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22 hours ago, TimHauck said:

Saying that a year ago would not have gotten you banned from twitter.  In fact starting about a year ago was when I’d argue even here Covid was essentially treated as the flu too.

Saying that TWO YEARS AGO may have gotten you banned from twitter (probably not, but yes it would have gotten you called a science denier).  Except two years ago it wasn’t true.   It’s true now, because of vaccines, natural immunity, and Omicron.  So this is another claim that I’ve heard Covid deniers say “they were right all along” about…except they weren’t.


It would have got you banned.

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Dot forget, Biden opened the border in the midst of a pandemic.  No vaccine required for illegals to enter.  

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3 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Dot forget, Biden opened the border in the midst of a pandemic.  No vaccine required for illegals to enter.  

And when Trump wanted it locked down at the beginning of it all, he was labeled a xenophobe by Biden and Pelosi was leading marches to chinatown.

Gee. Aren't liberals smart? :wacko:

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On 1/21/2023 at 10:05 AM, Hardcore troubadour said:

Dot forget, Biden opened the border in the midst of a pandemic.  No vaccine required for illegals to enter.  

I thought the US implemented a requirement to test negative before entering the country.  Was this just 'news'?


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14 hours ago, Flipper said:

I thought the US implemented a requirement to test negative before entering the country.  Was this just 'news'?


For people flying in.  

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15 hours ago, lod001 said:

Be sure to get your annual MRNA injection. 


This has to be the plan to address the future of social security.  Get a bunch of dummies to ruin their immune systems and die off before they collect.

The rest of America gets back on track.


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1 hour ago, Ultra Max Power said:

This has to be the plan to address the future of social security.  Get a bunch of dummies to ruin their immune systems and die off before they collect.

The rest of America gets back on track.


More like that’s what happened to the unvaccinated people that died of Covid during the delta wave

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Just now, TimHauck said:

More like that’s what happened to the unvaccinated people that died of Covid during the delta wave

The winter of severe illness and death wiped the unvaccinated out. Boosted are next. 

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3 hours ago, Ultra Max Power said:

The winter of severe illness and death wiped the unvaccinated out. Boosted are next. 

We did fine during biden's "winter of death". Cant say the same for the jabbed now. England now up to 3k death per week above normal #s (unexplained, well I can explain it).

The idiotic health ministry tried to pawn it off as people locked down didn't get their medications. So someone with a brain pulled up the charts that they use to see who is taking what.  There was no drop off. She asked if the ministry would commit to an investigation of the excess death. This is the response, which of course completely ignores the question. The ministry of misinformation said and I paraphrase 'well excess deaths are also happening everywhere else." So stupid she didn't know what came out of her blowhole but made sure not to answer the question of what are the going to do about it.


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43 minutes ago, lod001 said:

We did fine during biden's "winter of death". Cant say the same for the jabbed now.

Not really, check the stats (particularly the comparison between last winter and now), not just grainy videos from Brazil.

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1 hour ago, TimHauck said:

Not really, check the stats (particularly the comparison between last winter and now), not just grainy videos from Brazil.

Well, we are all here. Certainly no winder of death of us. Therefore we did fine. You lost this debate years ago. Why keep looking stupid.

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54 minutes ago, lod001 said:

Well, we are all here. Certainly no winder of death of us. Therefore we did fine. You lost this debate years ago. Why keep looking stupid.

You’re right.  Because some random schmos from the Geek Club didn’t die of Covid, it must not have been a big deal.  Got it.

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58 minutes ago, lod001 said:

You lost this debate years ago. Why keep looking stupid.

He's trying to convince himself that he didn't inject poison, and hoping to convince other retards into joining him.

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12 minutes ago, lickin_starfish said:

He's trying to convince himself that he didn't inject poison, and hoping to convince other retards into joining him.

I know no one’s getting convinced to take it at this point.  But I see you’re still trying to convince yourself your wife didn’t make a mistake by getting fired over refusing to take a very effective vaccine.

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4 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

I know no one’s getting convinced to take it at this point.  But I see you’re still trying to convince yourself your wife didn’t make a mistake by getting fired over refusing to take a very effective vaccine.

My wife and I are quite content with her decision. We are in a good spot. We would make the same choice in a heartbeat.

Speaking of heartbeat... have fun wondering what is coursing through your body as you try to fall asleep tonight.

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Can this kvnt really believe what she’s spewing?  Translation...y’all made us mad by not getting the vax, so no, you can’t have your job back


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18 hours ago, lod001 said:

We did fine during biden's "winter of death". Cant say the same for the jabbed now. England now up to 3k death per week above normal #s (unexplained, well I can explain it).

The idiotic health ministry tried to pawn it off as people locked down didn't get their medications. So someone with a brain pulled up the charts that they use to see who is taking what.  There was no drop off. She asked if the ministry would commit to an investigation of the excess death. This is the response, which of course completely ignores the question. The ministry of misinformation said and I paraphrase 'well excess deaths are also happening everywhere else." So stupid she didn't know what came out of her blowhole but made sure not to answer the question of what are the going to do about it.


According to this, the number of “999” calls has been pretty consistent, but the wait time has increased, I would guess more of a staffing issue (edit: potentially related to vax mandates) but not familiar with England.

Apparently “111” calls are up but only in like the last month, after being on a decline, so that would indicate it’s something that happened more recently and not the vax.


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18 hours ago, lod001 said:

We did fine during biden's "winter of death". Cant say the same for the jabbed now. England now up to 3k death per week above normal #s (unexplained, well I can explain it).



My immediate family didn't sick at all.  2x adults and 4x kids all unvaccinated.  We believe we've all had covid at least once.  3x positive tests, 1 serology confirmation, and 2x assumptions. 

My extended family saw the same thing the Cleveland clinic observed.  The more vaccines a person had the more often they seemed to catch covid. My heavily vax'd FIL, Sister and Step Mother are the most covid cautious of the bunch and all have had covid 4+ times.  

Pretty insane at this point. 

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40 minutes ago, Ultra Max Power said:

My immediate family didn't sick at all.  2x adults and 4x kids all unvaccinated.  We believe we've all had covid at least once.  3x positive tests, 1 serology confirmation, and 2x assumptions. 

My extended family saw the same thing the Cleveland clinic observed.  The more vaccines a person had the more often they seemed to catch covid. My heavily vax'd FIL, Sister and Step Mother are the most covid cautious of the bunch and all have had covid 4+ times.  

Pretty insane at this point. 

You’re quoting a claim about a “winter of death” and talking about infections (and in a study that is confounded).   Infections do not equal death, and it has been well known for over a year that the vaccines do not really protect against Omicron infection.  They do however protect against death and the unvaccinated have been dying at far higher rates (and there was a spike in deaths driven by Covid last winter).

Here is a good chart of total deaths by age group:

Couple callouts: for one you can see there actually was a “winter of death” for 45+ last winter, and these spikes line up exactly with covid spikes.

Notably 75+ did not see a huge spike during the Delta wave but other ages did, and that was the biggest spike by far for the 25-44 age group. However once Omicron hit was where the benefit of boosters was notable for the older population.  

Lastly you can see that the baseline of deaths in the under 44 ages have increased, but it started with Covid, and actually in the 25-44 ages looks to have declined starting with about March 2022.

Bottom line, the data supports Covid as the primary driver of excess deaths (even now), not vaccines.



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On 1/19/2023 at 1:32 PM, Ultra Max Power said:

Or she had a common flu and we chalked it up to Covid, which I think is more likely due to the fact we had a MASSIVE drop in flu deaths that season.  



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15 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

You’re quoting a claim about a “winter of death” and talking about infections (and in a study that is confounded).   Infections do not equal death, and it has been well known for over a year that the vaccines do not really protect against Omicron infection.  They do however protect against death and the unvaccinated have been dying at far higher rates (and there was a spike in deaths driven by Covid last winter).

Here is a good chart of total deaths by age group:

Couple callouts: for one you can see there actually was a “winter of death” for 45+ last winter, and these spikes line up exactly with covid spikes.

Notably 75+ did not see a huge spike during the Delta wave but other ages did, and that was the biggest spike by far for the 25-44 age group. However once Omicron hit was where the benefit of boosters was notable for the older population.  

Lastly you can see that the baseline of deaths in the under 44 ages have increased, but it started with Covid, and actually in the 25-44 ages looks to have declined starting with about March 2022.

Bottom line, the data supports Covid as the primary driver of excess deaths (even now), not vaccines.



More lies from Slo Nuts.  The initial vaccines and even boosters did not help with either infection or even mild illness against Omicron, yet somehow, serious illness and death were prevented by the same vaccines.  Weird how that works.


When the mild Omicron variant is blamed for spikes in 25-44 year olds, as Slo Nuts claims, you can be sure it's not Omicron that's causing those spikes, but weakened immune sytems.

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Remember when I said that lockdowns were killing people who weren't getting the treatment they needed?  And remember all the times Tim Hack referenced "excess deaths" to support his lockdown/vaccine obsession?  Yeah, about all that:


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27 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

You’re quoting a claim about a “winter of death” and talking about infections (and in a study that is confounded).   Infections do not equal death, and it has been well known for over a year that the vaccines do not really protect against Omicron infection.  They do however protect against death and the unvaccinated have been dying at far higher rates (and there was a spike in deaths driven by Covid last winter).

Here is a good chart of total deaths by age group:

Couple callouts: for one you can see there actually was a “winter of death” for 45+ last winter, and these spikes line up exactly with covid spikes.

Notably 75+ did not see a huge spike during the Delta wave but other ages did, and that was the biggest spike by far for the 25-44 age group. However once Omicron hit was where the benefit of boosters was notable for the older population.  

Lastly you can see that the baseline of deaths in the under 44 ages have increased, but it started with Covid, and actually in the 25-44 ages looks to have declined starting with about March 2022.

Bottom line, the data supports Covid as the primary driver of excess deaths (even now), not vaccines.



You need to get infected to die from covid.  If we aren't getting infected, we have no chance of dying or Long covid or medium covid.  the vaccinated are the ones getting it more often.

The unvaccinated deaths is also a skewed number as there was the sickly cohort that wasn't healthy enough to begin with to even take the vaccines.  

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39 minutes ago, Casual Observer said:

More lies from Slo Nuts.  The initial vaccines and even boosters did not help with either infection or even mild illness against Omicron, yet somehow, serious illness and death were prevented by the same vaccines.  Weird how that works.


When the mild Omicron variant is blamed for spikes in 25-44 year olds, as Slo Nuts claims, you can be sure it's not Omicron that's causing those spikes, but weakened immune sytems.

Yes that is how it works (the vaccine still protects against serious illness from Omicron even if not infection), this has been discussed previously.

I did not say the Omicron variant is blamed for spikes in 25-44 year old deaths.  The main “spike” was from Delta, but there was a higher baseline from Covid in general starting in 2020.   

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29 minutes ago, Strike said:

Remember when I said that lockdowns were killing people who weren't getting the treatment they needed?  And remember all the times Tim Hack referenced "excess deaths" to support his lockdown/vaccine obsession?  Yeah, about all that:


I never said there were no non-Covid excess deaths.  Just that Covid was the main driver.  Which that article agrees with, so thanks for proving my point!  It says 300k out of 1.26 million did not have Covid as the “main” cause of death on the death certificate.  So essentially 77% of the excess had Covid as the “main” cause of death.  Likely more had it as a contributing cause, and likely even more may have died at home with undiagnosed Covid or complications following a Covid infection.

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It’s the flu.  Maybe they come up with a shot that works better in the future.  For now, I’ll pass and keep it moving. 

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33 minutes ago, Ultra Max Power said:

You need to get infected to die from covid.  If we aren't getting infected, we have no chance of dying or Long covid or medium covid.  the vaccinated are the ones getting it more often.

The unvaccinated deaths is also a skewed number as there was the sickly cohort that wasn't healthy enough to begin with to even take the vaccines.  

There has not been a randomized study that I’ve seen (Cleveland clinic one was not) show that the vaccinated are getting it more often.   More likely that it’s driven by the fact that they’re more likely to test.  It’s been shown that prior natural infection doesn’t really protect against Omicron infection either (but does also protect strongly against serious illness or death, so yes @Casual Observer that is a thing). 

Funny that you are basing your conclusion on a confounded study, and in the very next sentence claim that the vaccinated/unvaccinated data is confounded.  That’s not true until you get to like 95+, even most nursing home residents got vaccinated.   And it is the opposite for anyone under about 50: people in better shape who were less likely to die from Covid were also less likely to get vaccinated.

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1 minute ago, KSB2424 said:

It’s the flu.  

It is now, thanks to vaccines, widespread natural immunity and Omicron.

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URGENT: Deaths in England surge again

The mortality crisis continues - but not in countries that did not heavily use mRNA Covid jabs

Alex Berenson

The death surge in highly mRNA vaccinated countries continues this winter.

Meanwhile, less-vaccinated countries are reporting normal or below normal mortality rates.

The latest bad news for vaccine advocates came from the British government this morning.

The Office of National Statistics said it had registered 17,381 deaths in England and Wales in the week ended Friday, January 13. That figure is about 20 percent more than the five-year average - and 30 percent more than longer-term averages - for the year’s second week.

Only about 650 of the deaths had Covid as an underlying cause, the government said, so most of the excess was not related to Covid.

The British data confirms recent trends all over Western Europe, including the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Most wealthy countries that relied on mRNA Covid shots and boosters had non-Covid deaths well above normal in 2022. The problem has worsened in recent weeks, in the wake of the fall Omicron booster campaigns.

With recent upward revisions, Europe will now probably report more excess deaths in 2022 than either 2020, before Covid vaccines were available, or 2021, before boosters began in earnest.

No connection has yet been proven.

But in contrast, South Africa and Bulgaria - two middle-income countries with much lower levels of Covid vaccinations - have reported normal or below-normal deaths for several months.


While the United States lags substantially in reporting complete death figures, many European countries post them within two to three weeks.

Britain is among the fastest, as well as very highly vaccinated.

About 90 percent of English adults received mRNA Covid jabs from Pfizer or Moderna or AstraZeneca’s DNA shots, according to government data.

About 70 percent of English adults then received a booster, and about 60 percent of those over 50 received the “bivalent” booster against Omicron in fall 2022. (Many adults over 75 also received a spring 2022 booster, meaning they have now taken five shots.) The boosters have been almost exclusively mRNAs.

Yet deaths in Britain have recently soared.

(Deaths registered in England and Wales, by week for the last three years. Deaths are now far above normal, with non-Covid deaths higher than at any point since the epidemic began.)





Bulgaria offers a striking contrast.

Deaths in Bulgaria have fallen far below their 2020 and 2021 levels - and more recently even below the 2015-2019 averages.

Bulgaria had among the lowest vaccination rates anywhere in the world, with only about 30 percent of adults jabbed and under 15 percent receiving even one booster. The country had widespread Covid outbreaks and high Covid deaths in 2020 and 2021.

But - as was widely predicted when Covid began and before the mRNA vaccines were introduced - it now appears to be running a deficit of deaths. The most likely explanation is that many of the people Covid killed were very old and sick and would have died within a year or two.

The Bulgarian data, and similar figures from South Africa, also appear to end “long Covid” as an explanation for the excess deaths in the mRNA countries. Both countries had nearly everyone exposed to the coronavirus.



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23 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

There has not been a randomized study that I’ve seen (Cleveland clinic one was not) show that the vaccinated are getting it more often.   More likely that it’s driven by the fact that they’re more likely to test.  It’s been shown that prior natural infection doesn’t really protect against Omicron infection either (but does also protect strongly against serious illness or death, so yes @Casual Observer that is a thing). 

Funny that you are basing your conclusion on a confounded study, and in the very next sentence claim that the vaccinated/unvaccinated data is confounded.  That’s not true until you get to like 95+, even most nursing home residents got vaccinated.   And it is the opposite for anyone under about 50: people in better shape who were less likely to die from Covid were also less likely to get vaccinated.

The Cleveland clinic study was real world data. They tracked vaccine rates vs covid sick days of their own employees and found the more vaccines an employee had the more likely they were to miss work for covid.  

I'm skeptical off all the ways they monitored and recorded covid vs vaccination rates.   Heck right now HHS is touting that getting the Bivalent booster reduces your risk of a covid death.   The reality is that less than 10% of the population has gotten the booster that came out 4 months ago, so its such a small subset of the population to begin with, of course their death rate is lower. 

People who got a booster in 2023 are also a smaller % of covid deaths, its factual, but its playing with the numbers. 

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5 minutes ago, Ultra Max Power said:

The Cleveland clinic study was real world data. They tracked vaccine rates vs covid sick days of their own employees and found the more vaccines an employee had the more likely they were to miss work for covid.  

I'm skeptical off all the ways they monitored and recorded covid vs vaccination rates.   Heck right now HHS is touting that getting the Bivalent booster reduces your risk of a covid death.   The reality is that less than 10% of the population has gotten the booster that came out 4 months ago, so its such a small subset of the population to begin with, of course their death rate is lower. 

People who got a booster in 2023 are also a smaller % of covid deaths, its factual, but its playing with the numbers. 

So you're touting confounded data that supports your opinion while at the same time accusing other data that doesn't support your opinion (which there is also MUCH more of) of being confounded (which isn't even really true for the most part and might even be the opposite).  Got it, not hypocritical at all.

Here is one study that found a 50-60% reduction in all-cause deaths (not just covid), and even adjusted for the "healthy vaccinee effect"





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4 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

So you're touting confounded data that supports your opinion while at the same time accusing other data that doesn't support your opinion (which there is also MUCH more of) of being confounded (which isn't even really true for the most part and might even be the opposite).  Got it, not hypocritical at all.

Here is one study that found a 50-60% reduction in all-cause deaths (not just covid), and even adjusted for the "healthy vaccinee effect"



Wait... You think getting a covid vaccine reduces ALL CAUSE mortality? 

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5 minutes ago, Ultra Max Power said:

Wait... You think getting a covid vaccine reduces ALL CAUSE mortality? 

Well it reduces Covid mortality and there’s no evidence it increases non-Covid mortality, so yes.

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Alex Berensen has done nothing in the last two years other than misinterpret data to get his POV out there. His claims have been consistently proven inaccurate. The bottom line is that Covid vaccines have proven to decrease serious illness, death and hospitalizations worldwide. 


Don't believe in the vaccine, don't get it, but quit passing off bullsh1t data to claim they cause deaths.

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