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No Week 5 FU thread yet?

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Ahhh, here come all the FUs! CJ Anderson, the Carr vs Rivers shutout (Brees vs Manning 2.0)

+1 to both CJA and Carr. Killing me so far.

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Also, a nice FU to the three hours of football shows explaining how Tevin Coleman wouldn't be a factor because he is playing Denver with Sickle Cell Trait.

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FU tannahill. You are not a qb. You suck so bad it is not even funny.


Also FU Osweiler. At least get some garbage time points.


Turns out when my weak asss qb play was overshadowed by both Howard and Elliott beasting today.

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FU alshon. what a waste of a 2nd round pick

FU ezekiel elliot for being on my opponents team. I mean i expected points but not 30.

i'll go ahead and give an FU to monday night football.

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F me. Thought I was a genius for trading Hopkins for CJA.


What did the Falcons D have for breakfast? The whole team looks legit

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Yep the curse of Jermey Hill. An absolute season killer. Even worse than last year. I'm sure over 50% of his owners benched him against Denver. Then they trust him the last two weeks. HA!

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Yep the curse of Jermey Hill. An absolute season killer. Even worse than last year. I'm sure over 50% of his owners benched him against Denver. Then they trust him the last two weeks. HA!



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F me for playing against Tom Brady and Ezekiel Elliot. I had Roethlisberger and David Johnson, so basically a push there, but the rest of my team sucked.

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Yep the curse of Jermey Hill. An absolute season killer. Even worse than last year. I'm sure over 50% of his owners benched him against Denver. Then they trust him the last two weeks. HA!

You got that right. Hill helped me win a championship in 2014 but since then he has been garbage. Had him last year and he destroyed my team. So glad I steered clear of him in every league.

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You got that right. Hill helped me win a championship in 2014 but since then he has been garbage. Had him last year and he destroyed my team. So glad I steered clear of him in every league.


I'm going to straight up drop him... someone else can start this poison pill

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I wish Eli wasn't so Eli. He'll flub 5 easy throws with no pressure on a national TV game and then make some insanely grand throws two weeks from now once we all turn on him.

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Fu to Stafford. He is making this more difficult than it needs be. He is trying to spread it around. Do what made you that gunslinger man. Jones is your number 1 stuner. If he has man you throw it just like you did with megatron. I understand he is 3 inches shorter but you got a deep ball aND a good route runner. Do it

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Did Shepard miss the bus to the game? :wall:

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Although I'm not playing FF, I have observed many crimes against humanity this week.


First and foremost; Fock You Julio. You gave everyone who drafted you Sequoia sized wood last week, and then you promptly disappear like a virgin at a Mississippi family reunion.


Fock you out to Houston Texans entire team. That was your best effort? Minny made you their b!tch then donkey punched you in the back of the head while you're still dripping like a popsicle in July.


Fock You Eli/ODB. ODB go see an OB/GYN and they'll confirm what the rest of us have observed. You're just about the biggest walking, talking p00say there is. Eli.............well, you're just retarded man. I still don't know how you managed to win twice against the Pats (which I'm sure Pats fans ask the same question).

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Although I'm not playing FF, I have observed many crimes against humanity this week.


First and foremost; Fock You Julio. You gave everyone who drafted you Sequoia sized wood last week, and then you promptly disappear like a virgin at a Mississippi family reunion.


Fock you out to Houston Texans entire team. That was your best effort? Minny made you their b!tch then donkey punched you in the back of the head while you're still dripping like a popsicle in July.


Fock You Eli/ODB. ODB go see an OB/GYN and they'll confirm what the rest of us have observed. You're just about the biggest walking, talking p00say there is. Eli.............well, you're just retarded man. I still don't know how you managed to win twice against the Pats (which I'm sure Pats fans ask the same question).


Vintage. :)

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FU to me for starting Eli.

He was on my list until that late TD.

It let me squeak out a win.

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FU Jerick Mckinnon. I should have known better than to start this scrub. Although, since my other option was Lamar 'the bust' Miller, it didn't really matter.


FU Big Ben, for having a career day against me. Hopefully someone shows that game tape to Aaron Rodgers. Yes Aaron, some QBs actually can throw for more than 250 yards once in a while. Fock you

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Although I'm not playing FF, I have observed many crimes against humanity this week.




Pretty riled up for someone supposedly not invested in FF. Ciao.

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FU Big Ben, for having a career day against me.

Well, not exactly a career day as he's passed for 6 TDs and 500+ yards at Heinz before and not necessarily unexpected as the Jets D has been giving up a lot of big passing plays.

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No FU to Vinatieri yet? If it weren't for Coates I would have lost because of a kicker...


Maybe it's cause Hopkins and Jeffery are my WR 2 & 3, but I'm not panicking on them like some seem to be. The only bad matchup for Hopkins remaining is Denver, and if Jeffery starts to find the end zone, he's right back in the mix.

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FU Fat useless Eddie Lacy, why do i keep holding out hope that you will do something but nada..absolutely nada!!!

He has been dominant when given carries.

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He has been dominant when given carries.

Hasn't been putting up great numbers, been getting the carries yeah, but yardage nada and NO TDs….1 game over 100 yards isn't great to me especially on an explosive offense.

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Hasn't been putting up great numbers, been getting the carries yeah, but yardage nada and NO TDs.1 game over 100 yards isn't great to me especially on an explosive offense.

It's the opposite, he hasn't been getting carries. 5.5ypc for the year, looked fantastic every time he touches the ball. Got hurt last night otherwise would have had more. Other games the offensive play calling just sucks and they take him out for no reason.


Hold tight! I see good things for the season.

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I'm all out of FUs in my money league. It seems no matter how many points my team scores my opponent will have their best week against me. I have the most points scored against me and 2nd highest in points scored. So I'm focking clueless right now

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FU Greg Olsen and TB's refusal to cover him all night.


Just love losing by 2 to a guy with a career yardage night. That's awesome.

Bye undefeated season. Twas nice.

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FU Greg Olsen and TB's refusal to cover him all night.


Just love losing by 2 to a guy with a career yardage night. That's awesome.

Bye undefeated season. Twas nice.

I lost by 2 as well while playing against Olsen. So yea I know the feeling

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