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Name one positive change in the US due to the BLM stuff going on.

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21 minutes ago, peenie said:

How many blacks need to act equal in order to be seen as equal? A "friend" suggested that blacks need to behave in order to be treated better in life. I told him I behave, my daughter behaves.... I posted multiple videos of blacks behaving and showed that it didn't stop them from being shot by the police. How many Oprahs, Michael Jordans or Michael Jacksons or Obamas or Lionel Ritchies or Robert Smiths or Clarence Thomas' or Colin Powells or Beyonces or Russell Wilsons or peenies do we need in order to be seen as equal??? How much does the crime rate have to drop because it's dropped significantly yet reporting remains the same, perhaps there is an agenda???

I think of Michelle Obama and how people hated, wait, hate her and what has she done? She went to an Ivy League school, became a lawyer, married, had children and supported her husband and yet was despised. I'd argue that she was pretty equal but still hated. I think there is a component missing in the equation of why black lives don't matter to many people.

Melania Trump was a nude model with no college degree and wasn't even an American citizen and is highly respected. I don't think behavior has anything to do with why these two women are or are not respected.

Michelle Obama accomplished all that and said she was only proud of her country when her husband became President. That’s why people started to dislike her. Resting bichface didn’t help. 

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31 minutes ago, peenie said:

How many blacks need to act equal in order to be seen as equal? A "friend" suggested that blacks need to behave in order to be treated better in life. I told him I behave, my daughter behaves....

I've asked you this before.  Specifically, what racism do you deal with?  And how often?  When have you been in fear that a cop was gonna put you down like a dog?

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33 minutes ago, peenie said:

I think of Michelle Obama and how people hated, wait, hate her and what has she done? She went to an Ivy League school, became a lawyer, married, had children and supported her husband and yet was despised. I'd argue that she was pretty equal but still hated. I think there is a component missing in the equation of why black lives don't matter to many people.

You'll be hard pressed to find people who don't think black lives matter.  Heck, how many whitey's are out there protesting for exactly that?  But what you will find are a lot of people who think ALL lives matter.  I'm sorry you don't feel that way as well.

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3 hours ago, peenie said:

I edited my post. Not everyone is lucky enough to have good parents and sometimes a good parent for the ghetto isn't a good parent for living outside of the ghetto. Meaning, you may think someone is not a good parent based on your life but they may be a good parent for their environment.

I agree with you.


True or False: The Democrat party is the party that encourages single motherhood, staying on welfare, and putting in place "Crime" bills that put many people (mainly black men), in prison for stupid crap (See Bill Clinton's Crime Bill as an example - which Joe Biden voted for).

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Confirmation that I have been right all along. 

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15 minutes ago, BiffTannen said:

Confirmation that I have been right all along. 


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6 hours ago, tubby_mcgee said:

Almost every one this site is heavy right leaning.  I am too, obviously. 

How would the left answer?  I mean, they keep doing these things....so...what results are they getting that is telling them "ya know...change is finally happening" we need to keep pushing til we get there.

Or, what change are the EXPECTING?  And how do they know when it has "happened" ?  


How does the left answer this?


There is no "answer" the left can make.

We simply reached "peak globalism" very recently, which results in a massive loss of trust in all institutions.  Human society is now REQUIRED to enter a period of nationalism that may last several decades.  The election of Trump was the start of the new nationalism period.  The left simply sides with globalism and will be washed away by the rising tide of nationalism.  There is no answer.  It just happens.  There is a movement is designate nationalism as evil but it will fail spectacularly because you absolutely cannot fight the pendulum swinging back. Trying to stop the cycle is the equivalent of kicking in quicksand, you just sink faster.

The last time we had "peak globalism" was probably somewhere around 1910 which terminated in a multi-decade period of nationalism and two world wars.

As I say, it is basically impossible for the left to win.  They are fighting a force of nature.

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1 hour ago, Strike said:

I've asked you this before.  Specifically, what racism do you deal with?  And how often?  When have you been in fear that a cop was gonna put you down like a dog?

Bump for Peenie.

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8 hours ago, Strike said:

Bump for Peenie.


10 hours ago, Strike said:

I've asked you this before.  Specifically, what racism do you deal with?  And how often?  When have you been in fear that a cop was gonna put you down like a dog?

Another bump for Peenie.

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18 hours ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

I remember  the riots after Obama won. It was a sad time. 

The destructive and violence was through the roof, remember that vile filthy tea bagger lady who almost forgot to pick up her water bottle. Awful.  

Never forget!

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16 hours ago, peenie said:

How many blacks need to act equal in order to be seen as equal? A "friend" suggested that blacks need to behave in order to be treated better in life. I told him I behave, my daughter behaves.... I posted multiple videos of blacks behaving and showed that it didn't stop them from being shot by the police. How many Oprahs, Michael Jordans or Michael Jacksons or Obamas or Lionel Ritchies or Robert Smiths or Clarence Thomas' or Colin Powells or Beyonces or Russell Wilsons or peenies do we need in order to be seen as equal??? How much does the crime rate have to drop because it's dropped significantly yet reporting remains the same, perhaps there is an agenda???

I think of Michelle Obama and how people hated, wait, hate her and what has she done? She went to an Ivy League school, became a lawyer, married, had children and supported her husband and yet was despised. I'd argue that she was pretty equal but still hated. I think there is a component missing in the equation of why black lives don't matter to many people.

Melania Trump was a nude model with no college degree and wasn't even an American citizen and is highly respected. I don't think behavior has anything to do with why these two women are or are not respected.

Not a good example Peenie.  People HATE Hillary too and shes as white as it gets.

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16 hours ago, peenie said:

How many blacks need to act equal in order to be seen as equal? A "friend" suggested that blacks need to behave in order to be treated better in life. I told him I behave, my daughter behaves.... I posted multiple videos of blacks behaving and showed that it didn't stop them from being shot by the police. How many Oprahs, Michael Jordans or Michael Jacksons or Obamas or Lionel Ritchies or Robert Smiths or Clarence Thomas' or Colin Powells or Beyonces or Russell Wilsons or peenies do we need in order to be seen as equal??? How much does the crime rate have to drop because it's dropped significantly yet reporting remains the same, perhaps there is an agenda???

I think of Michelle Obama and how people hated, wait, hate her and what has she done? She went to an Ivy League school, became a lawyer, married, had children and supported her husband and yet was despised. I'd argue that she was pretty equal but still hated. I think there is a component missing in the equation of why black lives don't matter to many people.

Melania Trump was a nude model with no college degree and wasn't even an American citizen and is highly respected. I don't think behavior has anything to do with why these two women are or are not respected.

Im not sure what blacks mean by seen as equal?  I treat any normal person as equals.  I view criminals and welfare bums with no work ethic different.

What is the change that BLM is expecting? Wave a wand...topple some statues and racism is gone? 

If I were to walk down a poor black neighborhood Id get ridiculed, taunted, or attacked.   

Racisim in other countries is much worse than here.  I have never been but my friend who has been to England a few times says over there racism is just accepted.  People are openly racist.  But they all get on with their lives and have thicker skin.

When does the looting stop? How do we calculate qhen enough change has happened?  Free stuff?  I dont get it?  I have no idea what the end game is or know when we get there.  People protesting dont either.  

Of course we can get better as a society in many aspects.  I dont think anyone would say otherwise.  

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The regular black working folks should be more upset with the half of their people and culture who ruins thr progress they try for.  Instead its bad whitey.

Nah dont get mad at your rappers who glorify guns drugs and crime.  Nah dont get mad at role models who cant utter a coherent sentence.  Nah dont get mad at all the crap fathers who walk away from any sort of fatherhood.  Nah dont get mad at the Democrats that you continue to elect in these deteriorating crime ridden cities.  Nah blame joe white guy who goes to work.  Is a good father.  And treats everyone with decency.  

Thats the logic black folks go with.  And it only hurts themselves.

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1 hour ago, listen2me 23 said:

Im not sure what blacks mean by seen as equal?  I treat any normal person as equals.  I view criminals and welfare bums with no work ethic different.

What is the change that BLM is expecting? Wave a wand...topple some statues and racism is gone? 

If I were to walk down a poor black neighborhood Id get ridiculed, taunted, or attacked.   

Racisim in other countries is much worse than here.  I have never been but my friend who has been to England a few times says over there racism is just accepted.  People are openly racist.  But they all get on with their lives and have thicker skin.

When does the looting stop? How do we calculate qhen enough change has happened?  Free stuff?  I dont get it?  I have no idea what the end game is or know when we get there.  People protesting dont either.  

Of course we can get better as a society in many aspects.  I dont think anyone would say otherwise.  


 I have point blank asked several of my black friends what exactly do you expect from me as a white person to do? 

 Am I supposed to check some clerk that side eyes you in the grocery line? Am I supposed to verbally assault an employee that follows you and not me? It's not happening.

 They don't have a good answer. Quite honestly I don't think BLM cares.  The problem they have is they are feeding and breeding racism with the way they have handled things. So the one thing they are trying to fight they are actively fueling. 

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1 hour ago, listen2me 23 said:

The regular black working folks should be more upset with the half of their people and culture who ruins thr progress they try for.  Instead its bad whitey.


Bottom dweller, sh!thead whites ---- Rest of the white folks say "get rid of 'em." Throw 'em in jail, execute, etc.  

Bottom dweller, shlthead blacks --- Rest of the black folks defend the bottom dwellers within their race.



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1 minute ago, peenie said:

I think most blacks are law abiding, educated and working, but the media isn't pushing that fact.

Agreed.  I wonder which party these media folks support....?  Hmmm....?  I wonder...

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7 minutes ago, peenie said:

I didn't state that! I was answering a quote which someone said that in order to be treated as equal blacks must act equal. So I questioned that, what does that mean? How many must behave in this equal way; 50%, 70% 85% or 100%??

I think most blacks are law abiding, educated and working, but the media isn't pushing that fact.

Most blacks are law abiding, educated and working. And what troubles the left is that so many blacks, especially in the last 30 years, have lifted themselves up into the middle class and beyond. Can’t have that. The left is losing  blacks on economic issues, so they have to just yell racism to keep them on the team. The black people I have known and worked with would find it very insulting if it’s  insinuated they were poor and needed to be lifted up by white people, especially since they lifted themselves up without the help of Becky.  

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8 hours ago, tubby_mcgee said:


Another bump for Peenie.

She finally answered.  After years and years of me asking.  And what is her answer?  None.  At least she's honest.  She goes on to say that the only thing is a fear when a cop rolls up behind her.  She has no basis for that fear but she has it anyways.  She's conditioned. 

But here's the actual endgame of this movement.  Free things (reparations, etc...) and advantages over other races, specifically whites.  Here's a good example.  Classical orchestras have hired their musicians using a "blind audition" process where the musician is hidden behind a screen so they could only be judged on their musicianship, and not things like race.  Why did they start doing that?  Because they were accused of discrimination in 1969.  So that's the way it's been for decades.  Now, they want to get rid of that process because not enough POC are in the orchestra. 


Black people are fighting for things that are the exact opposite of what MLK fought for.  It's disgusting.

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18 hours ago, peenie said:

How many blacks need to act equal in order to be seen as equal? A "friend" suggested that blacks need to behave in order to be treated better in life. I told him I behave, my daughter behaves.... I posted multiple videos of blacks behaving and showed that it didn't stop them from being shot by the police. How many Oprahs, Michael Jordans or Michael Jacksons or Obamas or Lionel Ritchies or Robert Smiths or Clarence Thomas' or Colin Powells or Beyonces or Russell Wilsons or peenies do we need in order to be seen as equal??? How much does the crime rate have to drop because it's dropped significantly yet reporting remains the same, perhaps there is an agenda???



Not sure if listing Michael Jackson is a good example.  Then again, he didn't really show his pedo Jesus Juice side until he turned white.  DAMMIT!!  It's whitey's fault again!!!!!  :mad:

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39 minutes ago, peenie said:

Uh....not much and no real fear of it until a police car rolls up behind me and then I get fearful, but not that I'm going to be shot because it's usually for some unknown traffic offense that I'm sure won't require guns or shaking me down as my record is basically spotless and I tend to wear my ID tags that show I'm an employee of where I work and that usually garners some respect...or used to anyway.

Then why are you complaining about being seen as equal? 

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1 hour ago, peenie said:

I didn't state that! I was answering a quote which someone said that in order to be treated as equal blacks must act equal. So I questioned that, what does that mean? How many must behave in this equal way; 50%, 70% 85% or 100%??

I think most blacks are law abiding, educated and working, but the media isn't pushing that fact.

Im just quoting as a continuation.  My point is regular black folks should be bothered by the ones who ruin things they fight for.  For decades hip hop has has major themes of crime and violence.  That gets cheered and revered.  Then out of the other side of their mouths it is cops are violent towards blacks and we need less legal guns.  

Makes no sense.  Until black people hold their own people accountable then what exactly are they after?

I dont know what % of society are dirt bags.  The point is in black culture dirt bags get cheered on.   

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1 hour ago, peenie said:

Uh....not much and no real fear of it until a police car rolls up behind me and then I get fearful, but not that I'm going to be shot because it's usually for some unknown traffic offense that I'm sure won't require guns or shaking me down as my record is basically spotless and I tend to wear my ID tags that show I'm an employee of where I work and that usually garners some respect...or used to anyway.

Im white.  When i was 22 I was working 2nd shift I drove a red Ford Taurus.  I was driving home with pretty much no one on the roads at midnight.  Out of no where a cop speeds up behind me.  He comes next to me in the left lane.  He goes ahead of me.  He then pulls onto the on ramp I need to get on.  I pass him as he then starts again behind me on thr highway.  This happened for a good 10 minute stretch.    I am no pissed off thinking this is a rogue cop that is intimidating me for frills.  As soon as I turn my signal on to get off my off ramp he turns the lights on and pulls me over.  I say sir why are you following me like this.  He runs my stuff.  I check out.  He says sorry we had a report of a drug dealer in a red car making drug runs around this time.  I tell him well you could have caused an accident and I thought you were trying to intimidate me into a traffic violation.  He said sorry and we went on our way.  

A. That was ridiculous and reading my plate should have been enough.  Or just pull me over at the start instead of following me for 10 miles doing weird sheet.  

B. I dont now hate cops over it.  

White people get F'd with too.  Perhaps not as much.  But they certainly do.  



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It's also demeaning women which is directly on them. Police have nothing to do with their family values. Talking about police is one thing, using profanity, demoralizing women they never get called out on it...meh.

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21 minutes ago, FlyinHeadlock said:

It's also demeaning women which is directly on them. Police have nothing to do with their family values. Talking about police is one thing, using profanity, demoralizing women they never get called out on it...meh.

Wait a sec... You mean the phrase "bros before hos" is demoralizing to women?  I learned something today!  The more you know. 🌈

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20 hours ago, tubby_mcgee said:

Look out the window. Turn on the news.  Look at those looting. Mobbing. 

When that numbers is 20% black and 60% white and 20% tweeners.

Right now it isn't.

And we have black mobs across the country attacking white cops, in an attempt to be seen as equal.  WTF. 


Blacks hunting white cops telling them "You'd better start thinking we are nice folks, or we'll kill you all!"


Love what this guy said:

Getting closer to civil war then you might think. If the liberal mayors wont control the facist rats, BLM and ANTIFA then the people will have to



Lillian House, an organizer for the Party of Socialism and Liberation, said any celebration in support of police is “unacceptable” and “just all around out of touch with the struggles people are facing.”

"There's not much else to say other than every cop here is a terrorist by association," Hale Rardin, a Black Lives Matter supporter at the scene, told the station.

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Everyone in prison is innocent. Seems the same for being pulled over. I don't even know how many times I got pulled over. Probably dozens. Also white here...meh. If it's really so bad then maybe create your own circumstances and move like most people who hate the area they live in? And spare me the excuse but...but they can't, too hard to move. BS. They could if they wanted. Joint the military and get away from it. Go work in Alaska doing something. Plenty of better options than staying in the hood.



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8 minutes ago, peenie said:

A police officer has never apologized to me for pulling me over when they were wrong and I've been pulled over for no reason 11 times. I'm not a black male and neither are you. Just because things worked out for you and me doesn't mean it works that way for everyone. Why can't you all see that? But I appreciate your story.

Ive been pulled over a few other times for no reason either. That one was just the only one that was borderline harrassment.

I grew up in a small town.  Cops dont bother people generally.

I didnt say it works out for everyone.  My point is whites dont get a free pass everywhere because they are white.

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Why would he apologize? Not getting a ticket wasn’t enough? 

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2 minutes ago, FlyinHeadlock said:

Everyone in prison is innocent. Seems the same for being pulled over. I don't even know how many times I got pulled over. Probably dozens. Also white here...meh. If it's really so bad then maybe create your own circumstances and move like most people who hate the area they live in? Ans spare me the excuse but...but they can't, too hard to move. BS. They could if they wanted. Joint the military and get away from it. Go work in Alaska doing something. Plenty of better options than staying in the hood.



Ive never understood this either.  I understand section 8 and project housing.  But why do some many poor black people stay in big cities? Big cities are expensive in every aspect.  Poor rural areas are extremely low cost of living.  If you arent going to work.  Get governement help.  Then why not go to a rutal area that is overall cheaper and much safer? 

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I see lots of people doing things wrong on the highway they don't even know are wrong. Pull them over and willing to bet, even after explaining they will still say they did nothing wrong. 

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Our government is the number one reason racism still exists in this country. When you divide the population into groups and give one group advantages over another there will always be resentment.  Now the government is creating more and more sub groups, I believe the only people in this country who are not a part of a protected group are straight white males non veteran atheists between the ages of 18 and 40 and some of them fall into sub groups. Can anyone think of any others?

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In this long discussion about the police, make sure we don’t forget that there are non-white police officers too. 

Great point about the rap/hip hop culture. It’s detrimental to becoming successful. 

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51 minutes ago, avoiding injuries said:

In this long discussion about the police, make sure we don’t forget that there are non-white police officers too. 

Great point about the rap/hip hop culture. It’s detrimental to becoming successful. 

The LAPD is 43% Hispanic and 35% White.

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Blacks commit 51% of all violent crime in the United States, despite being just 13% of the population.

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1 minute ago, peenie said:

The reason so many blacks are in the inner cities is because the blacks left the rural racist south to manufacturing jobs (from early to mid 1900's) and more freedom (no Jim Crow) in the north. When those jobs left, the people remained but are now very much unemployed.

We had 3% unemployment before Covid hit.  And record low black unemployment.  No one had to be unemployed if they wanted to work.  Stop it.

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1 minute ago, peenie said:

Who is we?

I'm guessing the US? Do you live in anouther country?

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1 hour ago, iam90sbaby said:

Blacks commit 51% of all violent crime in the United States, despite being just 13% of the population.

It is actually 51% of all crime and 57% of violent crime. 

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1 minute ago, BiffTannen said:

It is actually 51% of all crime and 57% of violent crime. 

To be fair they are both probably incorrect in 2020. That's a 4-5 year old meme, it's only gotten worse.

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1 hour ago, peenie said:

That graphic is terrible. Also, BLM opposes the family unit so, good luck with that.

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peenie you freaky, always putting yourself in the middle of these right wing circle jerks 

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