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Rusty Syringes

[** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

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Now that the electoral dust has settled and President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration Jan. 20, 2021, is set in stone, it is time to move forward, cease the extreme political rhetoric and strike a tone of respect and compromise as this great American, who has dedicated his life to public service, takes his rightful place as leader of the free world.

It is a time for healing and fence-mending, a time to isolate the radical extremes, find common ground and get behind our new president after four years of toxicity, dysfunction, darkness and embarrassing our country on the world stage.

President-elect Biden has accomplished greatness in his distinguished career, helping to bring health care to those who otherwise would not qualify for it, for example. 

Here is a bullet list of what Biden already has done for this country:

Reviving Our Economy

* as Vice President, oversaw implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009, then the biggest economic recovery plan in our country’s history. helped rebuild the American economy and save the American auto industry, lifting us out of the Great Recession.

* brokered Senate negotiations between Democrats and Republicans to pass the Budget Control Act of 2011 and avert a federal government shutdown.

* led a review in 2014 of federal employment and training programs that reach more than 21 million people per year, retooling $1.5 billion in grants to align with job-driven training best practices.

Expanding Access to Healthcare

* helped pass Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), guaranteeing health coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions and 20 million who were previously uninsured.

* helped launch a “Cancer Moonshot” initiative in 2016 to accelerate efforts to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. 

Advancing Women's Rights and Gender Equity.

* sponsored the original Violence Against Women Act in 1994, leading to a major decline in intimate partner violence, from 2.1 million victims in 1994 to 907,000 in 2010.

* oversaw the confirmation of Ruth Bader Ginsburg as the second woman in the history of the Supreme Court in 1993.

* as chair of an all-male Senate Judiciary Committee, advocated the addition of Senators Dianne Feinstein and Carol Moseley Braun.

Climate Change

* cosponsored proposed legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions in 2007. 

* called for American participation in UN climate negotiations in 2005.

* introduced one of the Senate’s first climate change bills, in 1986, leading to the creation of a task force on global warming.

* utilized his experience working across the aisle to establish a pragmatic plan to cut carbon emissions and secure a sustainable future (click here to read more).

* oversaw dispersement of $90 billion for clean energy as part of the 2009 Recovery Act. solar power increased 20x between the years 2008 and 2016.

Promoting Peace and Security

* secured the passage of arms limitation agreements in 1979 between the United States and the Soviet Union, reducing the risk of global nuclear disaster.

* advocated for economic sanctions against South Africa’s apartheid government.

* pushed for U.S. intervention in the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, ending ethnic cleansing and bringing peace to the region.

* supported expanding NATO to include Warsaw Pact nations Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, advancing the cause of an undivided, democratic and peaceful Europe.

Protecting our children

* served as primary sponsor of the PROTECT Our Children Act of 2008, helping law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute child predators. 

* sponsored and introduced the Criminal History Background Checks Pilot Extension Act of 2008, allowing volunteer organizations – such as children’s sports groups – to obtain national and state criminal history background checks on their volunteers.

Policing and criminal justice reform

* Co-authored the 1994 crime bill, which has been credited with decreasing levels of violent crime, but also increasing rates of incarceration. Biden has recognized flaws with the original bill and his proposed policies look to address many of the concerns that resulted (click here to read more).

Stopping Far-Right Judges

* as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, blocked Jeff Sessions from becoming a federal judge in 1986.

* blocked the nomination of Robert Bork, who wanted to roll back advances in civil rights, to the Supreme Court in 1987.


It is clear a brighter tomorrow is just around the corner for this country, and I look forward to all the great things this administration will accomplish in the next eight years.


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6 minutes ago, vomit said:

Who is this Rusty Syringe Commie?  More lefty lies, great.

Yeah. That dude just has a dancing banana party when he thinks of communism. He and his boyfriends need big government to tell them how to cope with their lives. He gets angry when he sees others live independently and happily successful without all the identity politics and the hand outs that are always promised.

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Do any of you think there is a candidate out there that the vast majority of people would vote for?  Someone that liberals and conservative could both respect.  A person that doesn't doesn't cater to the fringe left or right.

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I see Rusty is looking to get banned again. It's only a matter of time. 

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9 minutes ago, Utilit99 said:

Yeah. That dude just has a dancing banana party when he thinks of communism. He and his boyfriends need big government to tell them how to cope with their lives. He gets angry when he sees others live independently and happily successful without all the identity politics and the hand outs that are always promised.

Rusty is everything that is wrong with our country.  He's the reason we're doomed.

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can't be worse than the Houston Texans

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1 minute ago, vomit said:

Rusty is everything that is wrong with our country.  He's the reason we're doomed.

He falls into the CNN type category of liberal practices. :lol:



CNN says Jeffrey Toobin still employed as report suggests he may get second chance after masturbation scandal

NY Times reports CNN’s president is a ‘big fan’ of legal pundit

CNN has yet to terminate Jeffrey Toobin amid an ongoing masturbation scandal even as the liberal New York Times renewed the spotlight on the network’s star legal analyst’s fall from grace, hinting that CNN could keep him around despite a history of “pervy’” actions.

Toobin was fired from his job as a staff writer at the New Yorker magazine following an investigation into an incident in which he was caught masturbating on a Zoom call with colleagues. The Times published a lengthy feature on the situation Tuesday headlined, “The Undoing of Jeffrey Toobin,” which details that CNN has not taken action against its liberal legal analyst.

However, CNN has remained silent about his status at the network despite recently hiring Evan Osnos, the network’s newest contributor, who is also a staff writer at The New Yorker and was reportedly an eyewitness to Toobin’s alleged misconduct.

But, a glimpse into Toobin’s past reveals that he’s already had multiple second chances.

Toobin “surprised someone in the business with his sexual forwardness,” indicating that pleasuring himself on the Zoom call was not his first....


“The magazine journalist Lisa DePaulo said that in 2003 Mr. Toobin asked her out for New Year’s Eve, telling her he’d separated from [hiw wife,” The Times reported. “A few days after accepting, she returned home to a phone message from Mr. Toobin in which, she said, he described in vulgar terms a sex act he planned on enacting with her.”

DePaulo told the Times she played the message for her friends, one of whom confirmed the story, and she considered Toobin “pervy.”

The Times then noted that Toobin also had a child with Casey Greenfield when they had an extramarital affair, but failed to mention the widely reported tidbit that he threatened her to have an abortion.

The Times noted that while Toobin has a long history of sexually charged skeletons, “masturbation at a remotely conducted work meeting was a new order of business” for the CNN pundit.

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17 minutes ago, TheNewGirl said:

I see Rusty is looking to get banned again. It's only a matter of time. 

I've served my time, turned over a new leaf and don't plan to give the tittle tattlers anything with which to work.


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1 minute ago, Rusty Syringes said:

I've served my time, turned over a new leaf and don't plan to give the tittle tattlers anything with which to work.


That's because you've got nothing but regurgitated liberal talking points.  You haven't had an original thought in your head since the rotary phone.  You're a sheep.

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Liberal minds: 

First there is some hope in site for some people and businesses....

Stocks climb as new coronavirus relief package emerges

S&P 500 looks to snap four-day skid


Then you get the communist backlash of this:


Sanders urges Dems to reject bipartisan coronavirus relief bill: 'Totally inadequate'

Sanders questioned how his Democratic colleagues could support it


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Biden is very likely to be a mediocre to sub average POTUS. That’s massive step up from the current hillbilly clownshow, but I’m not expecting much.

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5 minutes ago, MDC said:

Biden is very likely to be a mediocre to sub average POTUS. That’s massive step up from the current hillbilly clownshow, but I’m not expecting much.

I know you hate peace, jobs, unemployment, freedom and law enforcement


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41 minutes ago, Hawkeye21 said:

Do any of you think there is a candidate out there that the vast majority of people would vote for?  Someone that liberals and conservative could both respect.  A person that doesn't doesn't cater to the fringe left or right.

In today's political climate, nope...

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Meh, he’s pretty much a straight down the middle kind of guy. Hard to get excited about or super worked-up over.

But that is exactly what we need right now :thumbsup:

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He’s a moderate, any other election and repubs would be fine, but this is the aftermath of the cult of Trump so anyone not named Trump will be villainized. Just like the left with russia, rights will still be crying “Muh fraud!” Muh proof!” despite a historic failure to prove even a shred of it in court and win any cases. Not one state turned, just an epic garbage barge and millions bilked in the process.

Trumps foreign relations success will be tough to top for this regime though. 

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Just now, porkbutt said:

i'm hoping he'll be real tough on china for basically declaring war on the world.



Hopefully better than horribly losing a trade war we unwisely instigated, like Trump

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Just now, IGotWorms said:

Hopefully better than horribly losing a trade war we unwisely instigated, like Trump

How do you say cuck in Chinese?

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1 minute ago, IGotWorms said:

Hopefully better than horribly losing a trade war we unwisely instigated, like Trump

so you think we should be china's b;tch?

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4 minutes ago, tanatastic said:

He’s a moderate

He’s a corrupt business as usual DC insider and a tool of the radical left! He’s a doddering old senile man and a criminal mastermind capable of rigging the election! 


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2 minutes ago, MDC said:

He’s a corrupt business as usual DC insider and a tool of the radical left! He’s a doddering old senile man and a criminal mastermind capable of rigging the election! 


Don’t forget mind controlling every court in the country and even the supreme courts into ignoring the blatant concrete proof our own Drobeski provided every day here! 

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14 minutes ago, tanatastic said:

He’s a moderate, any other election and repubs would be fine, but this is the aftermath of the cult of Trump so anyone not named Trump will be villainized. Just like the left with russia, rights will still be crying “Muh fraud!” Muh proof!” despite a historic failure to prove even a shred of it in court and win any cases. Not one state turned, just an epic garbage barge and millions bilked in the process.

Trumps foreign relations success will be tough to top for this regime though. 

Always take news or information from a clueless child who still plays with action figures with grain of salt. 

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4 minutes ago, tanatastic said:

Don’t forget mind controlling every court in the country and even the supreme courts into ignoring the blatant concrete proof our own Drobeski provided every day here! 

You're right, Joe really did get 80 million legit votes.  That's believable.  

A whole 25k of them turned out to watch his speech last night on YouTube. 

What, and you bash religious folks  ? Really ?


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5 minutes ago, drobeski said:

You're right, Joe really did get 80 million legit votes.  That's believable.  

A whole 25k of them turned out to watch his speech last night on YouTube. 

What, and you bash religious folks  ? Really ?


Win a court case proving otherwise then speak. You only continue to own yourself with every emoticon. This is as much the fall of Drobeski as it is the fall of Trump.

Yes, I bash people who believe in imaginary friends...any person of sound logical mind would.

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39 minutes ago, MDC said:

Me and the 81 million Americans who voted “Not Trump.” You and the Toddler in Chief can fock right off.

Buh bye. :wave:  

yep all you idiots dont like those things, youd rather have trannies and mexicans raping you, Israel under attack and the middle east establishment sh1t show


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