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We get a flashback and a flash forward in 1 episode, but make it look like just 1 flash forward.


And Jin's dead. :pointstosky:

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And someone dies next week.


Well, we know for sure it will not be Jin.


I could not figure out the Oceanic 6 through the ep.


Jack, Kate, Hurley, AAron, Siead, and Sun and Jin? =7. Now we know Jin did not come back.

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Well, we know for sure it will not be Jin.


I could not figure out the Oceanic 6 through the ep.


Jack, Kate, Hurley, AAron, Siead, and Sun and Jin? =7. Now we know Jin did not come back.


Jack, on the stand, said 8 people survived the crash. Therefore, Jin is one of the two who survived the crash, but isn't an Oceanic 6 because he is dead. Jin is one of the Oceanic 8. Sun gave birth to a Korean kid, so the cover story had to include Jin as he got Sun pregnant.


Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and probably Aaron. Ben doesn't count. Jin doesn't count. Desmond doesn't count. Michael is living under an assumed name. I'll be back on Saturday with my overly pompous, long winded writeup. Can't wait to watch this again.

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Jack, on the stand, said 8 people survived the crash. Therefore, Jin is one of the two who survived the crash, but isn't an Oceanic 6 because he is dead. Jin is one of the Oceanic 8. Sun gave birth to a Korean kid, so the cover story had to include Jin as he got Sun pregnant.


Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and probably Aaron. Ben doesn't count. Jin doesn't count. Desmond doesn't count. Michael is living under an assumed name. I'll be back on Saturday with my overly pompous, long winded writeup. Can't wait to watch this again.


I think you have to discard everything Jack said on the stand. Lies. All lies I say.


Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and Jin are the Oceanic 6. Jin dies after the fact.

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Is it possible that Hurley and Sun were visiting the grave of Jin that was possibly there immediately after the crash when they thought he had died? I believe the gravestone said death-2004. Is that the year of the crash or the year of the rescue? I know it's a stretch but I was thinking there may have been a reason that the Captain told us tonight that it was reported all people had died in the crash, with a fake wreckage and bodies and all. Maybe this was Jin's grave with a fake body in it? Maybe Hurley and Sun had to put on the scene in case "they" are watching. Probably not. Who knows. Good episode though. Looking forward to Philly Update.

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Jack, on the stand, said 8 people survived the crash. Therefore, Jin is one of the two who survived the crash, but isn't an Oceanic 6 because he is dead. Jin is one of the Oceanic 8. Sun gave birth to a Korean kid, so the cover story had to include Jin as he got Sun pregnant.


Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and probably Aaron. Ben doesn't count. Jin doesn't count. Desmond doesn't count. Michael is living under an assumed name. I'll be back on Saturday with my overly pompous, long winded writeup. Can't wait to watch this again.


Didn't Jack also say something like Kate saved him and tried to save someone else? The other question is still who was in the coffin? If it were any of the 6 survivors Jack would not have been the only one to go to the funeral.

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Your wife had an affair.


POW!!!! :angry:


Holy fock, did I cringe.



Thats all u got ?? Analyze it biotch !!!!!

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Michael's back.



Hope it won't be his usual lines:




Every two seconds.

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Jack, on the stand, said 8 people survived the crash. Therefore, Jin is one of the two who survived the crash, but isn't an Oceanic 6 because he is dead. Jin is one of the Oceanic 8. Sun gave birth to a Korean kid, so the cover story had to include Jin as he got Sun pregnant.


Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and probably Aaron. Ben doesn't count. Jin doesn't count. Desmond doesn't count. Michael is living under an assumed name. I'll be back on Saturday with my overly pompous, long winded writeup. Can't wait to watch this again.


A. I don't think we can say that Jin is one who survived. The date on the tombstone I believe was 9/22/04. Is that not the date of the crash? Could they not be saying that he died in the crash?


B. The possibility that Jin is not really dead....but still on the Island. Meaning, when he said he would do anything to get her off the island, perhaps that is what he had to do was stay back. And as part of their story when they came back...the O6 had to say he died.

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I think you have to discard everything Jack said on the stand. Lies. All lies I say.


Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and Jin are the Oceanic 6. Jin dies after the fact.


If Jin dies after...why was the date of death 9/22/04?

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Is it possible that Hurley and Sun were visiting the grave of Jin that was possibly there immediately after the crash when they thought he had died? I believe the gravestone said death-2004. Is that the year of the crash or the year of the rescue? I know it's a stretch but I was thinking there may have been a reason that the Captain told us tonight that it was reported all people had died in the crash, with a fake wreckage and bodies and all. Maybe this was Jin's grave with a fake body in it? Maybe Hurley and Sun had to put on the scene in case "they" are watching. Probably not. Who knows. Good episode though. Looking forward to Philly Update.



Though...I think it was a "double" headstone. There are 3 dates in there. Birth and death for Jin...and what appeared to a possible birthdate for Sun.

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If Jin dies after...why was the date of death 9/22/04?


I didn't catch that til this morning. I only saw the birth date last night. :dunno:

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A. I don't think we can say that Jin is one who survived. The date on the tombstone I believe was 9/22/04. Is that not the date of the crash? Could they not be saying that he died in the crash?


B. The possibility that Jin is not really dead....but still on the Island. Meaning, when he said he would do anything to get her off the island, perhaps that is what he had to do was stay back. And as part of their story when they came back...the O6 had to say he died.


I strongly believe theory B. I think he is not dead at all, as Hurley sure didn't seem that shook up when he suggested they go visit him. Headstone had the crash date, so supposedly he died in the staged crash. I think he is one of the guys that the black guy visiting Hurley in the mental ward asked about, "are they all dead?" There is some reason he couldn't get off the island with Sun...

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4.07 Ji Yeon


Just when you think you are figuring out the game, the rules change. We get a flashforward AND a flashback this week for the price of one. Sun is revealed as the last piece of the Oceanic 6 puzzle. Jin dies. I didn't get much out of the enhanced repeat episode, other than a line mentioning that The Others went to the Temple at the end of last season, and they haven't been seen since. I think it lends more credibility that Harper was the Smoke Monster last week. That was a popular topic of debate last week.


We start out this week on the freighter, as Frank is bringing cans of lima beans to prisoners Desmond and Sayid. We see Regina guarding the door, inexplicably staring at a book upside down. It was just nice seeing another boat person on this ghost ship. Sun and Jin are discussing names for their baby. Sun slightly admonishes Jin, calling it bad luck. Jin responds since when are you superstitious. This seemed like it was touching on the central theme throughout the episode, karma and cause & effect. Next we flash to Sun in a hotel room. As she enters the room with a TV, we see a shot of the screen. After rewinding and making sure, we get to see Nikki in an episode of Expose, likely the same episode they showed during their feature episode where she and Paulo died. Sun starts to feel pain, and it is revealed that Sun is pregnant and off the island. Now let's review. We keep hearing about the Oceanic 6. We saw Jack and Kate off the island last year. This year, we have seen Hurley, Sayid, and Aaron. Finally, we have Sun. There are your Oceanic 6: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Aaron, Sun. Ben and Desmond were not on the plane. Ji Yeon hadn't been born yet. Michael killed two people, so odds are he is living under an assumed name. If he wasn't then you can't have the Oceanic 6 when you count Michael and Walt. Nope the six are now revealed.


Jin goes into a store and buys a panda. Jack and Kate return to the beach. Kate tells a horrified Sun how Charlotte clobbered her, Juliet is keeping secrets, and nobody is talking about a rescue. At least Sun is giving us a realistic perspective of what the Losties must be thinking as Desmond and Sayid have been gone for 3 days now. Desmond and Sayid find a note slipped through the door telling them not to trust the captain. Which is interesting to note considering their upcoming conversation with him later in the episode. Sun has the most awkward conversation in the history of human civilization since cavemen stopped grunting at each other, as Sun and Daniel stared at each other during all the long pauses. Nothing knew here, as Daniel still is portraying a battered husband, afraid to say anything, flinching at people asking him anything. Kudos. Very convincing. And what was that device Daniel was taking apart and fixing? Thankfully, Jack only has 3 lines of dialogue this week. But that doesn't mean that I can't find a Jack Sucks Moment of the Week. When Jack was taken prisoner by the Others end of Season 2 and beginning of Season 3, the Losties very noticably started communicating with each other. Each of them knew all the news and events happening on the island. I commented on this last season several times. Now, you have new people on the island, a boat offshore, helicopters, etc, and Sun has to ask Daniel what is going on. Since Jack got back to the beach, all communication has shut down between the Losties. Hey, Jack buddy. How about telling everybody what is going on? How about taking Charlotte and Daniel prisoner, rather than have them cut up some pineapple in the background right after they clocked Kate and Juliet. Nope. They are just walking around willy nilly. Jack sucks. Worst. Leader. Ever. Hey, Locke is fumbling the ball too, but I respect his losing to Ben's mind tricks. Jack is losing because of Jack and his never ending ability at sucking.


Sun senses how stupid Team Jack is behaving and wants to join Locke. This is the beginning of Sun's series of highly questionable actions in a matter of hours. She roots around in Juliet's tent and gets caught. She sure doesn't seem sorry about it, despite half heartedly apologizing. In the following conversation, Sun tells Juliet that she doesn't believe her stories and "I don't trust you." Where did this come from? She doesn't trust Juliet? The only baby doctor on the island. Way to go, Sun. Real smart move. Juliet was at the beach with Sawyer and Hurley killing The Others at the end of last season, but Sun doesn't trust her? Incredible. I was stunned at this. Sun is at the hospital in Korea, and is recognized as Oceanic 6; confirmation. Now, it gets very interesting; pay attention. Jin is hailing a cab when his phone rings. In the ensuing scenes, Jin drops his old fashioned, outdated cell phone, watches someone get in his cab, chases the cab, calls the cab swiper a b@stard, threatens that he will find him and rip his head off. He storms back into the shop, and demands another panda. The salesman tells him there are no pandas left, he bought the last one. How about a dragon? It's the Year of the Dragon you know. No. The panda. The one right behind you. That one....Ok, let's start with Year of the Dragon. During the commercial right after the first time I watched this episode, I Googled year of the dragon. 2000 and 2012 are the closest that I found. So this episode could not be featuring a Jin flashforward, because Sun is pregnant in 2004. 2012 is too far in the future, and 2000 is too far in the past. Therefore, Jin is buying the panda for someone other than Sun. At this point, I was wondering is Sun and Jin were divorced in the future, or Jin was in a flashback, which we eventually figured out. Year of the Dragon. Very subtle. Since we never saw Jin and Sun in the same scene, I knew something was wrong. However, what was not subtle, but ham-handed was when Jin was in the store the first time, there was no giant panda doll behind the clerk as he rung up the purchase. i studied the camera angles, and found similar shots in both trips to the toy store. The first visit, the salesman told Jin that the panda he bought was the last one. Jin could have said "Last one? How about that one right behind you?" But he didn't. The second time Jin came in, presto, another panda. Could the rest of the planet be course correcting so that Jin ends up on the island? Was the purchase of the panda so important, the world conjured up a panda because Jin needed one for promoting his career with Paik Industries. I need to give this concept some more thought.


In the jungle, Kate shows off her lack of artistic ability by drawing the world's most awful map. Juliet appears and again asks Sun not to go. Sun continues to act very coldly to Juliet. Then Juliet comes up with one of the most memorable lines in Lost history as she matter of factly states "Jin, your wife had an affair". I cringed. I sat their on my coach and cringed. Stunning as I didn't see that coming. POW!!!! I just about stood up and cheered. Sun regrouped and slapped Juliet. Dam. Juliet is getting beatend up a lot lately. After how coldly Sun was acting towards Juliet, I thought Juliet was justified in her actions. As Sun was ready to give birth, apparently the drugs were getting her to call for Jin. I swear, every time she called for Jin, a nurse was rolling her eyes. It was certainly convenient that a brand new doctor was doctoring to keep up the episode long charade. Sun tries to explain to Jin that the affair was "a long time ago". What a focking liar. If the affair was a long time ago, why did you have Juliet do the ultra sound on you to see if the child was Jin's or Jae's. It was months ago. What kind of idiot do you think Jin is? Sun is now a strong competitor for most hated character on the show. Everytime she has a flashback or flashforward, her character becomes more despicable. I can't believe she got off the island. I want the smoke monster to kill her. How can you lie to Jin like that right after you get busted for having an affair? So Sun and Bernard go fishing. OK, remember how I said Daniel and Sun had the most awkward conversation in modern history? I stand corrected. Bernard and Jin just topped it. Yuck. Bernard tries to explain karma to Jin, and does an awful job. Further, he explains that it was the right thing to do to go with Jack and not Locke. "Because Locke is a murderer". Bernard, you moron, Jack pulled the trigger of a gun to kill Locke in front of the whole Losties group. Fortunately for Locke the gun wasn't loaded? Did you forget that already, stupid? How does that make Jack any better? Locke sort of killed Naomi to protect your lives. Jack tried to kill the most important person on the island because he doesn't like him. If you leave the island, your wife dies. So she wants to die because Locke is a murderer? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Get him off my screen. I hope I don't see Bernard or Rose for at least another 6 episodes, like usual. You're taking time away from characters that don't suck as much as you two peabrains. Ugh.


Desmond and Sayid hear banging on pipes, but it didn't sound like Morse code, so I have no idea what the noise means. Desmond and Sayid go up on deck with the creepy doctor guy, passing by an axe inbedded into the side of a wall as if someone was trying to chop up the boat. As Sayid asks the overlooked but enormeously important question "Where's the helicopter?" We are distracted as we see Regina for the 2nd and last time, as she decided to visit Davey Jone's Locker wrapped in heavy chains. Regina was played by Zoe Bell, who was a star of Quentin Tarrentino's "Death Proof". I guess she wasn't death proof in Lost. See ya. Glug. Glug. Glug. And nobody cared she jumped. We meet Captain Gault, who explains that the crew is suffering from heightened cabin fever. Ya think? The meeting was probably the most important part of the episode, but we still don't know whether to believe what he is saying, or what parts to believe, if any. He admits that the boat is Charles Widmore's. Yahtzee. If Ben and Gault agree, then it must be true. The captain explains the plane crash was staged. Yahtzee. Widmore bought the black box? Huh? If the crash is staged, why is there a black box from Oceanic 815. Bullsh!t. 324 dead bodies. The problem is that Gault neither blamed Ben for the deaths or the staging, and didn't take credit for it either. It was intentionally ambiguous. Gault said "that" is why we want Ben so badly, but didn't really say what "that" was. Gault said that the boat has been sabotaged, and when the boat is fixed, they would head to safer water. Hold on. Bullsh!t. If this is Widmore's boat, and Widmore is a wealthy man, why can't he send another boat to help this one? Maybe, the boat is not in regular time anymore, but in a time warp just like the island. Are you telling me you can't communicate with Widmore? The helicopter's radio wasn't sabotaged. Why can't you make a distress call? How about Penny; why hasn't she sent a rescue ship then? As the captain takes Desmond and Sayid to their new quarters, he tells them they will like being on the quiet side of the ship. "But the ship is not moving." "If you say so." Uh...huh? Well, if the boat is moving IN TIME, then this makes sense. And it makes sense why there is no rescue boat coming. The island is pulling the boat in time, possibly to calibrate the two so they are in sync. Now, the boat is invisible.


Sun and Juliet chat on the beach as if they are having afternoon tea, instead of just a little while after Juliet blew up Sun's marriage and Sun ruined Juliet's face. Sun gives birth. Not much to glean here. Desmond, Sayid, and creepy doctor notice the roaches and blood splatter on a wall as if someone blew their brains out. And in a mostly anti-climactic moment, we meet Kevin Johson, otherwise known as Michael. Since Sayid organized the rescue party when Michael betrayed them, it will be interesting to see what happens when Sayid gets Michael alone. Sayid was the first to realize Michael was compromised. And I don't think Desmond and Michael have ever met, oddly enough, on the island.


Jin sucks. Cringe moment #2. Jin goes back to Sun. What a stupid, stupid man. Jin talks about the man he used to be, you did that to that man, basically that it was Jin's fault that Sun cheated. ARE YOU FOCKING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sun screwed you with the job of working as Mr Paik's assistant because she asked for the bribe money to shut you mother up; reality is Sun did it because she didn't want to be embarrassed, not how she claims it would have embarred Jin. Because of the money, Mr Paik said that he force Jin to do his dirty work, and Sun said Okie-Dokie. Because you now had to work long hours and come home in bloody clothers, Sun cheated on you. Then just about left you at the airport. It was Sun's fault. Sun is a steaming piece of crap. Jin is the victim. She screwed you over so many times, and you basically forgive her because you pushed her into cheating on you? Sun has been lying to you so much, how can you believe her about anything. You don't even now half the sh!t she did to you. Here is something else. Time moves differently on the island. Maybe the kid isn't yours at all. Maybe Juliet was wrong because of the time factor. Jin, my friend, you are better off dead before Sun screws you over again. I actually broke a remote control. It smashed into many pieces as I threw it against a wall. I'm glad I had extras. Jin delivers the panda, and it is revealed that it is a flashback, as he confesses he has been married 2 months. We see Hurley and Sun with the baby, and then they visit Jin's grave. This was certainly a surprise, Jin was dead. I felf nothing as Sun was bawling at the grave. Not a tear, not a sniffle. Just disgust. I don't know how Jin died yet. But I bet it was your fault. I broke something else in my house. Where's the broom?


Jin is not one of the Oceanic 6, but if you believe the Oceanic 6 cover story, Jack said 8 survived the crash, but two apparently died? Was Jin one of those they claim died. Sure seems likely. Sun got pregnant on the island, and has given birth to a Korean baby. The only way to explain that is that Jin survived the crash and impregnated Sun. The tombstone said that Jin died Sept 22nd, 2004, the date of the plane crash, which is weird. But Sun was too emotional at the grave site to think that Jin is simply still on the island and still alive. No, I'm convinced he is dead. Remember how Bernard talked about karma. Karma is about how the effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to them and others. Sun's actions obviously led to great pain to Jin's life, and I guess karma wanted Sun to suffer for her sins and didn't want Jin to suffer at the hands of Sun anymore.


I think I have too many characters that I hate now: Kate, Jack, Claire, Sun, Rose, Bernard. When you think about it, how many innocent main characters are there on this show? Most of them have done some bad things in the past and on the island. Are Hurley and Desmond the only main characters that could be considered the pure innocents? Anyway, someone dies next week. It won't be Jin, because that is too obvious.


See ya next week.

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Maybe Aaron doesn't count as one of the "Six"? He wasn't a ticketed passenger on Oceanic 815.


Just a thought.

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Maybe Aaron doesn't count as one of the "Six"? He wasn't a ticketed passenger on Oceanic 815.


Just a thought.

I'm thinking that too.


Oceanic 6:








Survived the crash, but died before being rescued (the "official" story)




Off the island, but not part of the 6:




Sun's baby


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Yeah, i think Jin dies on the island.


I agree that they say Claire and Jin survived the crash but died on the island, obviously some sort of complimicated cover up to something. That was a mind blow though, all Asians do look alike though so they could easily fool us there. Also, to no suprise, Michael is the spy on the boat, i think we came to this conclusion a while ago. Looks like an action episode next week, should be sweet.

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Maybe Aaron doesn't count as one of the "Six"? He wasn't a ticketed passenger on Oceanic 815.


Just a thought.



I would agree with you on that point. Strongly agree with that logic. However...


ABC promoted the sh!t over the fact that we would find out the identity of another Oceanic 6 prior to the Kate flashforward where she is seen holding Aaron at the end of the episode. And Kate was revealed last season, in the cliff hanger of Season 3. While it makes sense to say Aaron can't be an Oceanic 6 because he did not appear on the flight manifest, ABC decided that issue for us. Unfortunately.

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Here's my little writeup, its not exactly phillybear material, but I hope you read through:


Cabin Fever: Man, that Regina girl freaked me out from the start, she just looked a little wrong, and once we see her book was upside down, we know something is wrong with her. I got this from another website, but the book she was reading:


"It is The Survivors of the Chancellor by Jules Verne


1875 novel written by Jules Verne about the final voyage of a British sailing vessel, the Chancellor, told from the perspective of one of its passengers (in the form of a diary)."


When I first saw Regina, I thought she was going through time mentally as well and I concluded it as that. But later, when she walks off the boat wearing chains, I concluded that the cabin fever is not time travel, those guys are on some other type of drug. Regina showed no hesitation jumping off the boat, almost like her mind was being controlled somehow.


And then you see the blood stains on the walls and find that Regina was not the only ship member that off-ed themselves. You first instantly think that the blood was from a gunshot to the head, but no, the blood stain was WAY too large for that. Either someone shot the himself repeatedly in the head, or the person banged his head on the wall repeatedly until death. Either way, it sorta supports my mind control theory.


Lost really took a chapter out of scary movies, because this boat is starting to freak me out man.


Jin's Flashback/Death: First off, there is argument about weither it was a flashback or forward. I say it has to be a flashback. Jin said he has only been married for 2 months. SO unless jin got off the island and decided to remarry, I think this was a flashback. Two other hints would be the year of the dragon (2000) and the crappy old cell phone Jin was carrying. No Asian would be caught with a cell phone like that today, are you kidding me?

Now we see his tombstone, death date, 9/22/04. This means that he died in the crash and is NOT apart of the oceanic 8. The oceanic 8 are supposed to be the people that survived the crash, but somehow 2 of them died while waiting to be rescued. I do not believe that Jin is dead.

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Anyone else catch this?

Michael aka Kevin Johnson was introduced in a Sun-centric episode.

Kevin Johnson used to be a guard for the Phoenix Suns.


That one got by me. I Googled the sh!t out of KJ, but the obvious escaped my attention. Nicely done.

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And then you see the blood stains on the walls and find that Regina was not the only ship member that off-ed themselves. You first instantly think that the blood was from a gunshot to the head, but no, the blood stain was WAY too large for that. Either someone shot the himself repeatedly in the head, or the person banged his head on the wall repeatedly until death. Either way, it sorta supports my mind control theory.


Have you ever seen what happens when someone eats a 12 guage? OK then.

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Harper isn't the smoke monster -- however I no longer think the smoke monster is Jacob ! I think Jacob his=des most of the time in cabin becasue it's the only safe place for him to be from the monster and those marking outside his cabin were protection for him. He picks and chooses places to appear only when it is really important for him to do so.


They might totally mid fock everyone and make it like the Smoke Monster actually was one of the Losties all along ! LIke when the plane crashed the smoke monster manifested as a passenger that died - if thats the case my money would be on the old black chick.

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They might totally mid fock everyone and make it like the Smoke Monster actually was one of the Losties all along ! LIke when the plane crashed the smoke monster manifested as a passenger that died - if thats the case my money would be on the old black chick.



IN a way, we all already have an idea of what the island is about, but I would have to say the smoke monster is the #1 thiing I still would like to know about.

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I think the #1 question I want to know about on the show is why Jacob told Locke " help me " . I don't think he was reffering to the freighties

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Again, the smoke monster is a manifestation of the island's ability to "correct" anything that happens on the island that may affect or shift the functioning of time outside of the island. Daniel Faraday: You can't change the future. So, if the island is a force field within which people can shift their consciousness through time, there has to be a countervailing force that ensures that the future doesn't change. That countervailing force is the smoke monster.



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Just as i thought, i knew the name "faraday" rang a bell, Michael Faraday was a physician in the19th century who specialized in electromagnetism, those lost writers are brilliant focks...also sorry if this was already said, i assumed it has been but just in case it hasn't...



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I would agree with you on that point. Strongly agree with that logic. However...


ABC promoted the sh!t over the fact that we would find out the identity of another Oceanic 6 prior to the Kate flashforward where she is seen holding Aaron at the end of the episode. And Kate was revealed last season, in the cliff hanger of Season 3. While it makes sense to say Aaron can't be an Oceanic 6 because he did not appear on the flight manifest, ABC decided that issue for us. Unfortunately.

And they just flashed his picture when they were talking about the 6 in the preview, so Aaron is one of the six.

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Wow, a pretty good episode. Gotta give it a 7 out of 10 just because I didn't find out everything I wanted to in Michael's flashbacks.


A few thoughts and etc.


Bomb Code - Just got a call from my friend, the code Michael/Kevin put for the bomb was 71776, and he is a little bit of a history buff and thought of independence day july 1776 right away. Can't really figure out the significance of that though.


Reveals - Tom is gay. Which is probably the biggest reveal in this episode since we don't know if Tom and the captain are lying about everything else.


"The island won't let you" - So basically the island's powers extend beyond the island? I thought about the quote "You can't change the future" as well as the other two immortal guys, Richard and that eye-patch dude. And I also thought about Locke not dying in the pit and Jack not being able to jump off the bridge. All these people have jobs to do and they need to do it before they are "allowed" to die.


LIBBY!! - It is too early to decide if Libby is just Michael's guilty conscience, the smoke monster, or Walt's psychic powers.


Sniper in the bushes - Boyfriend is dead, Danielle is dead, Alex was kept alive for a reason, TWO OPTIONS, either way Alex survives: it is the others and it was Ben's plan all along to get rid of the other important people in Alex's life. OR it is the pilot guy "running an errand", going back to the island, and this time, maybe he brought more people with bigger guns...but hearing that she is Ben's daughter, they could use her as bait or bargaining tool for Ben.

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sometimes lost leaves me lost


tonight is one of those times ......... Phillybear ??? Enlighten me ?

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This is defintiley an episode where I need to wait for the Phillybear summary to understand WTF ???


Where the fock are you PB ?? We can't wait until Saturday here you need to give a paragraph or 2 of explain today I thinking :unsure:


It seemed like a decent episode but I thik it was a total build up for next week's.


My thoughts :


I can't make Ben for an liar really and I think it is true that the Freighties are there to kill all the survivors once they get Ben - I think the Chick, Faraday and ghost whisperer are in on it but pilot isn't. I think Faraday will have second thoughts though -- the chick seems like the killer type though.


No focking way Widmore can or could outwit Ben -- Ben is becoming by far my favorite character - Locke is becoming more of a whiny beatch. The smoke Monster/Harper was right Ben is right where he wants to be as he is really the person controlling things.


Who killed the French chick and the kid - I don't know - Ben would be the obvious but since when has anyhting been obvious. Prolly one of Bens gang - maybe the real Harper.


I do think Widmore isn't after the Island to be a tourist stop there is somethig bigger maybe he is dying and needs to get there to heal :dunno: Definitley think Penny is in on it - but maybe not on her father side :headbanger: !

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It seemed like a decent episode but I thik it was a total build up for next week's.


"Next week" doesn't occur until April 24th!

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"Next week" doesn't occur until April 24th!


:thumbsup: I meant that ..... really I did :ninja:






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