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Queen Of "Body Positivity" Sued - Lizzo Accused Of Sexual Harassment & Weight Shaming Her Employees

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Lizzo accused of sexual harassment and weight-shaming by former dancers

.....Three of Lizzo’s tour dancers have accused the singer of sexual harassment, and of creating a hostile work environment through sexual, racial and religious harassment in several incidents between 2021 and 2023, according to a lawsuit filed on Tuesday.....The dancers also alleged that Lizzo, known as an advocate for body positivity and self-love, criticized a dancer’s recent weight gain and later berated, then fired, that dancer for recording a meeting. According to the lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles and first reported by NBC News, Lizzo allegedly pressured one dancer to touch a nude performer at a club in Amsterdam and subjected several dancers to an “excruciating” 12-hour audition after making false accusations that they drank while working....Additionally, the suit alleges that Lizzo’s dance captain, Shirlene Quigley, pushed her Christian beliefs upon other performers and denigrated those who had premarital sex, while also simulating oral sex, sharing lewd sexual fantasies and discussing one performer’s virginity......

....The lawsuit does not say whether Lizzo knew about Quigley’s alleged behavior, but the plaintiffs – dancers Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams and Noelle Rodriguez – believe she was aware of complaints leveled against Quigley....The suit names Lizzo, legal name Melissa Viviane Jefferson, her production company, Big Grrrl Big Touring, Inc and Quigley as defendants. Claims include sexual harassment, creation of a hostile work environment, false imprisonment and interference with prospective economic advantage.....“The stunning nature of how Lizzo and her management team treated their performers seems to go against everything Lizzo stands for publicly, while privately she weight-shames her dancers and demeans them in ways that are not only illegal but absolutely demoralizing....” 

....The suit details an incident at an Amsterdam club earlier this year in which the singer allegedly “began inviting cast members to take turns touching the nude performers, catching dildos launched from the performers’ v@ginas, and eating bananas protruding from the performers’ v@ginas”, the suit says. Lizzo allegedly pressured Davis to touch the nude breasts of one performer, and began goading her on when she refused.....When Davis eventually acquiesced, the group burst into laughter, the suit claims. Lizzo then allegedly pressured a member of her security staff to get on stage and yelled “Take it off!”.....“Plaintiffs were aghast with how little regard Lizzo showed for the bodily autonomy of her employees and those around her, especially in the presence of many people whom she employed,” the suit says.....The day prior, Lizzo told the dancers they would have to audition again, according to the suit, leading to an “excruciating” 12-hour rehearsal in which Davis soiled her pants because she was too fearful of losing her job to use the bathroom.....

.....Williams was fired five days later in a decision Lizzo’s team attributed to budget cuts. Davis alleges that in April 2023, Lizzo questioned her “commitment”, which she felt was a thinly veiled criticism of her weight. She claims she was fired on the spot the following month when the singer learned she recorded performance notes, a decision Davis attributes to an eye condition that left her disoriented in stressful situations. The third plaintiff, Rodriguez, says she quit in response to the treatment by her teammates and Quigley’s intense religious proselytizing. Rodriguez claims Quigley repeatedly pushed her Christianity on dancers, and that concerns brought to management were not addressed. When Rodriguez brought up the firings of Williams and Davis, she claims she was dismissed as “we’ve never had problems with you”. The suit claims that Rodriguez, as “one of the few members of the dance cast who is not black, was not painted with the same generalized and unfounded criticisms as the black members of the dance cast”....


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I think she’s had maybe 1 song worth listening to. She could go away forever and not be missed. I’m all for the body positivity to a certain extent, but she claims at her weight she’s healthy. GTFOH with that nonsense. She’s everything that is wrong with the movement.

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At first I thought it was BS......probably some choad who just wanted to get at her, maybe for money or something.... but then i see there are like 7 people raising concerns?  That seems a little different, but we have seen folks gathered up to lob false claims in the past.  So lets assume for now that none of this is actually true. 

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50 minutes ago, avoiding injuries said:

We talking bout this?

Imagine your thighs looking like that from rubbing together. Some of you focks may not have to even imagine, just look down. 

Oh, the humanity!!! :cry:

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54 minutes ago, avoiding injuries said:

We talking bout this?

Imagine your thighs looking like that from rubbing together. Some of you focks may not have to even imagine, just look down. 

That makes tubgirl look pg-13

  • Haha 1

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3 hours ago, Engorgeous George said:

I wish Ii had not opened this thread.  I did not need to see any of that. 


The first video I posted was from Brett Cooper of The Daily Wire, which is honestly less informative than Ana Kasparian with The Young Turks, which is the last video in the second post.  Part of the reason I did that is it's rare to see Cooper's "mask" come off. She's a trained actress from childhood, so she is locking into a very "accessibly attractive" theme. She's cute, but not overwhelmingly beautiful. But she is also an influencer, very high profile now, and her entire "brand" is built around criticizing most leftism, with sprinkles and tidbits of pop culture "relatability" to make it look less grifter like. 

However the beyond surface level "mean girl" in Brett Cooper comes out here. 

Which goes back to some other issues in this entire scandal - Sometimes it's not about fame and money, sometimes it's the  standard issue "Nearly All Women Like To Hate Other Women All The Time No Matter What" theme. 

Brett Cooper is around 5'10 in height. So that made her hard to cast in traditional TV, as many male actors are pretty short.  She's also thin so that makes her look even taller. She's not attractive enough against the Hollywood baseline to be a femme fatale typecast. So there's also some latent resentment here from her, deep down, because like Lizzo, she doesn't meet a very very very narrow archetype for female celebrities in America. 

Could Lizzo be a bigot and a hypocrite? Entirely possible. Or could this just be more women hating other women no matter what, and this he said/she said/she said all really comes down to the truth probably dancing somewhere in the middle? Likely. 

That's the irony here. Even if Lizzo was as thin as Brett Cooper, she'd still probably be miserable. Because nearly all women have this exhausting routine with each other, where it's all mercenary, all the time, that most just can't get along with each other. Not deep down. 

I'm pretty old now. And my observation and experience is whenever a woman gets a small piece of power, or even a medium piece, it appears most of the time, their impetus is to just find a way to batter other women as soon and as hard as possible. 

In the end, I don't see Lizzo as a good example for the health angle, but I do wish she and Brett Cooper, respectively, treated themselves better. Were kinder to themselves. And then it would be infinitely easier to be kinder to other women around them. 

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6 hours ago, avoiding injuries said:

We talking bout this?

Imagine your thighs looking like that from rubbing together. Some of you focks may not have to even imagine, just look down. 

Can you imagine the stink coming from that rotting oxygen deprived flesh........yikes!

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Went to a strip club in Amsterdam. The stripper wrote on a postcard with her vag and we sent it to our local bar. Good times. 

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On 8/3/2023 at 1:22 PM, thegeneral said:

She was probably hangry



'I'm Hurt': Lizzo Denies Allegations Of Sexual Harassment, Fat Shaming

.....Rapper and singer Melissa Viviane Jefferson, who performs under the stage name Lizzo, responded to accusations from a Tuesday lawsuit filed by former backup dancers claiming Lizzo created a hostile work environment and harassed former associates. In an Instagram post, Lizzo addressed allegations from former backup dancers saying the last few days had been “gut wrenchingly difficult” and “overwhelmingly disappointing.....”

....“My work ethic, morals and respectfulness have been questioned. My character has been criticized,” she wrote, adding the allegations were “as unbelievable as they sound” and “too outrageous to not be addressed."....." These sensationalized stories are coming from former employees who have already publicly admitted that they were told their behavior on tour was inappropriate and unprofessional. As an artist I have always been very passionate about what I do. I take my music and performances seriously because at the end of the day I only want to put out the best art that represents me and my fans...With passion comes hard work and high standards. Sometimes I have to make hard decisions but it’s never my intention to make anyone feel uncomfortable or like they aren’t valued as an important part of the team.....”

.....She continued: "I am not here to be looked at as a victim, but I also know that I am not the villain that people and the media have portrayed me to be these last few days. I am very open with my sexuality and expressing myself but I cannot accept or allow people to use that openness to make me out to be something I am not. There is nothing I take more seriously than the respect we deserve as women in the world. I know what it feels like to be body shamed on a daily basis and would absolutely never criticize or terminate an employee because of their weight. I’m hurt but I will not let the good work I’ve done in this world be overshadowed by this,” she concluded, thanking those that have reached out to express support for the performer.....

.....“The stunning nature of how Lizzo and her management team treated their performers seems to go against everything Lizzo stands for publicly, while privately she weight-shames her dancers and demeans them in ways that are not only illegal but absolutely demoralizing,” said lawyer Ron Zambrano in a statement.....


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Lizzo Record Sales, Streaming, Airplay Collapse in One Day After Harassment Scandal Breaks Wide: Career Crisis

.....The result is a career collapse for Lizzo. In those two days, her record sales including streaming and airplay have collapsed. Looking at numbers from Luminate, the trends have not just fallen but evaporated. It’s as if every radio has pulled Lizzo’s hits. Fans stopped streaming the records, and forget about buying them or downloading them....According to the Luminate numbers, Lizzo was averaging about 2,000 copies of everything included per day from last Friday..... However, on August 3rd her total sales dropped to just 30. That’s including streaming and downloads plus airplay. It all just went away.....


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Pinterest taps AI to give bigger bodies more visibility

Pinterest is using computer vision to scan the billions of image on its site to ensure visitors see a greater range of body types when they browse its service — and not just when searching for specific terms like "plus size."...Why it matters: Tech companies have begun to address longstanding gaps in the inclusiveness of their products in recent years — such as ensuring better representation across skin tone and hair type — but Pinterest is one of the first to explicitly address representation of different body types.

"The presence of authentic representation on a platform, without having to add size or shape modifiers to get what you want, has never been more important to the emotional well-being of young people globally," model and activist Tess Holliday said in a statement....How it works: Pinterest started by manually reviewing thousands of images of people of varying height, skin tone, gender expression, visible disabilities and other factors.

From there it used deep neural networks to help embed information on various characteristics for all of its images. The technology can assess and predict a subject's body size and is powerful enough, Pinterest said, to work on images of a diverse range of body types from various angles, even where only part of the body is shown.....The new body type technology will be used to improve representation when searching for women's fashion and wedding-related content — the same categories Pinterest has focused on with its work on skin tones and hair types.....Pinterest worked with Holliday, as well as with the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) and Pinterest creators Natalie Craig, Kellie Brown and Stefany Brito, in developing the product.

Social media sites have been widely criticized for encouraging an unhealthy focus on thinness, in some cases even censoring images of larger women in poses and outfits deemed appropriate on smaller people.....Pinterest said it heard from its users that the recommendations they were seeing didn't reflect real-world diversity of body types. The company also noted a YouGov study that found that three-quarters of U.S. adults believe the media promotes an unattainable body image for women.


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32 minutes ago, Tree of Knowledge said:

DEI is another shovel of dirt on the grave of Western Civilization.  

Yes it's true MAGAtard simps only like equality when equality means white men dominate everything.

You are truly a wonderful bunch of racist idiots. 

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So, the answer to the problem of showing too many anorexic women is to mix in more morbidly obese women?  How about... I dunno... healthy, normal women?  :dunno: 

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