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Pat Robertson Says God Told Him That Storms Will

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VIRGINIA BEACH (AP) — In another in a series of notable pronouncements, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says God told him storms and possibly a tsunami will hit America's coastline this year.

Robertson has made the predictions at least four times in the past two weeks on his news-and-talk television show "The 700 Club" on the Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded.


Robertson said the revelations about this year's weather came to him during his annual personal prayer retreat in January.


"If I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will be lashed by storms," Robertson said May 8. On Wednesday, he added, "There well may be something as bad as a tsunami in the Pacific Northwest."


Robertson has come under intense criticism in recent months for suggesting that American agents should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip.

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Pat Robertson is a nutjob.



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You mean there will be storms this year? Just like every other year? What an amazing prediction!


Doucheb@g. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, well the Flying Spaghetti Monster just left me a voicemail:


He said that there will be war in the Middle East, and Americans will be dying in 2006.

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The mighty Lord has spoken to me. He has told me that there will be a great heatwave coming soon. It will spread its fiery wings across the entire US. Temperatures will reach the 90s...and even past 100. Then, just as things cool down and become comfortable, a terrible cold will spread. Temperatures will drop BELOW FREEZING! Snow will fall. Schools will be canceled. Men and women will have to get up early so they can scrape the ice from the car windshields. Plants and flowers will die at the hands of this frost. God is punishing us for our evil ways! No abortion! No homosexuality! Give me money!

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The mighty Lord has spoken to me. He has told me that there will be a great heatwave coming soon. It will spread its fiery wings across the entire US. Temperatures will reach the 90s...and even past 100. Then, just as things cool down and become comfortable, a terrible cold will spread. Temperatures will drop BELOW FREEZING! Snow will fall. Schools will be canceled. Men and women will have to get up early so they can scrape the ice from the car windshields. Plants and flowers will die at the hands of this frost. God is punishing us for our evil ways! No abortion! No homosexuality! Give me money!

Amen brother I will send you the money you request.

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I was hoping the announcement would be massive strokes would lash Barry Bonds this week.

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"Storms will hit the coastline"?


No focknig way that can happen. :ninja:

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"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... here's Tom with the weather."

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Yeah, he's the first one to come along and predict a crapass hurricane season.


Never mind the fact that noted meteorologists for a long time now have predicted that we're at the beginning of a 10- to 20-year cycle of vicious hurricanes, with this season expected to be about as bad as the last and a "very high" risk of one of these big-ass hurricanes to hit the Northeast Coast like it does ever 60 or so years but hasn't in almost 70.


:thumbsup: :cheers:


Can someone tell me what the 700 club is supposed to be referring to?


BTW..Pat Robertson is nut!


That's what his followers made on the SAT.




The mighty Lord has spoken to me. He has told me that there will be a great heatwave coming soon. It will spread its fiery wings across the entire US. Temperatures will reach the 90s...and even past 100. Then, just as things cool down and become comfortable, a terrible cold will spread. Temperatures will drop BELOW FREEZING! Snow will fall. Schools will be canceled. Men and women will have to get up early so they can scrape the ice from the car windshields. Plants and flowers will die at the hands of this frost. God is punishing us for our evil ways! No abortion! No homosexuality! Give me money!



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Can someone tell me what the 700 club is supposed to be referring to?


In 1961, Robertson bought the license for WTOV, channel 27 in Portsmouth, Virginia. It had gone off the air five years earlier due to poor viewership. The station returned in October as WYAH, broadcasting twelve hours of Christian programming to the Hampton Roads market each day.


In 1962, the station suffered financially and almost closed. To keep the station on the air, WYAH decided to produce a special telethon edition of the show. For the telethon, Robertson set a goal of 700 members each contributing $10 a month, which was enough to support the station. Robertson referred to these members as the '700 Club' and the name stuck. The telethon was successful and is still held annually.



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My God just told me that a black person is going to commit a crime tomorrow.

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"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves... here's Tom with the weather."


I had a friend once he took some acid

Now he thinks he's a fire engine

It's okay until he pisses on your lighter

Kinda smells kinda cool kinda funny anyway

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I had a friend once he took some acid

Now he thinks he's a fire engine

It's okay until he pisses on your lighter

Kinda smells kinda cool kinda funny anyway

..And the Angel Of The Lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of

slumber. And took me on high, and higher still, until we moved through the

spaces betwixt the air itself. And he brought me unto a vast farmland of our

own midwest. And as we decended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil.

One thousand, nay, a million voices, full of fear. And terror posessed me

then. And I begged, "Angel Of The Lord, what are these totured screams?" and

the Angel said unto me, "These are the Cries Of The Carrots. The Cries Of The

Carrots, Ysee Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is Harvest Day, and to them, it is

The Holocaust."

..And I sprang from my slumber, drenched in sweat, like the tears of a

million terrified brothers. And, Lord, Hear me now, I have seen the light,

They have a conciousness, They have a life, They have a soul. Damn You! Let

the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers!

Can I get an "Amen?"

(collective "AMEN!")

Can I get a Hallelujah?

(collective "HALLELUJAH!")

Thank you, Jesus!

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So what? If this man is what mainstream conservatives want to aspire to...let them. They sures as hell won't win any more elections!

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It astounds me that anyone who likes this guy can manage to tie their own shoes.

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It astounds me that anyone who likes this guy can manage to tie their own shoes.


Even wonder why religious higher-ups wear robes?


It hides their slippers

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Pat Robertson seems to be one of the false prophets the Bible warns us about. God isn't punishing anyone with storms. But it might be that God is allowing a natural and nasty consequence. Perhaps we should produce less pollution and protect our rain forests? I think moderation in all things is rewarded.

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I can't wait to see what he says at the end of the year if there are no big storms.


Will he say that he was lying or will he say that God lied?

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So what? If this man is what mainstream conservatives want to aspire to...let them. They sures as hell won't win any more elections!




Mainstream conservatives aren't aspiring to be Pat Robertson.....whatever gave you that idea? :mad:


Too funny!

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God told me it will be hot in Phoenix this summer. :mad:

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Mainstream conservatives aren't aspiring to be Pat Robertson.....whatever gave you that idea? :mad:


Too funny!


I saw your boy...Sean Hannity...kissing up to him. Face it...today's repubs love the man.

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I saw your boy...Sean Hannity...kissing up to him. Face it...today's repubs love the man.


My boy? Maybe you have me confused with someone else......


I am going to assume you're on a fishing expedition here. Your premise is too laughable to be taken seriously.

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My boy? Maybe you have me confused with someone else......


I am going to assume you're on a fishing expedition here. Your premise is too laughable to be taken seriously.


I'm not fishing. For all the right accuses liberals of cuddling up to Louis Farrahkan...you have this guy.

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Ladies and gentlemen, Rude Rick! Give it up for the most overwhelmingly moronic poster to grace this board in history (and that is saying something)! Personally, I think he is some message board posting script created by a very bored individual...maybe like that SmarterChild bot on AOL Instant Messenger. His posts cant POSSIBLY be serious, thought out remarks. I mean, damn...he almost makes dimwits like gocolts look capable of logical thought..almost.

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Ladies and gentlemen, Rude Rick! Give it up for the most overwhelmingly moronic poster to grace this board in history (and that is saying something)! Personally, I think he is some message board posting script created by a very bored individual...maybe like that SmarterChild bot on AOL Instant Messenger. His posts cant POSSIBLY be serious, thought out remarks. I mean, damn...he almost makes dimwits like gocolts look capable of logical thought..almost.


Did God tell you that or did you think it up on your own?

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run for your lives :thumbsdown:

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:thumbsdown: OMG Pat robertson was right! We didn't listen! WE DIDN'T LISTEN! This man is a prophet






or at least looking to make one

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In a related story, God told Bob Rebadow that Kareem Said will die if he doesn't take his medication

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In a related story, God told Bob Rebadow that Kareem Said will die if he doesn't take his medication


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Pat Robertson is basically the equivalent of the whack-job Mullahs in Iran. The normal people of each country know their guy is basically a nutbag, but these are the guys who get the most press in opposing countries.

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