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Right-wing hate groups the No. 1 U.S. security threat, DHS says

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13 minutes ago, MDC said:

Tardcore said income inequality / wage disparity isn’t a partisan issue. Seems to me it is a partisan issue if one party thinks it’s a problem and the other doesn’t. Get it?

You're back and forth was with @RLLD.

Also, whether HT said that or not, is irrelevant.  You blamed Republican's in one post by saying they don't think income inequality is a problem, then blamed them for not having ideas.

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5 minutes ago, dogcows said:

The better question is: why should anybody vote for a party that refuses to acknowledge one of the biggest problems facing America?

Take a look through history at times when wealth inequality reached extremes. The results were never pretty.

I think the better question is: Why should anybody vote for a party that thinks the best way to run a country is to make a portion of society hate the other portion based on their beliefs?


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Personally I don’t think income inequality is a problem. 

I think POOR PEOPLE are a problem. I think there’s too many of them. I think we need to help them be less poor. 

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1 minute ago, TBayXXXVII said:

I think the better question is: Why should anybody vote for a party that thinks the best way to run a country is to make a portion of society hate the other portion based on their beliefs?


I don’t think it’s wrong to hate white supremacists, or Nazis, or Communists, or radical Islamists or sports teams from New England. These groups have evil ideas and they commit bad acts. Wouldn’t you agree? 

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26 minutes ago, TBayXXXVII said:

You're back and forth was with @RLLD.

Also, whether HT said that or not, is irrelevant.  You blamed Republican's in one post by saying they don't think income inequality is a problem, then blamed them for not having ideas.

I said Republicans don’t think income equality is an issue and therefore have no ideas for dealing with it. GC Republicans immediately confirmed the same thing. That’s just a statement of fact. And as we know, facts don’t care about your feelings.


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54 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

Most conservatives aren’t white supremacists. Most of you guys aren’t hateful bigots. So why defend them? I don’t get it. 


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51 minutes ago, dogcows said:

The better question is: why should anybody vote for a party that refuses to acknowledge one of the biggest problems facing America?

Take a look through history at times when wealth inequality reached extremes. The results were never pretty.

Why should anyone vote for a party that only talks about it, and is full of the biggest recipients of this inequality? 

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5 hours ago, jonmx said:

A more powerful big government police state in bed with big corp. fascist is not the answer.  We need to break down the police state which seeks to watch us and control us 24/7 and to break up these mega corps and put up a barrier between them and government.  Once we have our country back then we can worry about a better tax system.  Let me tell you this....just because the leftist talk about wealth inequality, nothing they ever propose or do helps it at all.   It just feeds and grows the big government beast and expands power and wealth of the giant multi-nationsl corporations. 

Oh shiiiiiiiiiittt. I'm going to have to call my primary care provider and shrink. I must be teetering on the edge of madness. I actually AGREE with what you posted here.

But I would add that the righties don't do anything to make wealth inequality better either. And neither party will until we can remove business interests from politics. Which will also never happen, unfortunately. 

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13 minutes ago, Fnord said:

Oh shiiiiiiiiiittt. I'm going to have to call my primary care provider and shrink. I must be teetering on the edge of madness. I actually AGREE with what you posted here.

But I would add that the righties don't do anything to make wealth inequality better either. And neither party will until we can remove business interests from politics. Which will also never happen, unfortunately. 

It is funny, I ran across this paper written by the ACLU in 2008 called "UNLEASHED AND UNACCOUNTABLE: THE FBI'S UNCHECKED ABUSE OF AUTHORITY"   it basically outlines what the GOP Congressional Committee is exposing about the corruption and abuses going on in the FBI and other branches of government.  

Only problem is, today's liberals have become so blinded by their hatred of Trump/"White Supremists" that they have become leftist authoritarians and cheerlead and coverup the abuses of government authority.  True liberalism is pretty much dead in this country.  

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1 hour ago, MDC said:

I said Republicans don’t think income equality is an issue and therefore have no ideas for dealing with it. GC Republicans immediately confirmed the same thing. That’s just a statement of fact. And as we know, facts don’t care about your feelings.


Democrats dont actually care either, but I will allow tht the socialists probably do.....

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59 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

I don’t think it’s wrong to hate white supremacists, or Nazis, or Communists, or radical Islamists or sports teams from New England. These groups have evil ideas and they commit bad acts. Wouldn’t you agree? 

Yes, but in the context, I'm talking about how the left lables people who are pro-life as "alt-right" and misogynistic.  I'm talking about how the left labeled anyone who disagreed with Obama (the beginning of identity politics/wokeism), as a racist.  I'm talking about how the left labels anyone who wants to close the borders to ILLEGAL crossing/immigration, as xenophobic/racists.

These are labels that the left and their media PR department love to throw around.  They attach those labels to people who are Trump supporters.  As to not show their true colors, they use MAGA label to talk about the specific people they mean who are "the bad guys".  That's the group people like Biden want you to think of when he says "white supremacists".  It's so that people like you can say, "I don't think it's everyone", even though you believe it's a large group.

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1 hour ago, MDC said:

I said Republicans don’t think income equality is an issue and therefore have no ideas for dealing with it. GC Republicans immediately confirmed the same thing. That’s just a statement of fact. And as we know, facts don’t care about your feelings.


My issue with your statement is that you were blaming them for not having any ideas for a problem they don't believe exists.  Which is you blaming them for not having the same opinion as yourself.


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39 minutes ago, TBayXXXVII said:

My issue with your statement is that you were blaming them for not having any ideas for a problem they don't believe exists.  Which is you blaming them for not having the same opinion as yourself.


Nobody cares about your issues. Hth

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It’s amusing watching MDC try to be serious. Lol

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So we've got the media that says the right is dangerous/destructive.
Our eyes/reality tell us (Target stores, looting videos, the prison population of violent criminals) different.

Media tells us "the right/NRA/gun lovers are dangerous"
Our eyes/reality tell us different.

Media tells us "AR-15's" blow lungs out/cut deer in half
Our eyes/reality tell us different.

Media tells us Biden and Fetterman are sharp as tacks and do not lack in cognitive function
Our eyes/reality tell us differently.

About 40-50% of our country, if told that a 4 legged barking animal with fur was a pig, would all start nodding in unison, while saying "Yep, yep...that's definitely a pig"  Then if someone called it a dog, those "pig" believers would call the dog person a "conspiracist"


 Someone help me understand why so many people go along with that they are told vs what their eyes tell them. 

I think that's a fair thing to ask.



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1 minute ago, tubby_mcgee said:

So we've got the media that says the right is dangerous/destructive.
Our eyes/reality tell us (Target stores, looting videos, the prison population of violent criminals) different.

Media tells us "the right/NRA/gun lovers are dangerous"
Our eyes/reality tell us different.

Media tells us "AR-15's" blow lungs out/cut deer in half
Our eyes/reality tell us different.

Media tells us Biden and Fetterman are sharp as tacks and do not lack in cognitive function
Our eyes/reality tell us differently.

About 40-50% of our country, if told that a 4 legged barking animal with fur was a pig, would all start nodding in unison, while saying "Yep, yep...that's definitely a pig"  Then if someone called it a dog, those "pig" believers would call the dog person a "conspiracist"


 Someone help me understand why so many people go along with that they are told vs what their eyes tell them. 

I think that's a fair thing to ask.



If anyone has anything other than stupidity being the answer, I would like to hear it.

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3 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Most conservatives aren’t white supremacists. Most of you guys aren’t hateful bigots. So why defend them? I don’t get it. 

Nobody is defending them we’re defending regular Americans getting labeled white supremacists. 

University program linking Christians, Republicans to Nazis granted DHS funds under 'anti-terror' initiative

FIRST ON FOX: The Biden administration is doling out taxpayer money through an anti-terrorism grant initiative to a university program that has explicitly lumped the Republican Party, as well as Christian and conservative groups, into the same category as Nazis, according to documents shared exclusively with Fox News Digital.



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1 hour ago, TBayXXXVII said:

My issue with your statement is that you were blaming them for not having any ideas for a problem they don't believe exists.  Which is you blaming them for not having the same opinion as yourself.



43 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

It’s amusing watching MDC try to be serious. Lol


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19 minutes ago, Dizkneelande said:

Nobody is defending them we’re defending regular Americans getting labeled white supremacists. 

University program linking Christians, Republicans to Nazis granted DHS funds under 'anti-terror' initiative

FIRST ON FOX: The Biden administration is doling out taxpayer money through an anti-terrorism grant initiative to a university program that has explicitly lumped the Republican Party, as well as Christian and conservative groups, into the same category as Nazis, according to documents shared exclusively with Fox News Digital.



I read that.  This is what the left has become.  misinformation or outright lies has become the norm.  sad day for our Country.  first the FBI, CIA & DHS.  Blatant disregard for anything holy or right and they don't worry because the media is in their back pockets.

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8 hours ago, MDC said:

Nobody cares about your issues. Hth

/\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\  /\

How do you spot a leftist when they don't come out and say it??



LOL, gotta start calling you "Mr. One Way".  "O-Dub" for short. :thumbsup:

The very first post I quoted you as saying was "I’ve said it before..." meaning, you had an issue.  So, your issues are important, but no one else's are.  shocking!!

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Guys.....liberals already showed us how to handle this.....

White-Right hate is not a group it is an idea....like antifa......

If there is a counter to antifa on the right, I would imagine it would be something like liberals pretend exists......

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1 hour ago, RLLD said:

Guys.....liberals already showed us how to handle this.....

White-Right hate is not a group it is an idea....like antifa......

If there is a counter to antifa on the right, I would imagine it would be something like liberals pretend exists......

Good point

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7 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:


I tried to find an example that you aren’t a hateful white supremacist bigot, but I couldn’t find one. @timschochet might have better luck. 😂😂

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2 minutes ago, dogcows said:

I tried to find an example that you aren’t a hateful white supremacist bigot, but I couldn’t find one. @timschochet might have better luck. 😂😂

Maybe, but is there an example of me defending it? Good luck. 🍀 

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6 hours ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Don't know who this right wing fruitcake is.....but 18 years in prison is a lot.

Who did he kill or rape?  

Reason I ask is I watch a lot of "The First 48hrs" on A&E.....even second degree murderers get less than 18.  I consider myself an aficionado on the subject do to my viewing pleasures btw.  

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10 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

Most conservatives aren’t white supremacists. Most of you guys aren’t hateful bigots. So why defend them? I don’t get it. 

Stopped here didn't read replays yet but no one is defending anyone.   Its the rhetoric we don't care for.  People can act like white supremacy took a vacation for decades and all of a sudden is some sort or huge thing now but I think it is just politics.   You won't agree but like blm.   Cops were boogeyman.  People figured that out eventually.   Now onto there are nazi white supremacists tearing our country apart.  Sorry but I don't buy that.  

By all means shoe out the KKK types.  But to say white supremacy is some giant deal while never talking about black on black crime is a grift and disingenuous.   People now are quick to call it white supremacy when a middle eastern dude goes after Biden.  That is the problem we have.  We aren't defending anyone.  

Maybe it is the biggest "terroristic threat". If so we are seemingly in great shape because it is just as basic and isolateded as it was during obamas time in office with joe as vice.  

We show you literal evilness in big cities.  People doing absolutely horrific things and you guys just glance over it.  When a middle eastern fella drives into a barrier WHITE SUPREMACY!

Are there white supremacists in this country? Sure.  No one is saying otherwise.  If I went and took a stroll down the east side of buffalo I wouldn't feel safe and would feel like a target.  Id have more chance of getting assaulted than a black guy would down a white neighborhood. 

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