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Ringo finally spilled the beans

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I come here rarely and post even less. BUT THIS is something that should have been discussed already.

I may be one of the oldest if not THE oldest here.

I was a teenager when Beatlemania first overtook the World.

Now whether the original Paul McCartney died in a car crash in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike and talented musician is something that I always considered to be common knowledge. Glossed over, lied about and moved on.

Plus it's been 50 years. Just gonna be something never proven either way.

But that has now changed. Ringo couldn't take hiding the truth any longer and has given an interview explaning what many of us already knew.



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What if the Beatles were named the Monkees and the Monkees were named the Beatles? Would rock history have changed?

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I come here rarely and post even less. BUT THIS is something that should have been discussed already.

I may be one of the oldest if not THE oldest here.

I was a teenager when Beatlemania first overtook the World.

Now whether the original Paul McCartney died in a car crash in 1966 and was replaced by a look-alike and talented musician is something that I always considered to be common knowledge. Glossed over, lied about and moved on.

Plus it's been 50 years. Just gonna be something never proven either way.

But that has now changed. Ringo couldn't take hiding the truth any longer and has given an interview explaning what many of us already knew.



Posting less is a good strategy for you.

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That was a fun site. Are any of those articles remotely true? :lol:

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I'm glad Paul McCartney died. His look alike impersonator is one of the greatest musicians of all time and undoubtedly a huge upgrade.

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Been on here about 5840 days, with 1175 posts...so about .2 posts per day...and i think we can all now agree is far too often.


Post less.

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So the real Paul died and his replacement was an equally genius and talented musician and has been using his identity ever since?


That has to be the dumbest rumor I have ever heard. No,

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So the real Paul died and his replacement was an equally genius and talented musician and has been using his identity ever since?


That has to be the dumbest rumor I have ever heard. No,


there is actually a movie about it, pretty entertaining fwiw

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I grew up in a musical family. Mom was a backup singer for Melanie Safka in '70 & '71. Dad handled the finances for the Grass Roots for a few years. I just always assumed the Paul is dead story to be true. Not sure about this Ringo interview though.


I am surprised all of you here don't believe it.

On second thought, I'm not surprised.

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well if it's a different paul, thank goodness because he wrote better songs.

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In the early/mid 80s I did a bunch of work for local cable. The guy that owned the local cable company (Russ Gibb) was a teacher in my school district and formerly a DJ on a Detroit station. It was on his show in the late 60's that the Paul is Dead story really grew wings and took flight. He devoted hours of airtime to the story, identifying clues, and perpetuating the story.

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I'm glad Paul McCartney died. His look alike impersonator is one of the greatest musicians of all time and undoubtedly a huge upgrade.

Nothing wrong with upgrading. It worked for Pink Floyd.

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there was a beatles warmup group named billy pepper and the pepperpots

their leader was a talented singer songwriter named william shears campbell (billy shears)

and it was obvious that he looked very similar to paul


in the 1967 song sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band on the album sgt pepper, they sing

'may i introduce to you the one and only billy shears'


john sings on 'how do you sleep' song on the 'imagine' album about paul

'those freaks were right when they said you were dead'


we all know the moptops sing in 'i read the news today' on the sgt pepper album

'he blew his mind out in a car - he didn't notice that the light had changed - a crowd of people stood and stared, they'd seen his face before'


btw, why was the sgt pepper album cover showing a gravesite with a left-handed bass guitar on it

on the back cover, paul had his back turned .. plus he's several inches taller


there's hundreds of other clues that you can ignore but it was either a gigantic hoax that they perpetrated or as the beatles usually did, they told you things in between the lines


oh and paul had an illegitimate child in germany in 1961 that he was paying child support to. in 1967, paul#2 refused to pay and took a blood test showing that HE wasn't the father BUT it showed that he wasn't paul#1's brother, either (?)


me, yes i believe william shears campbell who fell off the grid in 1967 is the current paul mccartney

and most musicians do too .. especially the over 50 ones

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Billy Shears is also both Rey's father and Snoke. He pilots a submarine in Loch Ness during his free time.

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Doesn't Paul McCartney have a mother? Or was he an orphan or hatched from an egg in Kenya like Obummer was.

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Unless Paul had a perfect clone in Billy Shears, the theory is complete rubbish and Ringo is just playing along.

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This was actually first brought forward by George Harrison, its not new, has been something lingers for decades

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Wow. You people might just be the wackiest bunch of numbskulls on the internet.


Is it any wonder why Trump and Hillary are the only 2 left standing?

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Nothing wrong with upgrading. It worked for Pink Floyd.

It worked for McCartney's wife too. She had no complaints and Shears didn't miss a beat with her either. Maybe she didn't notice.

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I did some research and saw all the clues etc. Its a fun theory but cmon now. Its all vague song lyrics and mysterious backwards tracks. give me anyones personal info and I can find clues or hints at anything I want in any album. "See,see, enter sandman says exit light, Paul was suposedly killed when it was 630pm which is right when the sun goes down, so the light was going away! Metalicca confirmed to be in on the hoax!"

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I find it a little odd that both Ringo and George are telling the same story, I always expected them to deny it, yet here they are......I am willing to give it a chance given these factors, still not sold.

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It worked for McCartney's wife too. She had no complaints and Shears didn't miss a beat with her either. Maybe she didn't notice.


Or maybe he cut her leg off and vowed to cut the other one off if she told. :ninja:

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Jeebus H Christmas


From snopes:


While Beatles fans will continue to debate why Paul McCartney wasn't wearing shoes on the Abbey Road cover, this fictitious interview with Ringo Starr should be immediately dismissed as a hoax. Ringo Starr didn't give an exclusive interview to the Hollywood Inquirer, and Paul McCartney is not dead: WNDR is an entertainment website that does not publish factual articles. A disclaimer states that all stories published by the website are for "entertainment purposes only."

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Is it too late to secretly replace John?


They did, Yoko was better anyways

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Is it too late to secretly replace John?

Yeah they'd split up by then so all you'd get are a third rate singer doing duets with Yoko.

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Is it too late to secretly replace John?

Yeah they'd split up by then so all you'd get are a third rate singer doing duets with Yoko.


Still, it's easy if you try.

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I am the walrus :wave:


ku :banana: ku :banana: tu :banana: lu

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Paul was suposedly killed when it was 630pm


No, the British press that covered THE car wreck noted it was a Wednesday at 5 AM


Jump to the Sgt Pepper song, A Day In The Life

which begins with

Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock

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