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trump leads biden in hypothetical 2024 matchup: poll

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remember that Trump never led A SINGLE POLL in the 2016 or 2020 election cycles.  Today, we have a poll where Trump wins.  His message IS getting out.  He IS growing in popularity.  Trump also holds a 26-point lead over DeSantis.


Trump leads Biden in hypothetical 2024 match-up: poll

by Julia Shapero - 01/24/23 8:43 AM ET

Former President Trump holds a 3-point lead over President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 rematch, according to a new Emerson College poll released on Tuesday.

Forty-four percent in the poll said they would support Trump in the 2024 presidential election, compared to the 41 percent who said they would back Biden. Another 10 percent said they would support someone else, while 4 percent remained undecided.

This represents a reversal from Emerson’s last national poll, in November, that showed Biden with a 4-point lead over Trump, 45 percent to 41 percent.

Despite falling behind Trump in a hypothetical match-up, Biden’s approval rating saw a 5-point bump in Tuesday’s poll, increasing from 39 percent in November to 44 percent in January.

A rematch between the two 2020 opponents appears increasingly possible, as a majority of both Democrats and Republicans said in the Emerson poll that they would support Biden and Trump as their parties’ respective nominees.

Fifty-eight percent of Democratic primary or caucus voters said they think Biden should be the Democratic nominee, while 55 percent of Republicans said they think Trump should be their nominee, the poll found.

Trump holds a substantial 26-point lead over his closest potential primary competitor, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R). However, DeSantis has gained slightly on Trump since Emerson’s November poll, increasing his support by 4 percentage points.


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Should never have been elected in the first place.  Now he would be a lame duck intent on litigating the past to restore his imagined legacy.  It would be a regressive and destructive four years.

Time to move on, past time really.

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Just now, The Real timschochet said:

I believe that Trump has a legitimate, very real chance to be President yet again. 

Truly scary. 

It's not scary at all, what an absurd statement. He was already President once and we were better off as a country. Just a completely stupid take. You're a clown.

All that said, no Thanks, he had his shot. I'm tired of these geriatric focks refusing to give up power, go the fock away. He's technically barely a boomer & Biden isn't even a boomer, he's older than that.

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4 minutes ago, Engorgeous George said:

Should never have been elected in the first place.  Now he would be a lame duck intent on litigating the past to restore his imagined legacy.  It would be a regressive and destructive four years.

Time to move on, past time really.

i agree lets move on from biden.

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I don't really want him in there for the nomination.   But to feel the absolute force coming through my screen of guys like wiff and rusty's heads exploding, could be worth it.

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9 minutes ago, Engorgeous George said:

I agree wholeheartedly on that count as well.

typically though, most presidents enter their first term super-optimistic that THEY are truly special and know how to reach across the aisle to work with the other side and broker major accomplishments.  it seems to take about 6 years for them to actually figure out thats not how Washington works, and you start to see that realization reflected in cabinet picks in the last 2 years.  typical new presidents like to enter office and pick cabinet posts with a focus on people who are go-getters first and foremost (which is the wrong choice) and in the last 2 years they are picking people who share the presidents vision first and foremost.  but by then, its too late and they are lame ducks.

I know Bush43 entered office as the "compassionate conservative" and tried to reach across the aisle and got nowhere.  Trump got in and tried to reach across the aisle on lowering the cost of prescription drugs and got nowhere. 

This makes Trump extremely appealing as the winner in 2024 because he did a first term, sat out for 4 years, and now comes back.  so he uniquely has more veteran experience than any other second term president in the modern era.  so he might fill out his cabinet correctly earlier than normal and get more done.

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1 minute ago, listen2me 23 said:

I don't really want him in there for the nomination.   But to feel the absolute force coming through my screen of guys like wiff and rusty's heads exploding, could be worth it.

Of course it’s worth it. Pissing off liberals, along with white fear of minority status, have been the two main reasons for Trump’s popularity all along. 

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1 minute ago, The Real timschochet said:

Of course it’s worth it. Pissing off liberals, along with white fear of minority status, have been the two main reasons for Trump’s popularity all along. 

whites fell into the minority decades ago.  then they just changed the definition of "white".  it used to be that italians and irish were not considered white.  Today, more and more latinos categorize themselves as white.  as this trend continues, in another 20 years, we would be once again saying the US is overwhelmingly white as latinos will be counted as whites.

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7 minutes ago, JustinCharge said:

whites fell into the minority decades ago.  then they just changed the definition of "white".  it used to be that italians and irish were not considered white.  Today, more and more latinos categorize themselves as white.  as this trend continues, in another 20 years, we would be once again saying the US is overwhelmingly white as latinos will be counted as whites.

20 years? I thought the nukes were coming down THIS year! We don’t have 20 years. 

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5 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Of course it’s worth it. Pissing off liberals, along with white fear of minority status, have been the two main reasons for Trump’s popularity all along. 

Written by an woman immigrant of color.  USA Today.

With just days until the election, some Black voters may still be grappling with whether to cast their vote for former Vice President Joe Biden or President Donald Trump. Biden said, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you 'ain’t Black,” because apparently, he owns the Black vote. But Blacks are not a monolith, and they are not indebted to Joe Biden nor to the Democratic Party.

If their final decision comes down to which candidate will continue the economic progress that lifted median Black household incomes to their highest levels on record and pushed Black unemployment rates and poverty rates down to their lowest levels, then there is really just one choice: President Trump.

Consider that the man who championed the 1957 Civil Rights Act, then-Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson, referred to it as "the (N-word) bill.” As president, he signed into law pivotal legislation that dismantled segregation and disenfranchisement of Blacks: the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Yet, according to biographers and personal accounts, he still referred to Blacks of every stature — from Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall to his own chauffeur — as the N-word.

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Just now, The Real timschochet said:

20 years? I thought the nukes were coming down THIS year! We don’t have 20 years. 

i said "if this trend continues" which infers we might not get there.  read before posting.

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35 minutes ago, Engorgeous George said:

Should never have been elected in the first place.  Now he would be a lame duck intent on litigating the past to restore his imagined legacy.  It would be a regressive and destructive four years.

Time to move on, past time really.

As a Trump voter both times, I agree with this.  He's damaged goods and him running all but guarantees another Democrat loser as POTUS.  

DeSantis (at the moment) will win this if Trump stays out of the race.

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Trump getting the GOP nod seems like Biden’s only path to re-election. 

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59 minutes ago, JustinCharge said:

typically though, most presidents enter their first term super-optimistic that THEY are truly special and know how to reach across the aisle to work with the other side and broker major accomplishments.  it seems to take about 6 years for them to actually figure out thats not how Washington works, and you start to see that realization reflected in cabinet picks in the last 2 years.  typical new presidents like to enter office and pick cabinet posts with a focus on people who are go-getters first and foremost (which is the wrong choice) and in the last 2 years they are picking people who share the presidents vision first and foremost.  but by then, its too late and they are lame ducks.

I know Bush43 entered office as the "compassionate conservative" and tried to reach across the aisle and got nowhere.  Trump got in and tried to reach across the aisle on lowering the cost of prescription drugs and got nowhere. 

This makes Trump extremely appealing as the winner in 2024 because he did a first term, sat out for 4 years, and now comes back.  so he uniquely has more veteran experience than any other second term president in the modern era.  so he might fill out his cabinet correctly earlier than normal and get more done.

I will ackwoledge the possibility while holding the belief that his interst is not in good governance for you or I but rather is for self agrandizement.  Still, you have an interesting point i do not dismiss out of hand.  Thank you for sharing your point.

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1 hour ago, JustinCharge said:

remember that Trump never led A SINGLE POLL in the 2016 or 2020 election cycles.  Today, we have a poll where Trump wins.  His message IS getting out.  He IS growing in popularity.  Trump also holds a 26-point lead over DeSantis.


Trump leads Biden in hypothetical 2024 match-up: poll

From the link his 3 point lead is within the margin of error (and this is just one poll).

"The Emerson College poll was conducted from Jan. 19 to 21 among 1,015 registered voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points."


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26 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

I believe that Trump has a legitimate, very real chance to be President yet again. 

Truly scary. 

What I think is scary is that over the last 6 years, you think Biden is the better option.

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I'd 100% vote for Trump again! The best president in our lifetime. That being said I wouldn't mind someone else, but nobody comes close other than DeSantis. Everyone else is a RINO. We need a real patriot, leader, and someone who loves America. 

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Question for my conservative friends here: lately, nearly 100% of you have indicated that you would prefer DeSantis over Trump. This is also true of all of my conservative friends and acquaintances in real life, at least the ones I’ve talked to in recent months. 

So the question is: why is Trump, according to the poll, still leading DeSantis by 26 points? And do you expect this to continue? 

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4 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Question for my conservative friends here: lately, nearly 100% of you have indicated that you would prefer DeSantis over Trump. This is also true of all of my conservative friends and acquaintances in real life, at least the ones I’ve talked to in recent months. 

So the question is: why is Trump, according to the poll, still leading DeSantis by 26 points? And do you expect this to continue? 

They probably just say that to you so you'll leave them the fock alone and stop hassling them. Actually, that is definitely why.

For example, everyone where I work thinks I'm a liberal. I know how to play the game.

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24 minutes ago, squistion said:

From the link his 3 point lead is within the margin of error (and this is just one poll).

"The Emerson College poll was conducted from Jan. 19 to 21 among 1,015 registered voters and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points."


Take your deflection and source policing back to FBGs, that crap isn't appreciated here.

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1 hour ago, The Real timschochet said:

Of course it’s worth it. Pissing off liberals, along with white fear of minority status, have been the two main reasons for Trump’s popularity all along

Incorrect. Trump was a great president all around. The fact that he pissed off the liberals was a bonus. A costly one though for American taxpayers because of how the liberals were spending our money all in the name of "Get Trump!!".

But that's not Trumps fault.

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1 minute ago, RogerDodger said:

Take your deflection and source policing back to FBGs, that crap isn't appreciated here.

Quoting from the linked article is deflection? :mellow: 

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27 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Question for my conservative friends here: lately, nearly 100% of you have indicated that you would prefer DeSantis over Trump. This is also true of all of my conservative friends and acquaintances in real life, at least the ones I’ve talked to in recent months. 

So the question is: why is Trump, according to the poll, still leading DeSantis by 26 points? And do you expect this to continue? 

Because Trump has proven to be the best president this country has ever had. Just because liberals are stupid around him is not his fault.

Trump 2024!!


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2 hours ago, Engorgeous George said:

Should never have been elected in the first place.  Now he would be a lame duck intent on litigating the past to restore his imagined legacy.  It would be a regressive and destructive four years.

Time to move on, past time really.

I think his only shot is winning the Republican nomination. Otherwise, he'll run as an independent, split the conservative vote and keep The White House in Democratic hands in 2024.

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2 minutes ago, squistion said:

Quoting from the linked article is deflection? :mellow: 

Your games made the effeminate owner over there shut it down. You and yours destroy forums like you do cities.  Piss off dummy.  

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31 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Question for my conservative friends here: lately, nearly 100% of you have indicated that you would prefer DeSantis over Trump. This is also true of all of my conservative friends and acquaintances in real life, at least the ones I’ve talked to in recent months. 

So the question is: why is Trump, according to the poll, still leading DeSantis by 26 points? And do you expect this to continue? 

If I had to wager a guess, I'd say that they were asked who'd they vote for in 2024 if it were Biden vs Trump.

I'd prefer DeSantis, but if on election day, it was Biden vs Trump, I'm voting for Trump.

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11 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

Your games made the effeminate owner over there shut it down. You and yours destroy forums like you do cities.  Piss off dummy.  

Look who’s back under another alias, emotional Daulton is that you? 

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5 minutes ago, BirdGang said:

Look who’s back under another alias, emotional Daulton is that you? 

That's really Squiz.  All we need is Slow Nuts to show back up and they'd have their whole libtard gang back together whining a crying.  

  • Haha 1

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21 minutes ago, Pimpadeaux said:

I think his only shot is winning the Republican nomination. Otherwise, he'll run as an independent, split the conservative vote and keep The White House in Democratic hands in 2024.

His ego may demand that of him. Perhaps DeSantis could appease him by making him Border Czar and Grand Poobah of Executive Pardon Recommendations and Processing, a new Cabinet Level position.  Maybe Ambassador to the Court of St. James.  Any shiny distraction to feed his ego.

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8 minutes ago, RogerDodger said:

Your games made the effeminate owner over there shut it down. You and yours destroy forums like you do cities.  Piss off dummy.  

It wasn't me who got Joe to shut it down, I wanted it to remain open. I told him it was an unrealistic decision, as politics can bleed into almost every subject discussed, and I was right as the mods have been playing Wack-A-Mole since then, deleting all posts that suggest anything even remotely political.

I find it amusing and somewhat ironic that Tim (of all people) said the PSF had become toxic and should be closed down (and he got his wish).


  • Haha 1

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15 minutes ago, squistion said:

It wasn't me who got Joe to shut it down, I wanted it to remain open. I told him it was an unrealistic decision, as politics can bleed into almost every subject discussed, and I was right as the mods have been playing Wack-A-Mole since then, deleting all posts that suggest anything even remotely political.

I find it amusing and somewhat ironic that Tim (of all people) said the PSF had become toxic and should be closed down (and he got his wish).


Hey squis good to have you here: and yeah it’s way more of a cesspool here than it ever was at FBG. But your presence is welcome; we need more liberal voices: Gets pretty lonely in here. 

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20 minutes ago, squistion said:

It wasn't me who got Joe to shut it down, I wanted it to remain open. I told him it was an unrealistic decision, as politics can bleed into almost every subject discussed, and I was right as the mods have been playing Wack-A-Mole since then, deleting all posts that suggest anything even remotely political.

I find it amusing and somewhat ironic that Tim (of all people) said the PSF had become toxic and should be closed down (and he got his wish).


:lol:  Listen to yourself. You're a whining crying little b!itch.  You get offended by emoji use.  You're Exhibit A of what moderators on a forum don't want to put up with.


I find it amusing that you got your safe space shut down. 

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