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Looks like the Dems may lose Teddy's Mass seat.

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I now have a newfound respect for the previous idiots that reside in MA.

(Except for Edjr and NewbieJr, obviously)


Good job, voters :pointstosky:


Can't wait until November :lol:

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I now have a newfound respect for the previous idiots that reside in MA.

(Except for Edjr and NewbieJr, obviously)


Good job, voters :pointstosky:


Can't wait until November :lol:


i don't think newbie lives in mass.

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i don't think newbie lives in mass.

you are prolly correct, but with his Pats wub, he might as well..

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Is this the Hope and Change Obongo was thinking of? :banana: Cmon, Messiah, what's going on there? Mr. All style nofucking substance. Maybe you can get a wheelchaired negress lesbian in as governor of Mississippi.



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you are prolly correct, but with his Pats wub, he might as well..



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i don't think newbie lives in mass.


That is correct. NewbieJr is homeless and jobless. It's wonder that the library allows his filthy presence so that he can check his email, surf the internet, and defecate in the Charles Dickens aisle.

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I said it last night at the bar, we were all celebrating like the Patriots had just won another Super Bowl, I'll say it again.


Thank christ Ted died :pointstosky:

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I said it last night at the bar, we were all celebrating like the Patriots had just won another Super Bowl, I'll say it again.


Thank christ Ted died :pointstosky:


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I haven't followed this that closely. So this question may have been discussed ad nausea. But is this win mostly due to the fact that Mass has a form of gov't run healthcare and they do not like it?


Mass does have some form of a gov't run HC for their state correct? Is this pretty much a voice from them saying: "Ummm this crap sucks and is too expensive". ??

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That is correct. NewbieJr is homeless and jobless. It's wonder that the library allows his filthy presence so that he can check his email, surf the internet, and defecate in the Charles Dickens aisle.

Shhhh. I live in the shed that is behind the house that was reposessed from me. It's just me, a lawnmower, and some pool supplies. :pointstosky:

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I haven't followed this that closely. So this question may have been discussed ad nausea. But is this win mostly due to the fact that Mass has a form of gov't run healthcare and they do not like it?


Mass does have some form of a gov't run HC for their state correct? Is this pretty much a voice from them saying: "Ummm this crap sucks and is too expensive". ??


the insurance here is fine by me, it forces people to be insured or they pay extra taxes.


No more free insurance, what's wrong with that?


Nothing close to what obummer wanted to do.


this vote was the people saying "fock obama" "fock liberalism" "fock obama's healthplan" "fock cap and trade" and "fock the democrats"

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this vote was the people saying "fock obama" "fock liberalism" "fock obama's healthplan" "fock cap and trade" and "fock the democrats"

You have such a way with werds :wub:

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I haven't followed this that closely. So this question may have been discussed ad nausea. But is this win mostly due to the fact that Mass has a form of gov't run healthcare and they do not like it?


Mass does have some form of a gov't run HC for their state correct? Is this pretty much a voice from them saying: "Ummm this crap sucks and is too expensive". ??


I don't think it was specifically a vote against Mass. health care. I read that nationalized health care there polled at 48% against, 40 for, which isn't much different than the national numbers IIRC. I also recall reading that the nationalized bill might actually help Mass. as the feds would help cover subsidies for those who can't afford it, which currently Mass. has to cover all by itself. So, don't think it was specifically a mandate against their own state health care bill. I think it was a perfect storm basically. You had a charismatic GOP candidate going against a DEM who felt she was entitled to "Ted Kennedy's seat." Throw in their different stances on the issues, his more in common with what polls suggest Americans want and hers in tune with Obama and the Dems, and you had the perfect scenario for the upset.

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I haven't followed this that closely. So this question may have been discussed ad nausea. But is this win mostly due to the fact that Mass has a form of gov't run healthcare and they do not like it?


Mass does have some form of a gov't run HC for their state correct? Is this pretty much a voice from them saying: "Ummm this crap sucks and is too expensive". ??


No, it was a referendum on the federal government run healthcare plan that is being proposed. Our healthcare system is still mostly private. You get your own insurance and you get a tax credit. If you don't have it and you make a certain amount of money, you don't get the credit (i.e. you get penalized). The people who need healthcare can get it free or through subsidies (depending on how much they make) via private group plans that have lower rates because all of those people are lumped together. There is no mechanism to contain costs being charged. Much of the funding was expected to come from a pool of money that the state was already giving out for free care for the indigent ($700M)


The difference in this election was that some people thought that we would keep our state insurance and still have to fund the national one. Others thought that the national plan was too expensive for us to afford during the current economy.


I also think that Coakley was not exactly someone who was going to get people to rally around her.

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No, it was a referendum on the federal government run healthcare plan that is being proposed. Our healthcare system is still mostly private. You get your own insurance and you get a tax credit. If you don't have it and you make a certain amount of money, you don't get the credit (i.e. you get penalized). The people who need healthcare can get it free or through subsidies (depending on how much they make) via private group plans that have lower rates because all of those people are lumped together. There is no mechanism to contain costs being charged. Much of the funding was expected to come from a pool of money that the state was already giving out for free care for the indigent ($700M)


The difference in this election was that some people thought that we would keep our state insurance and still have to fund the national one. Others thought that the national plan was too expensive for us to afford during the current economy.


I also think that Coakley was not exactly someone who was going to get people to rally around her.



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wait one motherfocking minute. i want one of y'all cracker asses to explain this sht to me.

massachusetts focking has free health care and they're voting against it????????

how does that make any got-damned sense???????????????

it's almost exactly the focking same plan that obama wants for the nation: you can keep your own private insurance if you want, you're penalized if you don't get any healthcare and the state will provide healthcare if you're too poor to buy it for yourself.

i'm just amazed at this sht! it's like buyers focking remorse!


racists! :thumbsdown:

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wait one motherfocking minute. i want one of y'all cracker asses to explain this sht to me.

massachusetts focking has free health care and they're voting against it????????

how does that make any got-damned sense???????????????

it's almost exactly the focking same that obama wants for the nation: you can keep your own private insurance if you want, you're penalized if you don't get any healthcare and the state will provide healthcare if you're too poor to buy it for yourself.

i'm just amazed at this sht! it's like buyers focking remorse!



That's your problem. All you Negro's think everything is free when in actuality someone has to pay for it

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wait one motherfocking minute. i want one of y'all cracker asses to explain this sht to me.

massachusetts focking has free health care and they're voting against it????????

how does that make any got-damned sense???????????????

it's almost exactly the focking same plan that obama wants for the nation: you can keep your own private insurance if you want, you're penalized if you don't get any healthcare and the state will provide healthcare if you're too poor to buy it for yourself.

i'm just amazed at this sht! it's like buyers focking remorse!


racists! :thumbsdown:


Not even a passable effort.


Who did peenie give her password to? I have a couple of ideas. I would have went with it, but that effort just was that bad.

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That's your problem. All you Negro's think everything is free when in actuality someone has to pay for it

why don't you crawl back under that rock you came out of you idiot. the focking poor people are not paying for the got damn healthcare so it's free for them motherfocker! shut the fock up with your nonsensical post!

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why don't you crawl back under that rock you came out of you idiot. the focking poor people are not paying for the got damn healthcare so it's free for them motherfocker! shut the fock up with your nonsensical post!

I thought you said goodbye bored forever? :thumbsdown:

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why don't you crawl back under that rock you came out of you idiot. the focking poor people are not paying for the got damn healthcare so it's free for them motherfocker! shut the fock up with your nonsensical post!



When are you going to show us those National Geographic Teets & Serengeti bush???? :thumbsdown: :blink:

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wait one motherfocking minute. i want one of y'all cracker asses to explain this sht to me.

massachusetts focking has free health care and they're voting against it????????

how does that make any got-damned sense???????????????

it's almost exactly the focking same plan that obama wants for the nation: you can keep your own private insurance if you want, you're penalized if you don't get any healthcare and the state will provide healthcare if you're too poor to buy it for yourself.

i'm just amazed at this sht! it's like buyers focking remorse!


racists! :blink:

Peenie.........focus like a lazer beam here. :thumbsdown: Why would Coakley vote something through for Mass. , that they already had and that didn't work. She was voting for them to be taxed additionally for something they already had. This Health Care Bill is worthless on it's own merit but totally worthless for a state that has already failed at delivering it. They are stuck with what they have......why be taxed for something the rest of the country was being force fed. This was a slam dunk for Brown the way that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid focked it up for Coakley , who was a mess in her own right.

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I'm a little curious as well..who got peenie's password? :thumbsdown:

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i'm just amazed at this sht! it's like buyers focking remorse!

That's a plausible explanation. :thumbsdown:

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I'm a little curious as well..who got peenie's password? :wave:

:thumbsdown: :( :blink:

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wait one motherfocking minute. i want one of y'all cracker asses to explain this sht to me.

massachusetts focking has free health care and they're voting against it????????

how does that make any got-damned sense???????????????

it's almost exactly the focking same plan that obama wants for the nation: you can keep your own private insurance if you want, you're penalized if you don't get any healthcare and the state will provide healthcare if you're too poor to buy it for yourself.

i'm just amazed at this sht! it's like buyers focking remorse!


racists! <_<


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scott brown is fine though.

eh, maybe he's not so bad.

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Peenie.........focus like a lazer beam here. :thumbsup: Why would Coakley vote something through for Mass. , that they already had and that didn't work. She was voting for them to be taxed additionally for something they already had. This Health Care Bill is worthless on it's own merit but totally worthless for a state that has already failed at delivering it. They are stuck with what they have......why be taxed for something the rest of the country was being force fed. This was a slam dunk for Brown the way that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid focked it up for Coakley , who was a mess in her own right.


We are not unhappy with our current system in MA. If you read what I posted earlier, the voters in MA merely felt that we could not afford to have a National system that our taxes would go to and we would get no benefit from. Many also felt that the National system was not as good as what we have already and is more expensive.

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wait one motherfocking minute. i want one of y'all cracker asses to explain this sht to me.

massachusetts focking has free health care and they're voting against it????????

how does that make any got-damned sense???????????????

it's almost exactly the focking same plan that obama wants for the nation: you can keep your own private insurance if you want, you're penalized if you don't get any healthcare and the state will provide healthcare if you're too poor to buy it for yourself.

i'm just amazed at this sht! it's like buyers focking remorse!


racists! :doh:







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Figured the geeks might find this interesting: (exert taken from http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_con...tion_night_poll )


As noted in data released earlier, 56% of Massachusetts voters named health care as the most important issue. That suggests it was a big issue, but Democrat Martha Coakley actually won among those voters by a 53% to 46% margin.

· Among the 25% who named the economy as the top issue, Republican Scott Brown came out narrowly ahead, 52% to 47%.

· Only two other issues—national security and taxes—were named as most important by at least five percent (5%) of voters. Brown clearly had the edge on both.

· Among those who named national security as most important, Brown won 67% to 29%.

· For those who saw taxes as number one, it was Brown 87%, Coakley 13%.

The picture gets even murkier when you look at the correlation between approval of the health care plan.

· Among those who Strongly Favor the plan before Congress, Coakley won 97% of the vote.

· Among those who Strongly Oppose the plan, 98% voted for Brown.

· Coakley also picked up 90% of those who Somewhat Favor the plan while Brown was supported by 78% of those who Somewhat Oppose it.

· One key to Brown’s victory is that 41% Strongly Opposed the plan while just 25% Strongly Favored it.

Last February, President Obama listed four priorities for Congress to act upon. Voters in Massachusetts, like voters nationwide, named deficit reduction as the top goal and health care second.

· Among those who named deficit reduction as most important, Brown won 79% to 21%.

· Among those who named health care reform as the top presidential priority, Coakley won 85% to 19%.

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