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Need geek help. Mentoring a 15 year old kid

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I've decided to volunteer to be a mentor through an organization that takes underprivileged kids that are good students and pays for them to go to good private high schools. The only thing I know about the kid is that he's 15 and will be a sophomore in high school. Any of you geeks have experience with mentoring someone?


I've got to come up with a good activity to take the kid to where we can get to know each other a bit. I will have a chance to meet the kid with his mom this weekend but at the end of that meeting is when we'll schedule our first activity. I'd like to go in with a few ideas and then pick one based on that first meeting. Any ideas?

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Hi, my name is String Bean. My uncle and me used to get to know each other too. We-we-we-we played games like Oops, the paint spilled all over your clothes and Your pants are itchy and need to come off right now and Hernia examination and Hide the eel in the cave and his favorite of Never, ever tattle you lousy no good kid

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I've decided to volunteer to be a mentor through an organization that takes underprivileged kids that are good students and pays for them to go to good private high schools. The only thing I know about the kid is that he's 15 and will be a sophomore in high school. Any of you geeks have experience with mentoring someone?


I've got to come up with a good activity to take the kid to where we can get to know each other a bit. I will have a chance to meet the kid with his mom this weekend but at the end of that meeting is when we'll schedule our first activity. I'd like to go in with a few ideas and then pick one based on that first meeting. Any ideas?


When you meet him ask him what he'd like to do.




Learn some of his interests and surprise him with something he normally wouldn't be able to do.

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Hi, my name is String Bean. My uncle and me used to get to know each other too. We-we-we-we played games like Oops, the paint spilled all over your clothes and Your pants are itchy and need to come off right now and Hernia examination and Hide the eel in the cave and his favorite of Never, ever tattle you lousy no good kid



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You could play church. You be the catholic priest and he the shy usher boy.

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Immediately....as fast as you can....drone on and on about your own personal issues and problems with women in your life. Try to shed a tear.

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I have a 15 yr old son, he is a worthless sloth who sits around playing video games all day. So I guess I'd recommend video games. :thumbsup:

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In high school I was a mentor for a 7th grader. I went to a catholic high school in Boston and we had an elementary school right near us that served mostly underprivileged kids. Once a week for a couple of hours I met with the kid at his school and helped with his homework and just talked to him. I could only do stuff at the school with him. It was like a big brother program but it was set up by my high school.


It's tough to even think about where you would take the kid until you meet him and gauge his interests. Ask him what his Favorite or best subjects at school are. If he is a science whiz maybe take him to a science museum. A baseball game might be a good idea if he likes baseball. Or maybe you introduce the kid to something totally new to him like maybe take him fishing. Some kind of activity where you can talk.


As for the mentoring part, you need to know the kid to figure out what he needs. My kid needed more confidence so I tended to boost that up the whole tome with encouragement. He was also a math whiz so I talked about different ideas of what you could do with math skills.

Told him about accounting and engineering. Things he really knew nothing about. My kid was a little geeky so I didn't have to tell him not to get in trouble cause he was pretty well behaved. Some of my classmates had totally opposite kids who were more wild and cocky. But the biggest thing with these kids is to instill the attitude that they can become anything they want. Instill that confidence and help them map out a path to reach a goal. Fill their head with new ideas and possibilities.

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Thanks for all the replies guys. I knew there would be some good ones and was not disappointed. Some of the serious ones were helpful too!

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Take him underwear shopping

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Movies are a good way to pass the time, and see if you have something in common.

:overhead: Pop in Broke Back Mountain, and see where the night leads :overhead:

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I liked pot and speed metal when I was 15. Maybe try that. :dunno:

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Hi, my name is String Bean. My uncle and me used to get to know each other too. We-we-we-we played games like Oops, the paint spilled all over your clothes and Your pants are itchy and need to come off right now and Hernia examination and Hide the eel in the cave and his favorite of Never, ever tattle you lousy no good kid

those sound similar to the games I would play with my uncle. We always played "hide the fist" first, then we played "if you tell anyone ill cut your headoff"

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I am 5 and things that I enjoy are dungeons and dragons, playing field hockey, superhero movies and wondering where my dad lives now. Maybe take your new friend to see Green Lantern and buy him a waffle cone afterward. :)

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