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***Official LOST Season 6 thread***

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Who else is going to the hospital?

Charlie's been there, Desmond's been there, probably Claire and Kate, and presumably Sun, Jin, and Locke (and possibly Ben) are going there.

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I think that people "awaken" to their other life when they experience what defined them as characters on the Island; either something they wanted...something that was taken from them...something they couldn't have...something the Island gave them. I don't know how to explain it, really. Let's just take a look.


Sun and Jin

Ji Yeon (their baby)






Love? Luck? See Below.


A Father (In this case, him.)


Walking? Hope? Destiny?


Power? Alex? See below.


????? See below.


Vengeance? See below.






Charlotte? His Journal?


Farraday? His Journal?


????? See below.


Hurley - Well, he's got Libby. Then there's the Numbers. Is it confirmed that he didn't win the Lottery in the alt timeline? So did he "make his own luck"?

Sawyer - Not really sure here. Is there a chance he runs into Locke's dad at the hospital? Assuming of course that Sawyer even goes there.

Ben - He's already had his moment, but as far as we know he didn't experience anything.

Kate - No idea, really. She got caught. For having a whole episdoe to herself, I sure don't remember much about what's going on in her "alt life".

Miles - Who the fock knows. His father was the only really story he had; not sure he's a big enough character to matter - same as Ben.


I was going to role with Ben and Miles don't matter cause they weren't on the plane, but neither was Farraday or Eloise. Then again, they're pretty "special" when it comes to these things so maybe it doesn't matter.


Any others I'm missing? Also, I just realized this show airs on 4/20. :lol:

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The alternative time line will stay in play just so long the candidates stay on the island. Everyone who is trying to disrupt this time line (Libby/Michael) is doing so to free those voices from the forest. I think that they are trapped on the island (cork-bottle) and if MIB gets off he can bring them back. Almost of all the people trying to get Desmond/Hurley to realize that the island exists were killed on the island.

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I think that people "awaken" to their other life when they experience what defined them as characters on the Island; either something they wanted...something that was taken from them...something they couldn't have...something the Island gave them. I don't know how to explain it, really. Let's just take a look.



There might be something to this. Remember when he who does not age went to see Locke when he was a kid, he showed him an array of items, and when Locke did not pick the right one, he got angry.....maybe he was trying to see if it was the "right" Locke, but maybe he was trying to get him to have that AHA! moment as well... :cheers:

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Desmond obviously has knowledge of both timelines.


Desmond's chicken order was #42...In Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is the number from which all meaning ("the meaning of life, the universe, and everything") could be derived. :cheers:


meaning of life = chicken = Hurley is God

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Desmond's chicken order was #42...In Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is the number from which all meaning ("the meaning of life, the universe, and everything") could be derived. :cheers:


meaning of life = chicken = Hurley is God


42 is also just one of the numbers. Several have been popping up in recent episodes.

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42 is also just one of the numbers. Several have been popping up in recent episodes.


I realize there may be a hole or two in my theory. :cheers:

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6.12 Everybody Loves Hugo


Random thoughts. Watching this episode the first time bored me tears. It just wasn’t all that interesting to me. The rewatch was as pleasant as having a urinary tract infection, going to work, and then sharing a small office with a chronic Irritable Bowel Syndrome sufferer who, on average, every 10 seconds lets a little toot escape their fart box. While I thought it was a great idea to bring back Libby since there were so many questions about her character, I find it beyond maddening that the writers answered none of the questions. Not one. She gave Desmond a boat. She lied about being a psychiatrist. She sort of liked a guy that looked like the Grimace. We knew nothing about this mysterious woman before Michael put a slug in her belly. They brought her back just so a lady could shove their tongue down Hurley’s throat? Just friggin’ great. Maddening. So, you focus an episode around the guy that can talk to dead people, and you only have ONE dead person talk to him. ONE? You couldn’t scrounge up more than one? Thousands of people are dead on this island and Hydra island combined, and Michael is the only one that feels like talking? Purges upon purges, they’re running out of cemetery plots. How about the French guy with one arm. Or Horace. Or Caesar. Somebody, anybody. Alas, just Michael. And he didn’t even focking die on the island, but on the boat miles from the island. Isabella, Richard’s wife, died on Canary Islands, and see is bopping around the island. Am I taking crazy pills? It’s not about dying on the island. But you can get trapped on an island you never visited before. Crazy pills. How do you follow up a great Desmond episode with this happy horse sh!!t. Heavens to Murgatroyd. No Locke ghost? Seriously? Do we think that would have been a major plot device? Sure. Well, we’ve figured out the formula for Season 6 by now. Cliché, romance, cliché, crappy CGI explosion, cliché, cringe inducing dialogue, all the main characters standing around waiting for nothing to happen, cliché, some more romance, some more standing around, cliché. Repeat. Hey, it’s the show’s fault. They can put together some fantastic episodes when they try. Tick, tock, tick, tock. The show is almost over, and I am losing my mind with impatience. I watch every week, and there are times I want to literally rip my face off and eat it. I hope they are planning on a 17 hour series finale on May 23rd to wrap things up, because they got some ‘splaining to do.


We start with a ceremony honoring the world’s biggest philanthropist, literally. Hurley, or is it Hugo, or, wait a second. Sure this is restating the obvious, but the Losties have been calling him Hurley since day one. Now, the two names are interchangeable, and nobody bats an eye. A person with two names, and God knows the origination of Hurley, because that is reminiscent of vomiting, and we know Hugo is not bulimic. So Hurley is the genius behind the world wide phenomenon of Mr. Clucks. Microsoft? Overrated. Curing cancer? Never be done. Chopping the heads off chickens in slaughterhouses and deep frying them twice. Brilliant!!! He has paid for a paleontology wing for the Golden State Natural History Museum. Who cares? I want to know how the presenter, Dr Pierre Chang, isn’t aging, like Richard. Look at him. Hell, he looks younger 30 years later off island than he did on island during the Dharma time traveling stuff. How is this guy not aging? Bullsh!!t. Hurley gets a standing ovation because it takes a real hero to be rich and insist on wearing hippie sideburns. Hugo’s mom is bored to tears at his table, giving him an insincere slow clap. She has most likely been dragged to many of these functions as Hugo’s date. I’m sure the prom date ending up at Lookout Point must have been awkward. Hurley needs a woman in his life and has been set up on a blind date with Hurley’s uncle Tito’s neighbor Rosalita. Uncle Tito dropped dead when Hurley won the lottery; hell the guy worked 3 jobs, so it’s nice to see him alive. His death started the series of unfortunate events that made Hurley believe that he was cursed. Hugo lays a flower at Libby’s gravesite on the island. Is it my imagination, but doesn’t the cemetery look far different this season than seasons past. Production stuff, I guess. Hurley is lamenting that dead people talk to him, but not Libby specifically. Try going to the hospital for two weeks, and nobody outside your immediate family noticing. Then get back to me about lamenting. Not that I know what that’s like. Ilana informs Hugo that she is going to grab some dynamite, as the Jacobites have nothing but explosives on their minds. Hurley entertains Ilana with some small talk about Libby being murdered and other delightful anecdotes that would be all the rage at a cocktail party with the hoi polloi. Ilana leaves and Hugo notices a weird noise nearby. It’s Michael. “I’m here to stop you from getting everybody killed.” The big question isn’t about why Michael is here. It’s what is Michael’s motivation? Who’s best interests is he working for? His own, the islands, his friends he didn’t get a chance to kill when he had a chance as part of some psychotic mindset, Walt?


Hurley gives Michael the third degree. Why should I trust you, you murdered Libby and Ana-Lucia? A fair question, and arguably among the most shocking moments in LOST history, just in case we forgot, which we didn’t. So much time wasted on reminding us of the obvious this year. Yes, Michael killed them. We know. Michael shows off his ever consistent people skills with “that doesn’t matter right now.” Michael continues to butter up Hugo. “People are going to die, it will be your fault, people are listening to you now.” As far as I’m concerning, that’s criticism of the people on the island, as they are following the lead of a person that says “dude” every other word. I would have strangled dudemeister a long, long time ago. Hurley has been stood up for his date in the Spanish Johnnys restaurant. Interesting detail in that Rosalita is some kind of song by Bruce Springsteen, and Spanish Johnnys in named in some song lyric of another song on the same album as Rosalita, which was to be Hugo’s date. I not only dislike Bruce Springsteen and his music, I don’t respect him enough to bother looking up the proper spelling of his name. Here is a tip for all actors, celebrities, athletes, etc. I don’t give a dam about your political affiliations, your causes, your charities. Shut. The. Fock Up. Just keep doing whatever you do that makes you famous, and we will try to ignore how retarded you sound when you try to talk about the hot button issues of the day. Just because you are famous, doesn’t make you smart. Libby approaches his table. Hurley wasn’t expecting somebody so non-Latina. Libby saw Hugo from across the room and had to talk to him because she felt a connection, like they were soul mates. Have I mentioned the word “cliché” in this writeup yet? I’m sure I have. Unlike Libby, Hurley doesn’t remember her, but to be fair, it would be hard not to pick Hugo out of a police lineup. Hurley’s doctor from the mental ward shows up, Dr Brooks, and corrals Libby with a butterfly net, taking her away in a van. Felt like a kidnapping, sort of when Bram and his dead buddies grabbed Miles last year and threatened him. Ilana is back with the dynamite, in what seems like a very short amount of time. We established that the explosives on the Black Rock are a day or two journey from the Losties camp, way back in Season One. But I guess sloppy writing is normal nowadays. Hurley doesn’t like Ilana’s plan and worries that the dynamite is very unstable. Illana: I’ve been training my whole life for this, Jacob said to listen to Richard, Richard said to blow up the plane. As Ilana is jabbering on with her self important nonsense, she is plopping full bottles of water on top of the sweaty dynamite in the sack, and then plops the bag on the ground. And blows up. I’d say that I was surprised, but I’d be lying. LOST has become a bit predictable. That was an obvious plot twist. So let’s review the life and times of the worst bodyguard ever. She is hand picked, we know absolutely nothing about her past. She thinks of Jacob as a father figure. She was bandaged up in a hospital in Russia. She knows all about MIB and Jacob, about the ash, about MIB can’t change shape anymore, the meaning of candidates, details about the candidates like Miles ability to talk to the recently dead, knows the secret passages in the Temple, kicks Sayid’s ass and handcuffs him, knows about the Ajira flight, and on and on and on. And she dies with a million questions surrounding her. Nothing. Do you expect to find out anything else about her before the show ends? I don’t. Frustrating. Oh, but I bet there is a kiss of some sort coming up. Yah!!!! How about somebody course correcting Cuse and Lindeloff’s plane into an active volcano. Oh, the show isn’t about good stories or interesting events, it’s about relationships. Whoop de friggin’ do. Kill me. MIB is whittling. Just sitting there and whittling, in his camp. I suppose it beats having a thumb stuck up his ass, but it’s a pretty close second. Still, it’s an example of MIB picking up and living with the tendencies that John Locke had. A bleeding together of personalities. Sawyer is amped up and irritated over the lack of anything to do. MIB: There is a difference between waiting and doing nothing. Correct. The LOST viewers are waiting, and the LOST writers are doing nothing. The tag line for this season. We should be riding a roller coaster this close to a season finale, much less series finale. The story picking up pace, craziness all around, and yet….MIB is sitting and whittling. MIB: You came back together to the island (Oceanic 6), and we need to leave the same way. Sayid returns back to camp and leads MIB out into the jungle, where they meet up with Desmond tied to a tree.


Hurley is looking through Ilana’s stuff, as any grieving person would do, scavenging. Sawyer would approve. He picks up the pouch containing Jacob’s ashes. Hurley must be planning a gambit of some sort, but we don’t know if he knows the properties of the ash, as he wasn’t around for the Bram stuff inside the shoe, Dogen’s ashes around the Temple, and I’m not sure if he understands the ashes surrounding Jacob’s cabin. Richard has given the old plan some thought, since he just witnessed Ilana dying. Richard: let’s get some more dynamite. Meet the new plan, same as the old plan. Speaking of which, Jack: I promised Sun I would get her off this island. So who died and made Jack the ticket agent? Aside from Ilana. Hurley takes Richard’s side. Hurley is number #38 in line in one of his chicken franchises, which is odd for two reasons. One, it’s not one of the 4,8,15,16,23,42 numbers. Next, when was the last time you were in a fast food place with tickets? You wait in line like all the other animals being led to slaughter by ingesting horrible, past expiration date, non hygienically touched, nearly gelatinous, morsels of germ infestations on a sesame seed bun. Hurley needs to grab some grub. He orders the 108 piece meal, coming with 36 biscuits, 2 liters of gravy, a Farva of cola, four stents, and coupon for 5 dollars off in your next purchase of electric paddles. I could have said defibrillators, but everybody calls them the electric paddle thingies. Desmond enters the chicken place, stalking Hurley. If it’s not stalking, I don’t know what to call it. It’s not like you could get Hurley’s home address off the plane manifest. Not that I object to stalking. It’s hours of fun and leads to most of my dates. You know, back in the good old days, grandpappy would court grandmomma by asking her out every day for 6 months. She would admit that she didn’t like him at first, but he wore her down with his determination. What a neat love story. Nowadays, an NFL quarterback can’t even make out with a drunk chick without being sued. It’s a crazy, crazy world. Desmond invites himself over to Hurley’s table, much like Libby did earlier in the episode. Seemed repetitive. Desmond: That’s a lot of chicken. LOST writers have become grand masters of the obvious. Hurley eats when he is depressed. Wow. I never realized Oprah was so miserable. But it’s plain to see that Desmond is now in the course correcting business, much like Eloise. He is aware of multiple timelines, and is putting his spin on things. A wise man pointed out to me last week that Desmond was playing a bit of a Jesus role, what with the talk of sacrificing himself, being more aware of events than those around him, and some of the religious overtones the show has touched on over the years. It would be better if Desmond still had his crazy beard. Desmond is planting thoughts in Hugo’s head without telling him exactly what to do. Desmond: all women are crazy, did you believe her, go with your gut. So, Hurley is depressed about Libby being whisked away, and Desmond is here to play multi-universe Cupid. I’m really bored at this point. Come on, a love story every week? Richard and Isabella, Jin and Sun, Desmond and Penny, Daniel and oblivious Charlotte, blah, blah, blah. The show is not about romance, you focking writer hacks. Love stories have been done to death, had sequels, had remakes, been rebooted, and been done to death some more. You are ruining our show. Fock. Desmond’s order number is #42. Well, there’s a magic number. Desmond is tied to a tree on the island with a red shirt. It used to be a sign of a character about to die, but Hurley had one on for most of the season. The pattern is falling apart. MIB unties Desmond, as he has nowhere to run, brother. Brother. Do you think Desmond has been saying “brother” through multiple loops, because Jacob and MIB are brothers and it’s important….food for thought. MIB: Why did Widmore bring you back to the island? Desmond: I was kidnapped, ask him, they blasted me with electromagnetism? MIB questions how Desmond can be sure it was electromagnetism. Desmond: experience. Loops of the past, all timelines, or just the handful of times in this timeline? It’s never a straight answer, is it? As MIB extends his hand to Desmond because he needs to show him something, Desmond takes it. Is this the new way MIB scans people? He isn’t turning into smoke to scan anymore, so is it by touch now? Ben starts a meandering, listless short speech in Jack’s general direction. Ben sucks as a character more and more every single week. Ben: Ilana was handpicked by Jacob to protect you, tells you that you are candidates, blows up, the island was done with her, what will happen when it is done with us? It’s sad to see Ben a sad sack, the complete opposite of his demeanor the rest of this series. To be fair, most of the regular cast members have become something else since spending time on the island, but Ben is a real mess. While I noticed a while ago that Hugo was missing from screen, the characters are now starting to catch on. Hurley lumbers away from the Black Rock just before we get our unsolicited 2nd explosion of the week. Richard: Why? Hurley: I’m protecting us.


Richard is reacting to the explosion in calm and reflective tones. “We’re all dead. We’re all dead. Dead.” I wonder what Richard is trying to tell us. Hugo explains to Miles that Michael told him to do it, dead people yell at him, and that dead people are more reliable than alive people. Reliable? Maybe? Smarter? Probably not. Because they are dead. Hurley has a lot of trust issues, but not with ghosts. Hurley is also being put into positions where he is making life and death choices for people, which is out of his comfort zone. This is going to end badly. Hurley drops by Dr Brook’s office of the mental hospital and asks questions regarding Libby. She has issues with reality, and it’s not a good idea for Hurley to see her. Hugo offers a 100 thousand dollar bribe to change the doctor’s mind. Geez, for that kind of money, Hurley could have bought 100 mail order brides, and some of them might not have been angry, homicidal, and reeking of cigarettes. The recreation room is very similar to when Hurley was hanging out in the other timeline, with Connect Four games, people wandering aimlessly around, a drawing of the island on the chalkboard in the background, etc. I missed seeing Leonard repeating the 4,8,15,16,23,42, numbers over and over and over. Libby is led into the room as a prisoner without handcuffs. Libby wants to know why Hurley is there if he doesn’t remember. Libby: I was watching TV, memories washing over me, of another life, there was a plane crash, and island, we liked each other, when I got to this facility, it was like I was here before, you were in here too. First of all, this is reminiscent of Daniel watching TV, and starting to cry as the rover at the bottom of the ocean discovers the planted by Widmore plane wreckage of Oceanic 815. He has a feeling, some memories, but it was due to time and space travel, not in a sideways universe, I would think. Hurley can’t recall ever being in a mental facility before, but tries his best to keep Libby from concentrating on being crazy. Hugo laments his lack of social skills before awkwardly asking out the lunatic for a date. MIB and Desmond are strolling through the jungle on their own date. MIB: you were pushing the button for 3 years, yet you are back for more, this island has it out for you. Desmond: for all of us. Desmond knows something, but remains cryptic. They turn around to see the same kid with old fashioned attire standing in the jungle. Desmond: Do you know him? MIB: Just ignore him. Sure, MIB knows who it is. We don’t for sure. Young Jacob, Young MIB, an island manifestation, hell at this point it could just be a random ghost. I have zero curiosity about the snot nosed brat other than a deep down inside hope that Skull baby survived it’s early year trauma and grew up to be a healthy young man. Just like the kid they buried in Pet Semetary. Ilana’s plan was blow up the plane. Richard’s plan was to blow up the plane. Richard’s new plan is to blow up the plane. I detect a pattern, one that reeks of failure. The explosives are at the Barracks, but Hurley drives a wedge into the group and wants to go talk to Locke. It’s a pretty even matchup of whose plan is more stupid, but let’s see what happens. Hurley bluffs that it’s Jacob’s idea, but Richard calls him on it. R: ask him what the island is, which we have come to know as a bottle with a cork in it, from Ab Aeterno’s episode. Hurley: I don’t have to prove anything to you, Richard; come with me, or blow stuff up. Unusually harsh words coming from in-over-his-head Hugo. Richard: He’s lying, Jacob never tells us what to do, if that thing leaves this island, that’s the end of everything, who’s coming with me? Richard with a nice counterargument and hit on all the important points, other than the whole blow up the plane thing is Richard idea, not Jacob’s. These are people making huge decisions on their own, thinking they are acting on Jacob’s behalf. It’s as sad as watching a bunch of headless chickens trying to run a relay race. Much like the Locke and Jack camp split, after the freighter invasion started, two groups form and will go their separate ways. Ben and Miles go with Richard. They are headed to the Hydra, where they will have no idea that Widmore has set up shop. Ben will not be pleased to see Charles, and Miles will want his 1.6 million dollars for going on the freighter mission. However, we will most likely find out who did the Ajira purge, with Miles’ ability. They have no candidates are destined to die horrible deaths. The other group is the pilot Frank and the remaining potential candidates in Jack, Hurley, Sun.


Sun can’t talk, but writing is annoying me too. For the love of all things holy, somebody break her fingers or pen, preferably the fingers. Sun: Did we make a mistake? Frank: Probably. Frank with a one word appearance this week. Sure, you are trying to keep up the façade of flying off the island and you need a pilot. But is the show going to be any different if you start to kill off some of there characters. Let’s make a list of island folks that need to die. Zoe, Kate, Jack, Jacob, Sawyer, Sayid, Claire, Cindy, Zak, Emma, all the rest of the Others, all of Widmore’s men, Richard, Hurley, Desmond, Sun, Jin, Frank, Miles. Then we can have Ben, Charles, and MIB play Tiddlywinks over the fate of the universe. Hurley: how do you break the ice with the Smoke Monster? I suppose you could tell it that you have trouble talking to girls and would it like to go out for some coffee some time. Before you know it, you have a litter of puffs of smoke that will grow up to be those stupid air puppet figures that wave their arms in front of car dealerships. Hurley is worried that Smokie might kill us all. Maybe you should have thought of that before your plan of going to meet somebody that is capable of showing you your insides. What is it about this island? As soon as you gain power, you become a moron. MIB was wrong. Power does not corrupt. It kills brain cells. Hurley would lose a tic-tac-toe game to a medium sized boulder. Hugo: I didn’t see Jacob back there. Jack: I know, ever since I got Juliet killed, all I’ve wanted to do is fix it, and I can’t, it’s hard for me to step back and listen to people tell me what to do, maybe that’s the point. Hurley: unless you letting go gets us killed. Let’s take a breath here. Jack is feeling guilty about Juliet, as he should be. His plan to blow up the island to save their plane from crashing didn’t work, or didn’t work as expected. Jack is crying about how it hurts to not be leader anymore. Really? How about all the people that died under your stupid leadership? How do you think they feel? Maybe they can tell Hugo their feelings. Every single season of Lost, people died because of Jack’s mistakes. And, now we’re supposed to hug him and say it’s OK? No, it’s not. Jack has been responsible for arguably more deaths than Ben, for focks sake. So, this supposed new Jacob is going to walk about as the humble, stupid guy for the rest of the show. Greeeeat. Jack: I trust you. What is this? A Lamaze class? Hurley: it was my idea to talk to Locke and I have no idea what I’m doing or where I’m going. That’s OK. Neither has Jack in Six Seasons. Whispers in the jungle. Now, as in the Season 6 preview articles, I repeatedly pointed out that there was no discernable pattern to the whispers. They manifested typically just before the appearance of Smokie or a Smokie manifestation, like Jacob’s cabin chasing Hurley around the jungle, or to signify the appearance of the Others, like when Harper appeared to Juliet to warn that Daniel and Charlotte were on their way to the Tempest hatch. Hurley confirms with Michael that the whispers are the dead, those stuck on the island for what they did, ones that cannot move on. They also eat a lot of ghost pork and beans and have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and do a lot of hissing like steam coming out of a tea kettle. Michael gives Hurley directions to MIB’s camp. Michael wraps things up with “don’t get yourself killed” and “if you ever see Libby again, tell her I’m very sorry”. Sure, Michael shot her in the stomach in the Swan hatch, but she didn’t go quietly. She struggled with life for a while, even going so far as to say “Michael” but Jack and Kate were too dumb to consider that she was naming the murderer. Michael kept looking for a chance to smother her with a pillow, but she passed on her own. So, not only was Michael not sorry for trying to kill her initially, he was trying to make sure she stayed dead. Then, the allows 5 of his friends to be kidnapped. Then, he tries to kill himself multiple times. Yet, here we get a weak ass apology. There is no forgiveness for you, focko. How about you mention Walt, you know, your son that you murdered people for? Forgot about him already? Michael sucks. Picnic on a crowded, windy, non tourist friendly California beach. We now know why Hurley woke up yelling “Cheese Curds” in the Lighthouse episode. He likes cheese and even dreams about it. He brought along in his pic-a-nic basket a wide assortment of cheeses, because eating on a windy beach with sand getting stuck to cheese is one of the world’s greatest treats. Libby is feeling a bit off, a familiarity of a first date they never had, medication she forgot to take, the voices in her head. Hurley brings up all of his insecurities and wonders why Libby would want to be with a guy like him? Are you insane? What kind of question is that? You’re rich, dummy. She loves your money, and is probably working with another Oceanic 815 passenger on a long con. Libby: I like you. And? And? Finish the sentence. And your money. She kisses him with all the love that Claire would kiss skull baby, back when the skull still was covered with rotting flesh. The kiss was dreadful on many levels. It did jog some memories in Hurley’s head, and suddenly he is remembering stuff. Libby is happy she is not crazy. Desmond is watching from a distance. He drives off in his car, license plate number 4PCI264.


MIB leads Desmond to a well in the middle of the jungle, in the middle of the night. To test the depth, they drop a torch inside, and you can hear the sound of water at the bottom. MIB explains this is a very old well, dug by hand; they were not looking for water but answers, places like this make compass needles spin like crazy. Broken compasses do that too. They needed to know why, they dug, they didn’t find what they were looking for. Widmore is interested in power, not answers, this isn’t the only well. OK, let’s start with ancient inhabitants on the island were aware of the special properties of negatively charged matter. Eventually, Dharma came along to try to harness it. Widmore is nearly confirmed to be on neither Jacob’s or MIB’s side, but is working for his own interests. Sure, this isn’t the only well, as Locke was climbing down the one that the Orchid built over the top of, and Locke turned the frozen donkey wheel. So, does this well have a wheel too? Widmore has a map, and it’s likely that wells are dug right over the spots of weird energy. MIB: Why aren’t you afraid? A fair but unexpected question. Desmond isn’t afraid because he knows the future, is my best guess. Desmond: What is the point of being afraid? That answer made no sense whatsoever. MIB does a great series of facial expressions of poker face, to smile, to evil face, and shoves Desmond into the well. MIB goes back to camp and tells Sayid they don’t have to worry about their friend anymore. Sawyer turns to MIB like a neglected wife. Where have been? I’ve been worried sick. Dinner is ice cold, and the children had to go to bed. Why don’t you love me anymore? Mother was right about you. MIB takes a swig on a whiskey bottle and pushes Sawyer down a flight of stairs. The next week, Sawyer has to explain that he walked into a doorknob and gave himself a black eye. Hurley wanders into camp, because nobody considered putting any guards on duty. Lots of guns, no security. Hugo: I don’t want anybody hurt or killed. MIB: you have my word. Sun is looking around for Jin. Kate smiles at Jack and I think I’d rather pass a handful of kidney stones before hearing their future conversations. MIB smiles at Jack. So what? Is this supposed to be a significant moment? They look at each other with googly eyes. Locke was the good guy. He was right about nearly everything. And he’s dead. Just goes to show, there is no possible happy ending to this show. Desmond is sitting in a car in a school parking lot, watching. Ben notices and knocks on his window. Ben: Can I help you? Desmond: No, just browsing to see which one I want to take home and chain up in my basement. Security! Security!! Desmond: I just moved here, looking for a school for my son. Ben: What’s his name? Desmond, without hesitation: Charlie. That response was instinctive and without hesitation, seems to be another fact bleeding together from the two time lines, since Desmond has no son in this timeline, but only in the original timeline. Desmond is watching Locke wheel himself through the parking lot. He starts up the car, and peels off, with the license plate 2FAN321. Note, earlier I explained “He drives off in his car, license plate number 4PCI264.” Different plates. Same car. How does that work? Production error? Loops? All I can do it point out the details, over and over again. Desmond speeds up and plows into Locke. Somehow, even though nearly the entirety of Locke’s body is below the hood of he car, sitting in a wheelchair that should go forward in a straight line or tip over and be pushed, Locke for some unknown reason not in line with everyday physics, pops up like a bagel in a toaster, and goes cart wheeling up and over Desmond’s car, plopping on the ground like a gutted fish. Ben runs over, yelling for someone to call 911, as Desmond peels away. Is it revenge for MIB throwing him down a well? Too shortsighted. It’s probably more of bigger picture view, where he is working for the benefit of both timelines and trying to prevent disaster on the island. Maybe, it’s to trigger Locke’s mind to remember the island and to fight MIB when the timelines bleed together. After all, Charlie and Desmond both remembered the other timeline when they had near death experiences. Still, it’s weird to think the activities in the dual timelines are happening 3 years apart. Ben: Can you hear me? Because when I see a guy that’s dying, I want to know if his senses are working. Hey, buddy, can you smell me? Locke is on his way to a hospital, much like when he was fleeing from Ben who just shot Mr Abaddon, and Locke got into a car accident and had Jack yell at him when he regained consciousness. So, in the LAX timeline, we can expect Locke in Jack’s hospital. Sun just got shot 2 episodes ago, so she will show up. Claire is already in Jack’s hospital. Desmond and Charlie just left. Seems like the museum and hospital are both becoming big meeting places in LAX.


This was a tough one. I didn’t care for the episode and I’ve been sick. If I die before the finale, I’m going to show Hurley what yelling by dead people is really like.

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I can't read your summary any longer Phillybear. You are just too interested in finding holes in the stories and having your expectations being shattered. Thanks for the effort though.

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I can't read your summary any longer Phillybear. You are just too interested in finding holes in the stories and having your expectations being shattered. Thanks for the effort though.



I used to look forward to his write-ups as much as the show, but not anymore. Now they are just rambling and rip everything apart. I still think it is a great show, best on TV. I even liked last weeks episode...I mean, how could you not, Ilana just blew up out of nowhere, very entertaining.

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I used to look forward to his write-ups as much as the show, but not anymore. Now they are just rambling and rip everything apart. I still think it is a great show, best on TV. I even liked last weeks episode...I mean, how could you not, Ilana just blew up out of nowhere, very entertaining.


Yea, but couldn't they blow up someone less attractive? I already miss her cleavage. :dunno:

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I can't read your summary any longer Phillybear. You are just too interested in finding holes in the stories and having your expectations being shattered. Thanks for the effort though.


Sorry to hear that.


I throw around truth bombs. My write-ups haven't changed. The show has.


Despite LOST creating major plot holes in the stories and shattering my expectations, I still plan on watching the show. :dunno:

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I used to look forward to his write-ups as much as the show, but not anymore. Now they are just rambling and rip everything apart. I still think it is a great show, best on TV. I even liked last weeks episode...I mean, how could you not, Ilana just blew up out of nowhere, very entertaining.


I still think it's a great show.


Ilana did not blow up out of nowhere. First, she gives the condescending Arzt speech, talking down to all around. I've been training for this my whole life. Repetition, as Arzt lectured about taking care of the unstable element. Then she throws full water bottles on top of the dynamite. Then she drops the bag on the ground. If you didn't think she was going to blow up at that point, I don't know what to tell you.


Now, you would be correct that it sounds like I've been a bit condescending. As luck would have it, I'm holding some very unstable sweaty dynamite. What do you think...*BOOM*

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Despite LOST creating major plot holes in the stories and shattering my expectations, I still plan on watching the show. :dunno:


Instead of rambling the plot holes, could you list the ones you've found for me? Thanks.


The one that keeps itching me is the food drop from Season 2. Totally unexplained, and seemingly totally unexplainable.


ETA: I take that back. If I were the writers I would explain it with a segment focused on a Dharma plane lost in a storm in 1975. They hit a pocket of electromagnetic interference, the engines briefly die so they dump their cargo to maintain lift. The pocket briefly zapped them to 2005. After a moment they come out of the pocket and return to stormy 1975.


But I have no idea how they would work that scene into the ongoing story of Season 6. It makes "sense," but it would feel like a tack on. Unless, of course, the co-pilot is a young Frank or something.

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I still think it's a great show.


Ilana did not blow up out of nowhere. First, she gives the condescending Arzt speech, talking down to all around. I've been training for this my whole life. Repetition, as Arzt lectured about taking care of the unstable element. Then she throws full water bottles on top of the dynamite. Then she drops the bag on the ground. If you didn't think she was going to blow up at that point, I don't know what to tell you.


I don't think that's what he meant. Yes, the writers comically flagged her explosion with references to Arnzt.


It "came out of nowhere" because she seemed somewhat important to the run of things in Season 6. Then BOOM! - gone.


No one predicted she would die. It came out of nowhere.

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Instead of rambling the plot holes, could you list the ones you've found for me? Thanks.


The one that keeps itching me is the food drop from Season 2. Totally unexplained, and seemingly totally unexplainable.


Believe me, too many to list. I'd be happy to address any that you bring up. We might be able to come to some reasonable solutions without show explanations. By the way, did you notice Desmond's car had different license plates from scene to scene on his car this week?


The food drop will never be explained.


The best explanation is probably the whole "side effects" of entering the island's snow globe. Desmond had the freighter fire a rocket, which arrived 31 minutes later than expected. A doctor is killed on the freighter and is found 2 days earlier washed up on shore. Time is different when entering the snow globe. Maybe cargo got lost in the island's atmosphere 30 years ago and just appeared in Season 2.


Then there is the magic box theory. Ben explains that your wildest imaginations can conger up something in a "magic box", like Locke's father. Well, we learn that he was actually kidnapped and brought to the island. But what of, let's say, the Lighthouse. It's never been talked about before. The Others never mentioned it. Yet, there it was. Because Jacob needed it to be there to show Jack something. The food drop was needed to keep the survivors alive, so it materialized.


The least likely possibility is Mikhail pressed the correct sequence of buttons on the chess computer in the Flame station to order the food to keep the survivors alive. Did Ben want to keep them alive? Maybe, at that point. But did Dharma exist in the outside world where they would then go and drop food, especially since 1992 is the last time any Dharma folks talked to company.

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I don't think that's what he meant. Yes, the writers comically flagged her explosion with references to Arnzt.


It "came out of nowhere" because she seemed somewhat important to the run of things in Season 6. Then BOOM! - gone.


No one predicted she would die. It came out of nowhere.


That's fine. But that opens up the massive plot hole of who Ilana was, how did she know so much stuff, and why she wasn't able to tell us or the candidates anything important before dying. A mostly wasted character. I could list 50 questions about Ilana that will never be answered in any way.


Her face injuries in Russian hospital.

Jacob knowing her.

Jacob healing her.

She knew about Jacob's cabin and where to find it.

She knew about the candidates.

She knew the candidates by appearance.

She knew about non-candidate abilities (Miles)

Jacob's ashes

Bram kidnapping Miles and telling him not to go to the island.

That MIB could no longer change appearance.

The story of MIB and Jacob.

The existence of the Temple

Knowing the secret passages of the Temple.

Able to read hieroglyphics.

Where is Ricardo?

What lies in the shadow of the statue?

The location of the Black Rock since she went to get the dynamite herself.

Capturing Sayid.

Knowing about the Ajira flight ahead of time.


and on and on. :dunno:


Edit: I don't take pleasure in doing this. It's stuff that bothers me.

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That's fine. But that opens up the massive plot hole of who Ilana was, how did she know so much stuff, and why she wasn't able to tell us or the candidates anything important before dying. A mostly wasted character. I could list 50 questions about Ilana that will never be answered in any way.


Her face injuries in Russian hospital.

Jacob knowing her.

Jacob healing her.

She knew about Jacob's cabin and where to find it.

She knew about the candidates.

She knew the candidates by appearance.

She knew about non-candidate abilities (Miles)

Jacob's ashes

Bram kidnapping Miles and telling him not to go to the island.

That MIB could no longer change appearance.

The story of MIB and Jacob.

The existence of the Temple

Knowing the secret passages of the Temple.

Able to read hieroglyphics.

Where is Ricardo?

What lies in the shadow of the statue?

The location of the Black Rock since she went to get the dynamite herself.

Capturing Sayid.

Knowing about the Ajira flight ahead of time.


and on and on. :dunno:


Edit: I don't take pleasure in doing this. It's stuff that bothers me.


Your error is assuming that since we've witnessed her death, we won't see her again.


Most of those questions would be BEST answered in a flashback, rather than a monologue to Jack and Company.


On a pure plot level: she needed to die. The writers wanted Jack & Company to meet up with Locke's camp (for some reason). There's no way that would've happened with Ilana around.

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Lackman> some advice. Stop sweating all the details so much. We all love trying to figure out the show, and a certain amount of frustration is involved in that. The frustration is part of what makes the show so enjoyable. But I think you take it too far. You're ruining the pleasure of the show for yourself.


You don't need to know all the answers. Accept that a lot of gaps will remain. That's life. Mysteries can be every bit as enjoyable as solutions, not-knowing as delectable as knowing.

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Your error is assuming that since we've witnessed her death, we won't see her again.


Most of those questions would be BEST answered in a flashback, rather than a monologue to Jack and Company.


On a pure plot level: she needed to die. The writers wanted Jack & Company to meet up with Locke's camp (for some reason). There's no way that would've happened with Ilana around.


Well, I do assume some things, but with hardly any episodes left, I have no choice. They brought Libby back and answered none of her questions, as a recent example. I guess there could be a Jacob and MIB flashback, where Ilana appears. I doubt she would play a big role in it. I am fairly confident in predicting she will not be getting an Ilana centric episosode to explain her role, unlike Richard. A LAX timeline with an Ilana appearance would not explain her island timeline role, a similar situation to Libby.


I agree that she needed to die. If she wasn't going to directly reveal any more information, she was totally useless to me and the show. I'm glad she's dead. Was it my imagination, but did her boobs get bigger every episode?

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Lackman> some advice. Stop sweating all the details so much. We all love trying to figure out the show, and a certain amount of frustration is involved in that. The frustration is part of what makes the show so enjoyable. But I think you take it too far. You're ruining the pleasure of the show for yourself.


You don't need to know all the answers. Accept that a lot of gaps will remain. That's life. Mysteries can be every bit as enjoyable as solutions, not-knowing as delectable as knowing.


The fine details of the show, the research, the long rehash of episode are part of the charm of the show. That's what made it such an internet sensation. It's still one of my favorite shows of all time. Half the episodes this season have been good to great. And half have sucked. You can't be a LOST fan and say every episode is fantastic and ignore the major plot missteps.


You can't just disconnect logic and reason in the last season after 5 seasons of watching the show differently. I still enjoy watching the show. I enjoy doing my recaps, the analysis, the detail, etc. But it also is frustrating because this show is doing the same mistakes that Alias and XFiles did. Totally fock up the final season. I would be very dishonest if I didn't point out the flaws along with the brilliance.


Edit: leaving some mystery is OK. Contradicting plot points are inexcusable.

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:waiting for kutulu notes:


kutulu is trapped in a wrinkle in the time space continuum, but he did want me to tell you :wave: and happy 4/20 day. :bandana:

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Episode Title: (#613) "The Last Recruit"

Air Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2010




"The Last Recruit" - Alliances are forged and broken as the Locke and Jack camps merge, on "Lost," TUESDAY, APRIL 20 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

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Something to remember is that when they started the series was open ended...they had no idea if it would last past a full season and if it did when it would end. Obviously, this creates some writing challenges that are not present when writing a mini-series, movie, etc. Take the whispers:


I’m fine with the answer. From what I’ve read, the purpose of the whispers actually changed over the seasons when the concept of the Others changed. Time for a history lesson!


Originally, the Others were going to be a more primal people on the Island (notice how they appeared in ragged clothes, barefoot the first few times that we saw glimpses of them on the Island). Although the writers later tried to cover this up with the lame “we’re wearing costumes” storyline (looking back, seriously?), the truth is that the changed their original concept for what the others would be.


It seems to me that originally, the Others were going to be more of a primitive “tribe” on the Island that worshipped the Island, were “one with the Island”, and were semi-spiritual and mystical. The whispers were going to be their mysterious semi-supernatural way to communicate amongst each other. Somewhere along the way, the writers decided it would be much more interesting to have the Others be normal people that were brought to the Island. So the concept of the whispers had to be changed along with them.


What’s curious is that even after the concept of the Others changed, the writers continued to use them much in the same way as they did at the start. The appearance of the Others continued to signal the arrival of Others all the way up to the start of this season, when our Survivors were grabbed by the Others outside the Temple. I might have changed that philosophy and hoped that people just forgot about the details surrounding the Others in the first season by the time they were revealed in the sixth season – but it’s not my show.



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I enjoy doing my recaps, the analysis, the detail, etc.


A comment from the 4815162342.com/forum


Man these are so long but worth the read!

It's quite entertaining reading reviews that appear to be written by the angriest human on earth. :cry:

Thanks for posting these kutulu2 and thanks philly for the entertainment. :dunno:

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I agree with Lackman. The writers are responsible for answering these questions. They chose to encourage/require viewers to analyze details of the show just to be able to follow it. Now they want to just ignore all the details and introduce major plot holes and pass it off as a show about character development. That sh¡t don't fly.

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The episode was OK. It moved the story forward, and didn't enrage me that much. This season, we've seen better, we've seen worse.

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Sooooo......the MIB was lying about being Christian, right?


Also, show of hands...how many were thinking, hoping, and praying that the fences weren't disabled when Jin/Sun were going to hug? How perfect that would have been.

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Sooooo......the MIB was lying about being Christian, right?


Also, show of hands...how many were thinking, hoping, and praying that the fences weren't disabled when Jin/Sun were going to hug? How perfect that would have been.


:lol: I really thought they were gonna get zapped.

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I used to look forward to his write-ups as much as the show, but not anymore. Now they are just rambling and rip everything apart. I still think it is a great show, best on TV. I even liked last weeks episode...I mean, how could you not, Ilana just blew up out of nowhere, very entertaining.


Having things come in neat little easy to read packages is so cool? Nevermind if you agree or disagree. Give me a person that spends X amount of time trying to write out their thoughts on a subject that they give a damn about and is useful in figuring what makes sense or not to dolts like me considering how far out the concept of the show is. I'll take that over a person who gets paid to be miserable and has zero passion about it. There are flaws everywhere. There are many in this shows writing. I am done with season three as of yesterday, and see the lapses in writing and the connect the dots scenario leading to where we are now. The writers blew an opportunity and that's that. Great show that could have been better in it's ending as of today.

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Two questions (or maybe a comment and a question):


After last episode (in the previews for this week) I'm near certain it showed Sayid firing into the well (maybe it wasn't the well, but they sure made it seem like it was). Am I misremembering? Or were we duped?


This episode: :thumbsup: took Jack aside to talk to him. It was dark. He was holding a torch. When they walked back into camp it was daylight. :music_guitarred: What am I missing?

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:thumbsup: I really thought they were gonna get zapped.


Me 2

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