scale and internal disasters abound, met with feeble responses ... and so he is met with desention, even from those within his own cabinet that have resigned without warning.


Wouldn't that seem more like internal decay than just about anything else?

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Could you explain what you find so horrible about this?


Decay from within has destroyed many cultures throughout history? Since when has progress, diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and broad knowledge been the equivalent to decay?

some might argue that some of the ideologies you listed ARE decay. I think all historical figure should have thier preferences identified. George Wahington (hetero) crossed the Deleware. Abe Lincoln (prolly gay) freed teh slaves.

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At the risk of coming off like a religious right nut job, I'll propose a different question: Since when has a man sticking his peemus up another man's pooper been the equivalent of progress, diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and broad knowledge?


It is progress because homosexuals exist and have always existed. Why should we exclude them? There are cultures (Greeks) where homosexuality was the dominant and prefered orientation. There have been great homosexual warriors, leaders, and thinkers (Alexander the Great, Francis Bacon, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Richard the Lionhearted, etc). Why is acceptable to discriminate against these people? Why is it ok to deny their existance? We should give the students the facts and let them decide what to think of homosexuality.

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It is progress because homosexuals exist and have always existed. Why should we exclude them? There are cultures (Greeks) where homosexuality was the dominant and prefered orientation. There have been great homosexual warriors, leaders, and thinkers (Alexander the Great, Francis Bacon, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, Richard the Lionhearted, etc). Why is acceptable to discriminate against these people? Why is it ok to deny their existance? We should give the students the facts and let them decide what to think of homosexuality.


How exactly are these people you mentioned being "discriminated against" simply because students aren't being told they were faygs?


"Alexander the Great - conquered much of the civilized world - and he was gay!"


Why is it neccessary to mention he was homosexual? How does that have anything to do with his accomplishments? Maybe he liked to eat cheese, too. Is it discrimination against cheese producers if we leave that out?



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How exactly are these people you mentioned being "discriminated against" simply because students aren't being told they were faygs?


"Alexander the Great - conquered much of the civilized world - and he was gay!"


Why is it neccessary to mention he was homosexual? How does that have anything to do with his accomplishments? Maybe he liked to eat cheese, too. Is it discrimination against cheese producers if we leave that out?





Alexander the Great is not being discriminated against, its homosexuals that are. Perhaps if people are taught that homosexuality is not some disease that has sprung up in liberal America they might have more understanding, compassion, and respect for homosexuals. Why hide information about famous figures? Give the students the truth and let the students decide if their sexuality is important. Perhaps it would challenge someone's stereotypes about sexuality if they found out that one of the toughest, strongest, and fiercist military leaders in the history of the world was gay. The point of teaching history isn't so people can remember useless names and dates, it is to teach lessons about modern life and challenge minds to examine the issues of today.

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1. We are talking about school textbooks for children. Hollywood and mass media and college will give them the full blast later in life, when they might have some tools for comprehending the gay message. But for now, keep your disease ridden perverted life style away from the kids.


2. Kindly link us to the so called facts that Alex the Great and Abe Lincoln were gay. These are revisionist historical guessing games played by those pushing the gay agenda. Such so called historical facts are pulled from the anal cavity using the well known "anal extraction method" of academic research. And even if true, what relevance is there for a child to grasp? Should George Washington be called "The Hetro-Father of Our Country?" It's silly to claim the kids need such info for their education...unless that education includes homosexual indoctrination tactics.


3. Whenever you hear the words "progress, inclusive, diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and broad knowledge"...you can be sure that some lib-gay moral mishmash of rhetorical flashdancing is headed your way. Prepare to be underwhelmed.

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The great thing about our system of government is that if you don't like it, you never have to move to California. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there or Texas or Florida for cultural reasons. My guess is this gets shot down anyway, but who really cares if that's how Californians want to live?

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The great thing about our system of government is that if you don't like it, you never have to move to California. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there or Texas or Florida for cultural reasons. My guess is this gets shot down anyway, but who really cares if that's how Californians want to live?


And Philadelphia is a hotbed of diverse culture, yo.

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The great thing about our system of government is that if you don't like it, you never have to move to California. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there or Texas or Florida for cultural reasons. My guess is this gets shot down anyway, but who really cares if that's how Californians want to live?



Yep, us damn californians sure lead a focked up lifestyle...


MDC = jealous biotch

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And Philadelphia is a hotbed of diverse culture, yo.


Compared to Texas it is. Culture is almost directly proportionate to how liberal a city is. That's why Texas is known for stupid people and chain restaurants.

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The great thing about our system of government is that if you don't like it, you never have to move to California. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there or Texas or Florida for cultural reasons. My guess is this gets shot down anyway, but who really cares if that's how Californians want to live?

Besides people who already live there but disagree?

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"This is about pushing a blatant sexual agenda -- including sex changes that involve cutting off body parts -- upon impressionable schoolchildren as young as kindergarten," said Randy Thomasson, who heads the Campaign for Children and Families.


Homophobes are so dumb and funny! :lol:

I'm sure this guy's got a gay daughter!

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Homophobes are so dumb and funny! :lol:

I'm sure this guy's got a gay daughter!



I can change that :banana:



can size?

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Compared to Texas it is. Culture is almost directly proportionate to how liberal a city is. That's why Texas is known for stupid people and chain restaurants.


There are more liberals in Austin than in all of Pennsylvania, and just because some battery-chunking, mullet-sporting moron has a solitary cheesesteak stand on some filthy, crime-riddled corner of Shittsburg or Philthydelphia doesn't mean your worthless state is above it all in the unique culinary arts.


Besides, I don't consider culture to be limited to a bunch of queens, weirdos and abortion-rights activists screaming for their rights.


It is, after all, about culture, and I seriously doubt many states, if any, can touch the cultural melting pot that is Texas.

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There are more liberals in Austin than in all of Pennsylvania, and just because some battery-chunking, mullet-sporting moron has a solitary cheesesteak stand on some filthy, crime-riddled corner of Shittsburg or Philthydelphia doesn't mean your worthless state is above it all in the unique culinary arts.


Besides, I don't consider culture to be limited to a bunch of queens, weirdos and abortion-rights activists screaming for their rights.


It is, after all, about culture, and I seriously doubt many states, if any, can touch the cultural melting pot that is Texas.


While I dunno much about Tejas... I dig your style. You get the :thumbsup: for this post.

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While I dunno much about Tejas... I dig your style. You get the :thumbsup: for this post.




Funny, but I don't see a Pennsylvania city in the Top 10 for "most liberal" in these here United States.


I guess that means Pennsylvania ain't got no culture, mmmm, hmmmmm.



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I don't know about any of you, but I don't want to be classified because of sexual preference. Otherwise I'd be a blowjobexual. I mean who gives a crap how you take it, and why do you shout it from the rooftops? Who thinks they are special because of what they like sexually? I don't demand special treatment because of my sexual preferences.

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I think that MDC needs to quit the forums forever............................. again.

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I demand equal time for those whose sexual preference is pounding a warm cantaloupe. :thumbsup: :blink:

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I demand equal time for those whose sexual preference is pounding a warm cantaloupe. :argue: :cheers:




I'm going to have to try that some time.

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I'm going to have to try that some time.


That would be a swell feature story for the Buttmont Butt Bugle. Or at least a special interest piece. :argue:

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"This is about pushing a blatant sexual agenda -- including sex changes that involve cutting off body parts -- upon impressionable schoolchildren as young as kindergarten," said Randy Thomasson, who heads the Campaign for Children and Families.


Homophobes are so dumb and funny! :argue:

I'm sure this guy's got a gay daughter!


He was saying that the "transgender" thing was not for children. So this father is a homophobe and funny?


Thanks for making the point for me. The Gay Agenda has no conscience, hates the marriage of a man and a woman and wants the next generation to be as confused as they are. That is one crazy political platform. How many new votes do you expect to win?

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I'm sure all ya'll are well aware that sodomy, as it was defined by most statutes (including the recently overruled TX statute in Lawrence v. Texas) was written so it included fellatio...


...so suck on that next time you're so against sodomy.

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The great thing about our system of government is that if you don't like it, you never have to move to California. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live there or Texas or Florida for cultural reasons. My guess is this gets shot down anyway, but who really cares if that's how Californians want to live?


You might find more success peddling your awful stories there.

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1. We are talking about school textbooks for children. Hollywood and mass media and college will give them the full blast later in life, when they might have some tools for comprehending the gay message. But for now, keep your disease ridden perverted life style away from the kids.


2. Kindly link us to the so called facts that Alex the Great and Abe Lincoln were gay. These are revisionist historical guessing games played by those pushing the gay agenda. Such so called historical facts are pulled from the anal cavity using the well known "anal extraction method" of academic research. And even if true, what relevance is there for a child to grasp? Should George Washington be called "The Hetro-Father of Our Country?" It's silly to claim the kids need such info for their education...unless that education includes homosexual indoctrination tactics.


3. Whenever you hear the words "progress, inclusive, diversity, acceptance, tolerance, and broad knowledge"...you can be sure that some lib-gay moral mishmash of rhetorical flashdancing is headed your way. Prepare to be underwhelmed.



Well if your base beliefe is homosexuality is evil. So why again is it that homosexuality is a horrible sinful lifestyle? I will not accept quoting books written 2000 years ago by often unknown authors and since revised, picked and chosen from by people who have been linked to some the most cruel and dispicable acts in world history. Hows that for revisionist history?


I would provide links, but you would shoot down any website I offered. If you want to research it go ahead- you know how to use libraries, the internet, etc. I'm not going to waste my own time.

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Shouldn't controversal subject's like this be left to parents? I say just avoid the whole thing and stick to the basics... math and english.

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