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what's wrong with mcdonalds?

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these new commercials suck and they seemingly have lost directions as a company


what can they do to fix it?

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They're screwed. People are moving away from cheap unhealthy fast food. They can try to offer semi-healthier stuff but it just doesn't fit their business plan or image.

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There's always a line at the drive thru at every McDonald's I go by at any time of the day.


Don't underestimate the appeal of cheap crappy food.

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There's always a line at the drive thru at every McDonald's I go by at any time of the day.


Don't underestimate the appeal of cheap crappy food.

they have one hell of a chocolate shake

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They do have good fries. And my wife and I like their caramel frappes. Other than that though if I want a burger I'm gonna go somewhere with a good dam burger. Either five guys, whataburger, or in n out.

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They do have good fries. And my wife and I like their caramel frappes. Other than that though if I want a burger I'm gonna go somewhere with a good dam burger. Either five guys, whataburger, or in n out.

you can always get a chicken wrap

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There's always a line at the drive thru at every McDonald's I go by at any time of the day.


Don't underestimate the appeal of cheap crappy food.

Oh it's still popular. Just maybe not one-on-every-corner popular

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Two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun sucks cow bawls.

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They're screwed. People are moving away from cheap unhealthy fast food. They can try to offer semi-healthier stuff but it just doesn't fit their business plan or image.

Pretty much.


Their buck/buck fifty stuff isn't a bad value. But if you're going to spend 5+ dollars on a sandwich, McDonalds is just outdone by pretty much all their competitors.

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I've always thought their salads were pretty good for fast food. The bacon ranch with grilled chicken only has 10 grams of carbs according to their website.


I also love me an egg mcmuffin.


Never been a big fan of their burgers; always preferred Burger King of the two when I was a kid, probably because I'm not a fan of onions (unless grilled) or mustard on burgers.


Now I prefer anything else to those two. In-n-Out, Jack in the Box, Carl's Jr/Whataburger, 5 Guys are all way better.

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I think the food tastes good and I appreciate the price. It's just unhealthy and fattening.


Their reputation of paying employees nothing and the affects that corporate chain restaurants have on small local owner operated restaurants bothers me as wll.


It is what it is. It's not like they're a worthwhile company doing the world any favors. If customers move on from the unhealthy fast food industry business model, they won't be missed.

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A company that can sell a crappy product that everyone knows is crappy yet still sell a ton of is brilliant. a cheeseburger or double or some nuggets or a shake is a great value. Their breakfast crap is good value for being moderately tasty. You can pretty much sell dried horse shiat and if people think it's a value they will buy it. It's the marketing machine at work. By age 7 is there a single person you know that didn't know McDonald's and revere it as the holy lord of possible foods?

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I went into our local McDonald's for the first time in awhile and some dued hussled me out of a Big Mac and fries. I went in there just for a bag of fries ended up paying for his meal. I think this place attracks a lot of undesirables lately. I agree Jack is my new place.

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Pretty simple. The quality of the food has gone through the floor and the employees are at the very bottom of the fast food scale. Seriously..you ever want to flush out the gfiafp in your local area, open a McDonald's. So then they try to upscale the menu with a bunch of gormet chicken sammiches and iced coffees, all prepared by a bunch of retreads that could barely get it correct when it was only burgers. That's why they're cutting a bunch of items from their menu.

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If you want a good fast good go to chic fil a. Food is usually good and the people they hire aren't complete retards

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I've always liked McDonald's...






























































The pay is sh!t though :mad:

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If you want a good fast good go to chic fil a. Food is usually good and the people they hire aren't complete retards



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they have one hell of a chocolate shake


...right out of a McCafe machine that the staff doesn't clean.


I only ate there once or twice a year and they lost that business when I found out they used saw dust in their food to increase the bulk at a low cost. The FDA allows that reasoning that you cannot digest the cellulose, but it does not harm you.

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As a family we turned away over a decade ago, mostly to attempt to focus on healthier options, but also cost as well. We can find a pretty good meal/dining experience for comensurate costs elsewhere.


Will make a stop there perhaps three or four times a year based mostly on convenience and situation, but actively avoid it otherwise.

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Pretty simple. The quality of the food has gone through the floor and the employees are at the very bottom of the fast food scale. Seriously..you ever want to flush out the gfiafp in your local area, open a McDonald's. So then they try to upscale the menu with a bunch of gormet chicken sammiches and iced coffees, all prepared by a bunch of retreads that could barely get it correct when it was only burgers. That's why they're cutting a bunch of items from their menu.


There is a Burger King in my area that is just disgusting. All junkies and bums constantly hang out there. It was just closed for 3 months and they rebuilt the whole thing and yet they did nothing about the people that hang out there. It's like they flock there.

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As a family we turned away over a decade ago, mostly to attempt to focus on healthier options, but also cost as well. We can find a pretty good meal/dining experience for comensurate costs elsewhere.




Will make a stop there perhaps three or four times a year based mostly on convenience and situation, but actively avoid it otherwise.

good post, I think lots of families are doing this

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There is a Burger King in my area that is just disgusting. All junkies and bums constantly hang out there. It was just closed for 3 months and they rebuilt the whole thing and yet they did nothing about the people that hang out there. It's like they flock there.

can't get enough of that onion ring sauce

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I actually enjoy the little small cheeseburgers, their hash browns and fries... I also crave a Big Mac about once every 3 months - then for the next 3 days I regret it.

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these new commercials suck and they seemingly have lost directions as a company


what can they do to fix it?

Nothing. Time to update your resume.

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I like McDonald's the couple times a year I eat there. I think the burgers taste pretty good.

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He looks like some pedophile, hushing the kid from telling their parents.... :blink:

maybe that's the new demographic they're trying to reach

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He looks like some pedophile, hushing the kid from telling their parents.... :blink:


Yeah, it just doesn't make any sense.


Who the fock was responsible for that?

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One night when I was in high school,me and some friends were hanging out on this walking bridge near the levee drinking and getting high. School had just let out for summer. My friend Chris's parents were leaving for Colorado the next day for the entire summer. We were all excited that the summer before we graduate,we were going to have a place to party. So one of the guys say's we should get a mascot. He wanted to go buy a big Bart Simpson pinata and stuff it with different things as the summer went on and then knock it open at the end before school. Me: That's stoopid. I'll be right back.


So fifteen minutes later I'm standing in Mc Donald's parking lot at two in the morning by the play place pushing as hard as I can on Ronald Mc Donald. He was a six foot replica that they had attached to a five foot high brick pedestal near the drive thru. He was the first thing you saw when you made the turn to pay. Creepy mother fawker with that stoopid smile and faggy wave. Ronald Mc Donald was a bout to be bunnynapped. But the fawker wouldn't come off. They had him bolted in there pretty tight and he wasn't coming off. The only way I could have gotten him off was to blow him.


I was as deflated as a Tawm Brady football. He would have been the perfect mascot. So I get in the car and drive thru the empty drive thru and see a glimmer of hope. The last thing you see before you leave is Mayor McCheese. A six foot tall staue with a big ass big mac head. I knew he to would probably bolted in there good to, but I had to try. Fifteen minutes later I'm backing my car up to the bridge with the Mayors nose sticking out of my trunk. My friends didn't know what it was untill I opened up the trunk. Me: I'd like to introduce you all to our new mascot.....Mayor Mc Fawking Cheese.


We kept him in the back yard that whole summer. Somebody took a red sharpy and made his eye's blood shot. We put Mardi Gras beads on him. The girls would dry hump him or take pictures making it look like they were having a threesome with the good Mayor. He probably got more action than we did. I got up one morning to smoke a gigarette. I look out the back window and see that there is a chick in a sleeping bag with him. It was a good summer.


But all good things must come to an end. When Chris's parents came home, the first thing his mom did was inspect the house. The house was fine. The yard was fine. Wait.... Chris's Mom: What is that hidden back there in the bush's? Chris: Bunny got drunk and stole the mayor of Mc Donald's. The one by the mall. He is our mascot. Chris's Mom: I don't want him in the yard. He doesn't fit in with my rose bush's and azela's. Tell Bunny it's time for him to find a new home.


I was planning on taking him back but the good mayor went from looking like a fine outstanding citizen to an inmate at an asylum. His eye's were blood shot. They drew him a big black d!ck. At some point during the summer, someone learned you could unscrew his head. So his head got rolled around in the street. Mayor Mc Cheese was in bad shape and he could no longer preside over the fatties waiting for their large fries. Two weeks after not being able to find him a good home, we decided to just put him out with the trash. One Saturday morning after a hard night of drinking, I was dropping Chris off. We heard the garbage men coming. So we said our goodbyes and put him out on the curb of his neighbors yard. The two black garbage men looked at each other when they rolled up. Black Garbage Man1: What the fawk is that? Black Garbage Man2: That's Mayor Mc Cheese. Black Garbage Man1: Someone fawked his sh!t up.



:cheers: brother.


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He is wearing a jail costume, so yeah, it could be Obama's son.

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It's a textbook business case fail. They reached their maturity, failed to recognize that the market was changing and got complacent. Then, they over-reacted and overloaded their menu with dozens upon dozens of new products and ingredients. They undercut the very basis of their success. The franchisees can't have that kind of inventory on hand, the employees can't be fast AND have a 130+ item menu.


Really, I think Chipotle is in the crosshairs next. There are far better localized wrap chains offering far more variety with the same speed and more flavors. Plus, their franchise fees and requirements are lower. With decent capitalization and a strong franchisee push, there's a handful of chains that could really pressure Chipotle.

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It's a textbook business case fail. They reached their maturity, failed to recognize that the market was changing and got complacent. Then, they over-reacted and overloaded their menu with dozens upon dozens of new products and ingredients. They undercut the very basis of their success. The franchisees can't have that kind of inventory on hand, the employees can't be fast AND have a 130+ item menu.


Really, I think Chipotle is in the crosshairs next. There are far better localized wrap chains offering far more variety with the same speed and more flavors. Plus, their franchise fees and requirements are lower. With decent capitalization and a strong franchisee push, there's a handful of chains that could really pressure Chipotle.

this is what's wrong with capitalism

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