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Movies are about to get REALLY woke.....

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"And the Academy Award for best token minority in order for a movie to get Oscar consideration goes to..." 


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Sports, movies, and TV, together with the media, academia, big tech and the far left of the Democratic Party are in full battle mode for a hostile takeover of our culture. 

I don’t intend to give them a dime. Ad-blocker on (off at FFToday so Mike gets his half penny per click)  pirate everything, watch stuff from 5+ years ago. Fock them.

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All those award shows have been trending that way for a long time, so in weird way, I actually respect that these f****** are actually admitting it.

In related news, they're actually restarting the Golden Girls with of course an all Black cast. They really should call it the cocoa girls. The only thing golden about black people is their teef. 

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The Oscars are so stupid and each year they lose more and more viewers. It's just hollywood standing up there patting themselves on the bat and preaching to us about how much better they are than us. I have never ever watched an Oscars and can't imagine the life of people that do. 

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1 hour ago, kilroy69 said:

The Oscars are so stupid and each year they lose more and more viewers. It's just hollywood standing up there patting themselves on the bat and preaching to us about how much better they are than us. I have never ever watched an Oscars and can't imagine the life of people that do. 

Wife and I like movies and used to love going to them before corona bankrupted every theater chain in America.  So we would like to at least try to see the top 10 nominees for best picture if possible.  

Wonder if there will be some sort of counter oscars that reward movies for being good movies..and not because they are woke?   Golden Globes maybe?  

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The more they try to shove this in my face, it makes me hate diversity and people that don't look like me even more. 

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Remember when businesses used to try to appeal to a people who would either need or want their product? 

Seems these days these days some businesses are shooting for a smaller segment of the population. Doesn't sound like a great long term plan in this case.

I was already getting down on the movie industry for putting out so much garbage, and now this.

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Are they pretending that they aren’t already putting black people in shows and movies at a higher percentage than the actual breakdown of the population? Add in that every remake is done to replace a leading white character with a black actor or actress. Plus, you have shows that are exclusively black. 
The message has been sent. You can back off now...

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9 minutes ago, Utilit99 said:

Remember when businesses used to try to appeal to a people who would either need or want their product? 

Seems these days these days some businesses are shooting for a smaller segment of the population. Doesn't sound like a great long term plan in this case.

I was already getting down on the movie industry for putting out so much garbage, and now this.

There was a local news story about supporting black owned businesses.  They cut to a local woman, making some sort of African themed stuff..Might have been shirts or something... and I told the wife the same thing.  if you are only going to make things that appeal to the small demographic, then you will get small returns.  Stop asking me to support a business that produces nothing I am interested in.  

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never was big movie or tv watcher. covid made me realize i can live without sports too.


fock em all. more time for family fishing hunting and doing other sh;t

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35 minutes ago, supermike80 said:

There was a local news story about supporting black owned businesses.  They cut to a local woman, making some sort of African themed stuff..Might have been shirts or something... and I told the wife the same thing.  if you are only going to make things that appeal to the small demographic, then you will get small returns.  Stop asking me to support a business that produces nothing I am interested in.  

You aren't inclined to buy your wife some nice jewelry for a birthday present so that she can get yelled at for cultural appropriation?

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3 minutes ago, TimmySmith said:

My lead character will be a queer who hates n@ggers.  :thumbsup:

Best of luck with your autobiography.  :thumbsup:

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Haven't watched the Oscars in a few years, never will again. if I want to see hypocrites grandstanding, I will watch ESPN

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49 minutes ago, edjr said:

Haven't watched the Oscars in a few years, never will again. if I want to see hypocrites grandstanding, I will watch ESPN

I don't know that I've ever watched the Oscars.  That's not the point.  The movies will still want to be eligible.

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1 hour ago, edjr said:

Haven't watched the Oscars in a few years, never will again. if I want to see hypocrites grandstanding, I will watch ESPN

I never liked the oscars. Ever. It's always been nausiating.

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This is how I think this will play out. After losing again and again to minorities, the big name stars will just stop attending. Ratings are bad now, but imagine when they can't get anyone to attend. The audience will start to look like Madea movie premier. 

To get big celebs to attend they will start letting them know that they are the winner. And people still won't watch. 

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1917, which won oscars last year, would not be nominated under these requirements. Cancel white people or pander. That’s the rule now. 

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5 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

1917, which won oscars last year, would not be nominated under these requirements. Cancel white people or pander. That’s the rule now. 

Any historical war related picture would probably be out.  Saving Private Ryan would be out.

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“The 2035 Oscar for best picture goes to Black Panther 17”. 

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Easy solution is to just make the main villain in every movie a minority.  That would meet the requirement of at least one main character being non-white.  Then again they would just cry foul at having the bad guys be a minority.

To achieve Standard A, the film must meet ONE of the following criteria:

A1. Lead or significant supporting actors

At least one of the lead actors or significant supporting actors is from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group.
• Asian
• Hispanic/Latinx
• Black/African American
• Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native
• Middle Eastern/North African
• Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
• Other underrepresented race or ethnicity

A2. General ensemble cast

At least 30% of all actors in secondary and more minor roles are from at least two of the following underrepresented groups:
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing

A3. Main storyline/subject matter

The main storyline(s), theme or narrative of the film is centered on an underrepresented group(s).
• Women
• Racial or ethnic group
• People with cognitive or physical disabilities, or who are deaf or hard of hearing


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"Simple Jack" would be considered for an Oscar since the storyline is centered around "people with cognitive or physical disabilities".


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32 minutes ago, DonS said:

"Simple Jack" would be considered for an Oscar since the storyline is centered around "people with cognitive or physical disabilities".


Jack’s irresponsibly old mom had a rough pregnancy. 

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