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Multiple people shot, including congressman in Alexandria, VA

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And I don't think this type of violence will be directed just at politicians... anyone who's in a position of "power" will be a target... anyone that is perceived as someone who caused or could have prevented the disenfranchisement will be targeted.


So why didn't he go after Hillary and the DNC who are the ones who 'disenfranchised' Bernie and supporters? Is he like others who can't see the truth and just listen to the media and fellow Libs who blame Trump for their party's failure?

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I know nobody else cares and this is just a left verse right thread. Scalise was one of the few Congressmen that was helping us out and trying to get us a better snapper season. We still are getting screwed on the season, but it is now 39 days over 3 months compared to 3 days. It sounds like he will be alright, which is a good thing. He has stated that he will continue to fight for getting us gulf fishermen better seasons.



It is funny how many Republicans and democrats vote against sportsman, both hunters and fishermen. Ted Cruz is one of the worst when it comes to this. He has supported selling our fish to commercial interests as much as anyone.




“Florida and Alabama are foregoing a fall season,” said Rep. Garret Graves (R-Baton Rouge), who helped strike the extension deal with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross after extensive meetings this spring along with Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) and other representatives of the Gulf states. “Louisiana and Mississippi are going to base their seasons on conservation efforts, which means they’re going to monitor the recreational catch and make a determination, and if there are fish left, they will go ahead and open up for a fall season. If not, they won’t.



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I know nobody else cares and this is just a left verse right thread. Scalise was one of the few Congressmen that was helping us out and trying to get us a better snapper season. We still are getting screwed on the season,


Anyone here who does not think that there should be a year-round snapper season is un-American!

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Not bad shitstain. You finally condemned the shooter. Only took how many posts?

I've been saying the guy is probably a kook with mental issues since the thread started. You're just too stupid to pay attention. Hope this helps

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He literally said it during his press conference

CNBC reporting it right now as well.

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Anyone here who does not think that there should be a year-round snapper season is un-American!

I'm a big fan of snapper. Even red snapper. :thumbsup:

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Anyone here who does not think that there should be a year-round snapper season is un-American!


I did not realize that I came off as a redneck. :huh:

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I did not realize that I came off as a redneck. :huh:


No, you apparently come off as someone who is not up on a lot of double entendre

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No, you apparently come off as someone who is not up on a lot of double entendre

That I do have trouble with.

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Is there any chance this Scalise guy just violated one (or more) of baseballs unwritten rules?

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Of course nut jobs celebrating on twitter. Pathetic......



Yep. Hatred from left toward right so bitter that a Bernie Sanders campaign worker shoots up GOP baseball practice. Mad because you lost the election. Mad because you are part of the losing side. What happened to when just "mad" or "upset" was good enough? It's all these "entitled" low income, low IQ focks that are just mad, feel its not fair, and by golly, are gonna make someone pay. Buncha lowlife wastes of skin.


Fvcing amazing.



What are these d!ldo waving folks gonna do when sh!t hits the fan?

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Haha, I should :D

Do it :banana: do it :banana: do it :banana: do it :banana:

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Yep. Hatred from left toward right so bitter that a Bernie Sanders campaign worker shoots up GOP baseball practice. Mad because you lost the election. Mad because you are part of the losing side. What happened to when just "mad" or "upset" was good enough? It's all these "entitled" low income, low IQ focks that are just mad, feel its not fair, and by golly, are gonna make someone pay. Buncha lowlife wastes of skin.


Fvcing amazing.



What are these d!ldo waving folks gonna do when sh!t hits the fan?

Wait. This Scalise guy was a white supremacist supporter?

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We all know, it was the conservatives destroying things and shooting people in Baltimore, Ferguson, conducting all the "Occupy" movements. Shooting cops and blaming it on "anger toward the man" We all know it. It was the conservatives, just trying to pin it on the lefties. LOL.


We know the conservatives are the ones that carry signs, march all over the place, and try to sway people by showing of public force.


We know Katy Perry, Griffin, Gaga...and all celebrities are conservative. They are just doing it to pin in it on the liberals. Like when they tell their people to rise up and fight. LOL.


WTF are the lefties gonna fight with, other than d!ldos and hugs?


As you mentioned, the division is getting much worse...constantly.


What's the left's plan when sh!t hits the fan? Call the military? (They are all righties).

I'm guessing curl up in a ball and cry.

Newbie can't comprehend facts. He's stuck on progressive talking points.

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I've been saying the guy is probably a kook with mental issues since the thread started. You're just too stupid to pay attention. Hope this helps

No you indirectly blamed Trump until more leftist hate was exposed.

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No you indirectly blamed Trump until more leftist hate was exposed.

Not my fault you have the intelligence of a six year-old and can't follow a thread.

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Is there any chance this Scalise guy just violated one (or more) of baseballs unwritten rules?

Nobody else does, but I appreciate this humor. :D

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Do it :banana: do it :banana: do it :banana: do it :banana:

Some other retard would just start another one back up, no point

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More leftist hate that Newbie and Co. support:



The Huffington Post -- home of some notably hateful rants, like the ex-Washington Post writer who said unlike George W. Bush, "You could argue that even the world’s worst fascist dictators at least meant well" -- has a line contributors can cross. On Sunday night, it was the notion of executing President Trump for treason...and a cast of accessories including Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Fitzpatrick, the Vice President, the Senate Majority Leader, and the Speaker of the House!




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Not my fault you have the intelligence of a six year-old and can't follow a thread.

No, you're just a leftist moron who has shown his true colors.

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No, you're just a leftist moron who has shown his true colors.

I love having my true colors shown. Wish everyone was like me. :thumbsup:

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Is there any chance this Scalise guy just violated one (or more) of baseballs unwritten rules?


If you throw high and tight, prepare to be sniped

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I love having my true colors shown. Wish everyone was like me. :thumbsup:



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Why is this news? Baseball players get gunned down at 2nd base all the time.

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Reason # 359 why the geek board should be taken out by Latin Pimp for good.

take yourself out

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More yellow, like a coward...

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Is there any chance this Scalise guy just violated one (or more) of baseballs unwritten rules?

If he did I'm sure CNN would point it out.

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MG, all those rounds fired off and he only hit 2-3 Congressmen besides the 2 cops.

he was a liberal, thank god. You cant expect them to be a good shot thankfully.

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These are news outlets. You might not like it, but they are. Opinion pieces ran in news outlets is treated as news. The Google search I ran, I just pulled some from the front page. Second page had some from NYT, WP, WT, and others. It's out there. I'm not pulling every article from every news outlet. You can read them. If you dismiss opinion pieces from major news outlets, then yes, you will dismiss the millions of people who read those and were offended and angered by it.


I can't help that. Maybe news outlets should stop running opinion pieces that dismiss half the populations beliefs and stick to news only :dunno:. People treat that as news. I can't help that, and you can't either.


I know Hannity isn't news. Do you think millions of his viewers think he's news? I do? Even tho he's a opinion guy, I bet millions think he's news. Same with Maddow . It's just the way it is.

They are news outlets. The point it wasn't some big thing nefire the election claiming voters were dumb and white.

It was a statistical analysis after the election.


None of those articles were dismissing people's beliefs. They were discussing exit polling and statistics post election.

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They are news outlets. The point it wasn't some big thing nefire the election claiming voters were dumb and white.

It was a statistical analysis after the election.


None of those articles were dismissing people's beliefs. They were discussing exit polling and statistics post election.

Sho. There are probably dozens of articles like this. Is this not dismissive and derogatory? I'm not going round and round with you, but if you really wanted to know, you can look yourself.



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he was a liberal, thank god. You cant expect them to be a good shot thankfully.

It's no wonder liberals want to ban guns. 70% of gun violence is caused by Democrats.

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It's no wonder liberals want to ban guns. 70% of gun violence is caused by Democrats.


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Sho. There are probably dozens of articles like this. Is this not dismissive and derogatory? I'm not going round and round with you, but if you really wanted to know, you can look yourself.



Again...first off. That's Garrison Keillor again. Is it somewhat derogatory? Not too all...he simply stated that the uneducated white males will feel Trumps failures the most. Because it's that segment where his actual policies won't help.


But he is not representative of the news either.

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