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Know Doubt

Who is the last True Power Hitter?

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Mike Schmidt. :thumbsup:


I remember reading a story and him saying what a joke these homerun records were, how they shortened the fences and other stuff. Was thinking it was sour grapes at the time. I never made it back from the last baseball strike as a fan. I was on a plane with some prima donna AAA dodger team a-holes once too realizing these clowns are way over paid. It's a great sport for kids, my son is just starting, I hope he doesn't get into it too much. 21st century sure has been whack.



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Off the top of my head, Eddie Murray.

500 HRs, 3k hits.


Who you got?



Even though he had 500 HR's he's a far cry from a true "power hitter".


Like some mentioned below Big Daddy Cecil was pure and raw power.


Frank Thomas is another good one :thumbsup:

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Eddie Murray never topped 33 HR's in a single season :thumbsup: ...he hit 500 simply becuase he was a good hitter with a touch of power that played 1000 years :thumbsup:





Which prolly proves he was not on the juice. :overhead:

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Until we hear otherwise, I'll go with Albert Pujols.

Yup. Him or Ryan Howard. Unfortunately, in this day and age, we're just waiting to find out that they cheat, too.

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That's not what "begs the question" means.

Ummm, a person with their fantasy roster as their sig probably shouldn't be giving others any knowledge tips.



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Jim Thome


No proof but the guy looks like a juicer. His best 5 homerun years happened after he turned 32. Everyone from that era should be looked at suspiciously.

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Mike Schmidt. :dunno:


I remember reading a story and him saying what a joke these homerun records were, how they shortened the fences and other stuff. Was thinking it was sour grapes at the time. I never made it back from the last baseball strike as a fan. I was on a plane with some prima donna AAA dodger team a-holes once too realizing these clowns are way over paid. It's a great sport for kids, my son is just starting, I hope he doesn't get into it too much. 21st century sure has been whack.




First name that came to my mind.


What about Griffy? He roiding it up?

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Does steroid usage have a positive effect on bat speed or hand-eye coordination?

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Does steroid usage have a positive effect on bat speed or hand-eye coordination?

No, but for those who have it, it allows them to gain the strength necessary to put up 60-70 HR seasons and heal faster so that they can continue to do so into their 40s which is necessary to put up those massive career totals.

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Gotta go with Griffey..........


Not even a suggestion that he ever juiced up...............

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ive long suspected poo holes to be juicin...he got way too big too quickly also....


same with josh hamilton..but then again...roids are better than what he was normally taking...


its usually a list where a carlos quentin or david ortiz comes up..


if griffey ever did..i would suspect it was briefly like petitte did..to see if it would help him recover from his 76 injuries....but i would guess with him it was no...


so id have to pick


ryan howard

prince fielder

vlad guerrero

ryan braun




theres no doubt that mike schmidt never did it..


canseco was right again

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Who cares? Baseball blows.



You obviously do since you took the time to post in this thread. :duh:




Yeah, I forgot about Griffey and you can tell he ain't roided up since he looks like he did 10-15 years ago. :dunno:

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I think Howard has juiced. He's hitting 50+ HR's because he's just good, everyone else that hits 50+ HR's has been leaked to steroid use. So, that makes me think that Howard is using just as well.


I don't trust any of them. If it ever comes out that Griffey is/was a user it will really hurt baseball. With all his injuries though, it wouldn't surprize me.

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Does steroid usage have a positive effect on bat speed or hand-eye coordination?


Yes, yes.

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Barry Bonds

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Does steroid usage have a positive effect on bat speed or hand-eye coordination?

I have said all along steroid use is NOT going to make you be able to judge weather the ball coming at you is a fastball or a curve and its not going to help your hand-eye coordination. Those are the things that you MUST have to hit a ball coming at you at 80-100 mph weather you are on roids or not.


Thinking that it does not enhance your bat speed however is just naive. Of course it does. If it did not they would not be using in the first place. Using roids is GOING to make your bat speed increase. Its also going to make those LOONG warning track flyouts become short home runs.



I would say Frank Thomas, Griffey Jr. and Thome with Howard being the true power hitter we have now.



Barry Bonds


He said last true power hitter. Not the last home run champ thats a cheater and is going to have a hell of a time even getting into the HOF.

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Ryan Howard, he's just a big guy, built like a tackle not a linebacker like Pujols who i think is a juicer.

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Ryan Howard, he's just a big guy, built like a tackle not a linebacker like Pujols who i think is a juicer.




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No proof but the guy looks like a juicer. His best 5 homerun years happened after he turned 32. Everyone from that era should be looked at suspiciously.


I agree, but he was pretty big and thick before then.

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I agree, but he was pretty big and thick before then.

Yeah. He's either a long-time user or clean altogether. He didn't just explode when he got older. His neck is as thick as my legs.

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The "Best" of all time, and of course the model of my 1`st glove way back when. Harmon Killebrew :rolleyes:

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ive long suspected poo holes to be juicin...he got way too big too quickly also....


same with josh hamilton..but then again...roids are better than what he was normally taking...


its usually a list where a carlos quentin or david ortiz comes up..


if griffey ever did..i would suspect it was briefly like petitte did..to see if it would help him recover from his 76 injuries....but i would guess with him it was no...


so id have to pick


ryan howard

prince fielder

vlad guerrero

ryan braun




theres no doubt that mike schmidt never did it..


canseco was right again


I know he doesn't help himself with things like boxing matches and whatnot, but it's about time people stop viewing hims as a blowhard. EVERYTHING he has said has turned out to be 100% true.

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I know he doesn't help himself with things like boxing matches and whatnot, but it's about time people stop viewing hims as a blowhard. EVERYTHING is has said has turned out to be 100% true.



he dedicated a whole chapter to Aroid in his last book and at the very end it says "i focking hate you" :bandana:

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I got doubt about Pulhos and Howard.

Same with Papi. He seemed to suddenly develope a bunch of power.


I guess we have to look at every guy who has a 40+ home run season with suspicion now. It's sad, but that's where we are.

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It sucks for Griffey to have had all these roid users as his contemporaries and largely dominating the headlines so much of the time.

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