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Tiger Woods seriously injured in car crash

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Sure. :dunno:


I got my ass handed to me. The End.




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You made the claim, is it really too much for you to back it up? I don't know what his endorsements were worth before and after bonggate but you do...where'd you find this info?

I think he's full of crap. I think those sponsership deals were signed before bong gate. His deal with Mazda was in China and they were going to dump him unless he apologized to the Chinese people which he did. Subway was also considering dumping him. I know he was already signed with Hilton and Omega and speedo at the olympics. I don't think the bong helped him at all.

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I've got to go get some work done (since I've yet to do anything today). So as a post-defeat speech I will summarize as follows:


I do think this was blown waaaaay out of proportion due to both untrue and true gossip fuel.


I do think Tiger handled it just fine. If he knew there was no DUI or domestic stuff (we have to go on that per the FHP) and it was more about his marraige I do not blame him for keeping private whatsoever. If that is the case he only owes it to his family and no one else. No matter what PR price he does or does not pay. He does not owe it to anyone else and to say so otherwise is ridiculous. Some of you folks also look pretty dumb in this thread for saying otherwise.


I stand by my statement that currently the line between news, editorials, and gossip is blurred. And it is a problem. No matter if it did become truth, CBS should not be using TMZ as a source. They should do their own due dilligence. Just as Fox News should not use a 'blog' as a news source.


I do not think this will significanly adverse any endorsments. (very short term if at all).


And yes I am a hypocrite who uses bad analogies and hyperbole on this bored. Who doesn't? Just trying to fit in with the rest of you homos. :dunno:


And with that, I will bid you adieu. :thumbsdown:

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are you serious? If I said the sun is in the sky you'd want photo proof? This is common knowledge. or maybe you

think I just made up the words 'subway' or 'mazda' from thin air. do your own googling.


He didn't sign Mazda or Subway after the Bonggate. Quite the contrary, he almost lost both:



Mazda Asks, and Phelps Apologizes to Chinese


Published: February 13, 2009

At the behest of a sponsor, Michael Phelps has recorded a video apology to the people of China, expressing his remorse over the recently published photograph showing him using a marijuana pipe. He thanked them for their support and forgiveness.


The 52-second video has been posted on several Web sites in China, and one major Chinese newspaper said the video had been sent directly from the Japanese auto company Mazda, which last month signed Phelps to an endorsement deal believed to be worth more than $1 million. Phelps was signed to promote Mazda cars in China after his record-breaking eight-gold-medal performance at the Beijing Olympics last summer.



Subway accepts Michael Phelps' apology, wants him to make them some bread

It's been a pretty rough week for former American golden boy Michael Phelps. Photographic evidenced that seemed to show him enjoying the business end of a bong surfaced, he apologized, was punished and began to see his endorsement dollars dissipate.


But all is not lost for Mr. Phelps. Sandwich juggernaut Subway has announced they're sticking by the swimming star.

"Like most Americans, and like Michael Phelps himself, we were disappointed in his behavior," Subway, which specializes in sandwiches, said in a statement.

"Also like most Americans, we accept his apology. Moving forward, he remains in our plans."


In an article posted on website AdAge.com, the industry journal cited "executives close to the matter" as saying a campaign featuring Phelps and slated for early 2009 would be delayed.


Subway debated keeping him:




Subway De-links Michael Phelps As They Prepare to Drop Sponsorship


Subway has officially de-linked Michael Phelps as they prepare to drop his recently announced sponsorship deal. Before Michael’s bong hits hit the headlines, Michael Phelps was featured on the Subway web site. However, since the swimmer’s pothead scandal, Subway has removed all links to pages featuring the Olympic swimmer.

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I think he's full of crap. I think those sponsership deals were signed before bong gate. His deal with Mazda was in China and they were going to dump him unless he apologized to the Chinese people which he did. Subway was also considering dumping him. I know he was already signed with Hilton and Omega and speedo at the olympics. I don't think the bong helped him at all.


Wait...I shouldn't just take Gettnhuge's word for it? But he said his word is as true as the sky is blue. As true as the sun rising every morning.

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KSB's backpedaling and double0talking is making my morning.


F5 F5 F5 F5





parrot is killing him here.


you know what's gonna' be another backpedal


GolfDigest's newest cover, it's already printed and too late to take it back, has Tiger with Obama and reads:

10 Tips Obama can take from Tiger


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I've got to go get some work done (since I've yet to do anything today). So as a post-defeat speech I will summarize as follows:


I do think this was blown waaaaay out of proportion due to both untrue and true gossip fuel.




all true (expect for the homo part).


thanks for taking the other side on this one KSB, there was no way you could win it, but you sure did entertain me (us) for a while.

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parrot is killing him here.


you know what's gonna' be another backpedal


GolfDigest's newest cover, it's already printed and too late to take it back, has Tiger with Obama and reads:

10 Tips Obama can take from TigerLinky!

Woods also comes in for praise due to his agility with the press. (An illustrative quote from the cagey star: “My dad taught me that when I’m asked a question, I have control of the answer.”) And Joe Queenan argues that Obama could benefit most from a Woods-like agility with image control. “Tiger never does anything that would make him look ridiculous,” he writes.


:lol: :dunno:

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thanks for taking the other side on this one KSB, there was no way you could win it, but you sure did entertain me (us) for a while.


I was going to say this same thing. I don't know how serious you were, but you did the bored a tremendous service. :thumbsdown:

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In summation, I'd like to say that I agree completely with KSB that the main stream media should be letting this thing go now. :thumbsdown:



Like I said yesterday, as much as I wanted the truth to come out and was annoyed with his BS story about the accident/wife 'saving him' by busting out the backwindow, as soon as the evidence became overwhelming and forced him to apologize/admit imperfection, i immediately started feeling bad for the guy.


Weird thing, my mind.

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I was going to say this same thing. I don't know how serious you were, but you did the bored a tremendous service. :thumbsdown:


parrot, I went in a similar direction as you did and searched "KSB + Belichick".

I had to do some real work and didn't have time to really get into it, but KSB was surprisingly consistent with his approach to Belichick even though he hates the coaching-genius.

He did have one post about how he hates liars, cheaters, and thieves and therefore hates Belichick, but that was about it.


Brady on the other hand, was a goldmine... I didn't search on that one. Nice Job!

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Tiger's Ten Tips For Obama:

10. multiple cell phones man


9. Let the secret service drive you to and from your mistress(es)


8. Do NOT leave voicemails with porno-looking, ex-reality show, cocktail waitresses














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I think he's full of crap. I think those sponsership deals were signed before bong gate. His deal with Mazda was in China and they were going to dump him unless he apologized to the Chinese people which he did. Subway was also considering dumping him. I know he was already signed with Hilton and Omega and speedo at the olympics. I don't think the bong helped him at all.


those deals aren't forever, they have to keep being renewed, just like kellog. Kellog's deal was up for renewal and they decided not

to, that is played out as him being dropped. Well all those others backed him, renewing their deals.


Also by the way: Visa, powerbar, adidas, at&t... yea phelps was really hurt :cry:



By the way I'll ask again: John Daly? The more downhill he went, the more endorsements he got, the more popular he got. Splain that.

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By the way I'll ask again: John Daly? The more downhill he went, the more endorsements he got, the more popular he got. Splain that.


You know what, I could continue to ask why Mike Vick, the most hated guy in the NFL, is near the top in jersey sales this year.

I could ask why rap albums hating on cops and calling out whitey are bought by so many white ppl.


instead I'll answer it. It's a cultural change. It became cool to be the bad guy, cheer for the villian. If Stone Cold Steve Austin was out

there in the 70s or 80s telling everyone to kiss his ass, he'd be booed. But in this generation, he told everyone to kiss his ass, and he

was cheered. What were the popular shows of the 80s? Cosby? 00s? Sopranos? We went from Family Ties to Family Guy.


Times have changed, and popularity or endorsements aren't affected by bad behaviour like they once were.

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Sure. :cry:


I got my ass handed to me. The End.

I knew you weren't serious and I knew you'd come around and admit it, or at least I was hoping you would.

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Ok, it's out now. The charade's over, he finally did what I wanted him to all along.

Strangely enough, now I feel bad for him. :banana:


i surely dont....


he shouldve had a fling with mcnairs girlfriend....

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So, how big a diamond is Tiger going to have to buy?

She should tell Tiger, as part of his punishment - he has to sit bedside and watch some hard-bodied, playboy fock the shiat out of her! :thumbsup:

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So, how big a diamond is Tiger going to have to buy?

More like, how many diamonds and which of his hoes get em.

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She should tell Tiger, as part of his punishment - he has to sit bedside and watch some hard-bodied, playboy fock the shiat out of her! :thumbsup:


She should tell Tiger, as part of his punishment - he has to sit bedside and watch Phil fock the shiat out of her! It would be Phil's ultimate victory.

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…don’t look for Woods’ wife, Elin, to be moving out of the couple’s Windermere, FL., mansion anytime soon. She’s reportedly being paid a hefty seven-figure amount — immediately transfered into an account she alone controls — to stick with her husband.

On top of that, my source indicated Elin Nordegren2_bing.gif Woods, the mother of Tiger’s two children, has demanded — and is getting — a total rewrite on the couple’s prenuptial agreement making the incentives for her to remain Mrs. Tiger Woods even more enticing.

At this point, the couple needed to remain married for 10 years in order for Woods’ wife to collect a splitsville settlement of $20 million. I’m being told that time frame has been shortened — and the dollar amount increased “substantially.”






Rachel Uchitel was set to go public and admit her affair with Tiger Woods until a last-minute flurry of phone calls between her rep and representatives for the golfer.

Tiger’s people are desperate to keep Rachel from talking about Tiger and that they were willing to go a long, long way to keep her silent.

One source claimed that Rachel was negotiating a $1 million payoff by Tiger’s people to remain silent.




I think this could really turn out bad for Tiger. He should just let the story run it's course. If one of these wemens know they can get a million for not saying saying anything about the sex, what if one of them decides declare they did coke with him? "Give me five million or I fabricate some other sh!t up!"

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By the way I'll ask again: John Daly? The more downhill he went, the more endorsements he got, the more popular he got. Splain that.



Suppose you'll be proving this like the Phelps claims you made earlier.

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Damn Jasper don't hold back.


Jesper Parnevik is quoted as saying "I really feel sorry for Elin, since me and my wife were at fault for hooking her up with him. We probably thought he was a better guy than he is. I would probably need to apologize to her and hope she uses a driver next time instead of the 3-iron." :rolleyes:

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Suppose you'll be proving this like the Phelps claims you made earlier.


Guess you haven't watched television the last 15 years. Here, I'll ask the easiest one of the bunch and link it.


Why is Mike Vick, (and terrell owens) the most hated guys in the NFL, among the top jersey sales?



1. Brett Favre, Vikings

2. Jay Cutler, Bears

3. Troy Polamalu, Steelers

4. Michael Vick, Eagles

5. Ben Roethlisberger, Steelers

6. Tony Romo, Cowboys

7. Mark Sanchez, Jets

8. Tom Brady, Patriots

9. Adrian Peterson, Vikings

10. Eli Manning, Giants

11. Terrell Owens, Bills

12. Peyton Manning, Colts


If I were to believe what you goofs say, then you wouldn't see guys like Vick or Owens in the top 200...but they are. The guy

freaking electrocuted and drowned dogs and he's #4 in jersey sales? How can that be? How can you get worse publicity than that?

Yet somehow it happened.

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It always returns to the same core principle.....no matter how hot she is, someone.....somewhere.....is sick of her sh!t.... :unsure:

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Guess you haven't watched television the last 15 years. Here, I'll ask the easiest one of the bunch and link it.


Why is Mike Vick, (and terrell owens) the most hated guys in the NFL, among the top jersey sales?



1. Brett Favre, Vikings

2. Jay Cutler, Bears

3. Troy Polamalu, Steelers

4. Michael Vick, Eagles

5. Ben Roethlisberger, Steelers

6. Tony Romo, Cowboys

7. Mark Sanchez, Jets

8. Tom Brady, Patriots

9. Adrian Peterson, Vikings

10. Eli Manning, Giants

11. Terrell Owens, Bills

12. Peyton Manning, Colts


If I were to believe what you goofs say, then you wouldn't see guys like Vick or Owens in the top 200...but they are. The guy

freaking electrocuted and drowned dogs and he's #4 in jersey sales? How can that be? How can you get worse publicity than that?

Yet somehow it happened.


Just noting that jersey sales<>popularity.


Lots of sportos running around with Che Geuvarra T-shirts, doesn't make him somebody you'd invite to your wedding. The Vick jerseys are largely a certain demographic trying to look like OG's.


Scott Peterson got more marriage proposals than most men, doesn't mean you can infer that he's more popular with women than most men.

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Just noting that jersey sales<>popularity.


The Vick jerseys are largely a certain demographic trying to look like OG's.


link? Here I'll help you


NFL fan demographics

avid fan: 69% men 31% women


18-24 14%

25-34 18%

35-44 21%

45-54 19%

55+ 27%



under 25k 13%

50-100k 36%

100k+ 19%


white 82%

black 14%


That 'certain demographic' isn't enough to put Vick up there. You don't get up on that list unless middle aged white guys who

actually make a decent living are buying your jersey.

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link? Here I'll help you


NFL fan demographics

avid fan: 69% men 31% women


18-24 14%

25-34 18%

35-44 21%

45-54 19%

55+ 27%



under 25k 13%

50-100k 36%

100k+ 19%


white 82%

black 14%


That 'certain demographic' isn't enough to put Vick up there. You don't get up on that list unless middle aged white guys who

actually make a decent living are buying your jersey.


Wow, you're just grabbing random stats there aren'tcha?


Why the fock are you giving details about average NFL fans? Those numbers would only have relevance if they were for that % that bought Vick jerseys. Might as well be giving demographic stats on percentage of people who like popcorn while you're at it.


you're all over the place. Jersey sales<> Popularity and average NFL fan stats<>mike vick jersey buyer stats.

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Just noting that jersey sales<>popularity.


Lots of sportos running around with Che Geuvarra T-shirts, doesn't make him somebody you'd invite to your wedding. The Vick jerseys are largely a certain demographic trying to look like OG's.


Scott Peterson got more marriage proposals than most men, doesn't mean you can infer that he's more popular with women than most men.



I saw a brother wearing a Detroit Red Wings jersey yesterday here in the deep south. What does that mean?

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Who posted in: Tiger Woods seriously injured in car crash

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Nice showing people :cry:

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Wow, you're just grabbing random stats there aren'tcha?


Why the fock are you giving details about average NFL fans? Those numbers would only have relevance if they were for that % that bought Vick jerseys. Might as well be giving demographic stats on percentage of people who like popcorn while you're at it.


you're all over the place. Jersey sales<> Popularity and average NFL fan stats<>mike vick jersey buyer stats.


if you're going to make allegations about who is buying Vick jerseys, please provide some numbers. There is plenty of research

data out there on NFL demographics. It's your turn. The 'gangster' whatever demo you are trying to refer to of NFL fans is only a

tiny portion. To get on that list you gotta sell jerseys to all ages, incomes and educations.

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if you're going to make allegations about who is buying Vick jerseys, please provide some numbers. There is plenty of research

data out there on NFL demographics. It's your turn. The 'gangster' whatever demo you are trying to refer to of NFL fans is only a

tiny portion. To get on that list you gotta sell jerseys to all ages, incomes and educations.


For the third time now: JERSEY SALES<> POPULARITY



Assinine argument. :cry:

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For the third time now: JERSEY SALES<> POPULARITY

Assinine argument. :cry:


That's funny, your previous post you seemed to put relevance to who was buying his jersey...


wiffl: Those numbers would only have relevance if they were for that % that bought Vick jerseys.

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About 50 people have asked Dave Bailey when the green Michael Vick jerseys are arriving.


Not yet, he says. Soon.


But don't expect Bailey to buy one.


"I think (Eagles great) Ron Jaworski deserves number seven for himself, and I think Michael Vick should wear something else," said Bailey, an employee of BC Sports in Atlantic County's Hamilton Mall. "Seven should be reserved for someone who earned it."


The Philadelphia Eagles' most divisive National Football League off-season signing has area stores rushing to stock the shelves. Some people despise Vick for bankrolling a dog fighting ring, an offense that landed him a two-year prison sentence.


Others love Vick because of his play-making ability. Before legal troubles caught up to him, Vick was one of the most exciting players in the league.


Both of those sentiments have driven interest in Vick merchandise. Champs Sports in Vineland is offering replica jerseys in black, green and white.


Managers say they're selling one or two of the jerseys each day, with more people waiting to buy higher-quality stitched jerseys when they become available.


Steve Colbert of Egg Harbor Township visited Forman Mills, a clothing factory store, last week to sift through racks of Vick jerseys.


"I think it's great," Colbert said. "There are guys that have done a lot worse in the NFL and you can still buy their jersey."




This Steve guy sounds like one of your typical OGs

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If the only person that can beat Tiger is a blonde with big breasts, it’s time for Phil Mickelson to bleach his hair.


· What’s the difference between a car and a golf ball? Tiger can drive a ball 400 yards.


· What was Elin doing out at 2.30 in the morning? Clubbing


· Why did Tiger crashed into a fire hydrant AND a tree? He couldn’t decide between a wood and an iron.


· Why did Phil Mickelson call Elin yesterday? To pick up some tips on how to beat Tiger.


· What is the penalty for getting it in the wrong hole? Ask Tiger, he knows.


· Tiger drives very well on the fairway but doesn’t fare very well on the driveway. Rock me.


· Whats the difference between a golf ball and a caddy? Tiger can drive a golf ball.


· Nike wants to drop their endorsement due to accuracy problems. Apparently, Tiger’s spraying his balls everywhere.


· It turns out that fixing Tiger’s game and fixing his marriage both require the same thing: better control over his putz. 


· Why was Tiger’s wife mad at him? She heard that he played a-round in Australia.


· What will the headline be if they prove it is domestic violence? TIGER’S WIFE MAKES THE CUT


· Given Tiger’s racial heritage can we call this a Black Thai affair?


· Tiger just changed his nickname but still kept it in the cat family. Cheetah. :doublethumbsup:


· Elin Woods has a twin sister named Josephine. Know how to tell them apart? Elin is the one holding the bent 5 iron.


· What do Tiger and the Beatles have in common? They both experienced a hit with Norwegian Wood.


· First words spoken to the paramedics by Tiger: Who are you? And what are all these trees doing in my living room?


· Tiger Wood’s shirt is all red- problem is, there’s no tournament, and his veins are a pint low.

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for your listening pleasure:


oh and lol at surferskin for quoting me in his signature line.

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Guess you haven't watched television the last 15 years. Here, I'll ask the easiest one of the bunch and link it.


Why is Mike Vick, (and terrell owens) the most hated guys in the NFL, among the top jersey sales?



1. Brett Favre, Vikings

2. Jay Cutler, Bears

3. Troy Polamalu, Steelers

4. Michael Vick, Eagles

5. Ben Roethlisberger, Steelers

6. Tony Romo, Cowboys

7. Mark Sanchez, Jets

8. Tom Brady, Patriots

9. Adrian Peterson, Vikings

10. Eli Manning, Giants

11. Terrell Owens, Bills

12. Peyton Manning, Colts


If I were to believe what you goofs say, then you wouldn't see guys like Vick or Owens in the top 200...but they are. The guy

freaking electrocuted and drowned dogs and he's #4 in jersey sales? How can that be? How can you get worse publicity than that?

Yet somehow it happened.



And this proves that John Daly's endorsements have remained steady...how?

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