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Jan. 6 videos finally released. The Dems were full of crap.

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Show these liberals footage of month after month of looting, burning and rioting, doesn’t register. Mostly peaceful.  Footage they haven’t seen yet is released, they don’t watch it, yet still comment on it. But snippets that are produced by an actual television producer from ABC? That’s gospel.  

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14 minutes ago, wiffleball said:

You know, officially, Kennedy died far away from Dealy plaza much later in the hospital. So I guess that gunshot probably had nothing to do with it right?  😟🙄🐑

Reductio ad absurdum

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14 hours ago, Pimpadeaux said:

Some of those Capitol police were either Oath Keepers, Proud Boys or KKK, working on the inside so they could get as many rioters into the building as possible.

Wow.  I mean, just wow.  So your story is that all of the cooperative police were Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, or KKK?  And that this didn't come out in the 1/6 committee unbiased impartial search for truth? :lol: 

1 hour ago, Pimpadeaux said:

I've never called it an armed insurrection, although there were armed people in the mob. It was a bunch of idiots who thought Trump had directed them to do what they did, the proof of that being that they stopped once he got off his fat, orange ass and told them to. They built a gallows, and that gallows wasn't built from scrap material they found lying around the grounds of the Capitol. This was a planned thing. I have little doubt that these idiots would have hung Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi had they gotten their hands on them. 



And, wow. Really?  Little doubt?  They would have brought Pence and Pelosi out and... hung them? :lol: 

Anyway, some great red herrings being tossed around here.  The topic is the video excerpts that were provided to Tucker.  If such video was withheld from the Shaman and others when considering their options (like @dogcows with his "well he shouldn't have pled guilty!"  Umm... maybe he didn't know there was such video?)  THAT'S the concern.

Can we at least all agree that the 1/6 hearings were not a pursuit of truth, but rather a prosecution?

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“For more than two years we have wondered why some in the crowd that day who seem to be inciting violence were never indicted for it,” Carlson said. “We assumed these were federal agents of some sort. We still assume that. In fact, there were many examples of behavior we saw in those tapes that didn’t seem to make sense … As of tonight, we don’t know. Because we don’t know, we will not put their faces on the screen and suggest they were federal agents. That would be irresponsible. So there were many mysteries we could not solve.” 

It's "irresponsible" to show their faces, but not at all irresponsible to suggest that the federal government encouraged and participated in an attack on the capitol to what ends???.  :lol:

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1 hour ago, dogcows said:

These are the same geniuses who claim George Floyd died of a drug overdose. Good luck convincing them of anything. To do that you need to get Tucker Carlson to say it. 

Positional asphyxiation cases tend to cluster in the overweight and those on certain drugs whch place a stress on the heart inclugding raising blood pressure and pulse.  George Floyd died from the weight on top of him and the pressure on the arteries in his neck.  A contributing cause may have been his weight, physical condition, drug use, and hydration at the time.

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27 minutes ago, Mike Honcho said:

It's "irresponsible" to show their faces, but not at all irresponsible to suggest that the federal government encouraged and participated in an attack on the capitol to what ends???.  :lol:

Why didn’t the FBI shill just answer Ted Cruz when he asked if there were any feds or fed informants there? 

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The more I see of these videos the worse it looks for the democrats and the idiots here on this board the defended them. It’s hilarious how in just a few years we are seeing just how MUCH the democrats have lied. They’re CORRUPT. I don’t understand how ANYONE could trust ANYTHING they say after all this. We have too much proof. Video evidence, photo evidence, testimonies under oath, phone records, emails, etc that PROVE all of this. FAR more evidence than ANYTHING they accused trump of and FAR worse things 

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The damage the left has done to trust in our institutions over the last 7-8 years is irreparable. Good job you’re all a cancer that destroys everything it touches. 

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That disgusting wretch Elaine Goodman Luria that doctored the Josh Hawley video should be held in disgrace. Thankfully she lost re-election.  

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17 minutes ago, WhiskeyCash said:

The more I see of these videos the worse it looks for the democrats  

The minutes of video that Tucker showed you?

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2 hours ago, wiffleball said:

You know, officially, Kennedy died far away from Dealy plaza much later in the hospital. So I guess that gunshot probably had nothing to do with it right?  😟🙄🐑

Kennedy was pronounce dead from his gunshot wounds after reaching the hospital.  Pepper spray doesn't cause blood clots in the brain dummy.  Surely you grasp the difference?

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2 minutes ago, wiffleball said:

The minutes of video that Tucker showed you?

I’m sure you sat and watched hours of video the Jan 6 hack squad provided for you. They showed you 2 seconds of Hawley and you ran with it. 

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6 minutes ago, wiffleball said:

The minutes of video that Tucker showed you?

The SECONDS CNN showed you you’ll believe but minutes upon minutes of video evidence that proves CNN was lying and that you lied too isn’t good enough? Lmfao ok retard. In the land of make-believe this would fly and I know you idiots on the left only live in make-believe land. 

I trust my eyes more than I trust anything the news puts out and the videos speak for themselves. It’s only retarded cultists like yourself that try to defend the common practices by the left that is nothing but lies and manipulation as well as misinformation. 

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6 minutes ago, squistion said:


Uh, I don’t think that idiot or you are making the point you think you are. Over 500 people are still waiting 2+ years after the fact? 

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9 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Uh, I don’t think that idiot or you are making the point you think you are. Over 500 people are still waiting 2+ years after the fact? 

None of the 999 include Rat Epps. Weird 

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1 minute ago, Dizkneelande said:

None of the 999 include Rat Epps. Weird 

That too. And the FBI won’t even say if they had feds or informants there that day. Which is just saying they did.  And if they didn’t, why the Fock not? 

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No matter to what degree or severity of what anyone believes happened that day, one fact remains irrefutable. People illegally entered The Capitol with the sole intent of stopping the Congress from performing their constitutional duty of certifying the election. Partisan politics aside, how can anyone not agree this is what happened?


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From the Twitters: :lol:

"Your honor, there are photos that show me not shooting Lincoln." -- John Wilkes Booth


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The more I read and see about this the less I know what to believe.  I'm tired of it to be honest.

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Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger on Tuesday ripped Fox News and host Tucker Carlson for airing an “offensive and misleading” portrayal of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Manger wrote in an internal message to officers that Carlson’s Monday night primetime program “conveniently cherry-picked from the calmer moments of our 41,000 hours of video” to incorrectly portray the violent assault as more akin to a peaceful protest. He added that Carlson’s “commentary fails to provide context about the chaos and violence that happened before or during these less tense moments.”


I was here. It was not peaceful. It was an abomination,” added Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) “You’re entitled to believe what you want in America, but you can’t resort to violence to try to convince others of your point of view.”


And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell held up Manger’s letter during his weekly briefing with reporters, saying that he would “associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief of the Capitol Police about what happened on January 6th.”

One false allegation is that our officers helped the rioters and acted as ‘tour guides.’ This is outrageous and false,” Manger wrote. “The Department stands by the officers


Manger also took particular issue with what he said was a “disturbing” suggestion by Carlson that the late Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick — who died of strokes on Jan. 7, 2021 — did not die because of anything that occurred the day before. Sicknick had been involved in some intense clashes with rioters and was assaulted with chemical spray in the early afternoon of the siege.


A medical examiner later concluded that Sicknick died of natural causes but suggested the stress caused by the riot could have been a contributor.


So there you go. Republicans and the capital police chief himself. But hey you watch Tucker Carlson for 4 minutes and he fed you all the problem you needed for the night. And the next day. Bet you couldn't wait to post all about what Tucker told you!

... Which proves you're f****** stupid in the first place.






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46 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Uh, I don’t think that idiot or you are making the point you think you are. Over 500 people are still waiting 2+ years after the fact? 

You know they all have to be tried in the same jurisdictional court right?

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19 minutes ago, squistion said:

From the Twitters: :lol:

"Your honor, there are photos that show me not shooting Lincoln." -- John Wilkes Booth



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23 minutes ago, paulinstl said:

No matter to what degree or severity of what anyone believes happened that day, one fact remains irrefutable. People illegally entered The Capitol with the sole intent of stopping the Congress from performing their constitutional duty of certifying the election. Partisan politics aside, how can anyone not agree this is what happened?


I’ll say some, even more than some did. But not most of them. If you watch the video, most of them are just walking around aimlessly. This was overkill. Even Pelosi’s daughter said so.  And she was there filming.  And if you people at least claimed that it’s necessary to be tougher than normal so it doesn’t happen again, I could see the logic in that. But this has gone overboard , it’s much more than being tougher than normal. Leeway from the usual way these things are handled is understandable. They have gone nuts with it. 

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28 minutes ago, paulinstl said:

No matter to what degree or severity of what anyone believes happened that day, one fact remains irrefutable. People illegally entered The Capitol with the sole intent of stopping the Congress from performing their constitutional duty of certifying the election. Partisan politics aside, how can anyone not agree this is what happened?


Because J6 was just a formality and the election was decided when the electors from each state certified the election for Joe Biden. 

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1 hour ago, paulinstl said:

No matter to what degree or severity of what anyone believes happened that day, one fact remains irrefutable. People illegally entered The Capitol with the sole intent of stopping the Congress from performing their constitutional duty of certifying the election. Partisan politics aside, how can anyone not agree this is what happened?


Sole intent?  Did you watch the video?.  People were thanking the police for letting them in so they could voice their opinion.   That is all 99 percent of the participants wanted.   It took government  trolls like Ray Epps to try to turn that frustration into violence.  People were in there praying.  

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1 hour ago, paulinstl said:

No matter to what degree or severity of what anyone believes happened that day, one fact remains irrefutable. People illegally entered The Capitol with the sole intent of stopping the Congress from performing their constitutional duty of certifying the election. Partisan politics aside, how can anyone not agree this is what happened?


Even in this Cucker video it shows people climbing through broken windows. 

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MuH iNsUrrEctiOn 

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6 minutes ago, jonmx said:

Sole intent?  Did you watch the video?.  People were thanking the police for letting them in so they could voice their opinion.   That is all 99 percent of the participants wanted.   It took government  trolls like Ray Epps to try to turn that frustration into violence.  People were in there praying.  

People also smeared sh!t and urinated in offices and hallways. 

Is that some religious thing that goes along with praying?

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I'm not going to watch the Tucker footage. Anyone who has been paying even a sliver of attention to politics over the past decade knew exactly what was going to happen when McCarthy gave him access to the videos.

I was watching multiple news networks that day. I saw violent protesters assault police officers in an effort to slow or stop an official Congressional function. Live, as it happened, unedited, without commentary, committing sedition. Anyone that considers themselves a Patriot and thinks too big of a deal was made of this is a partisan zealot. Anyone that tries to whatabout those events to minimize what occurred is brainwashed.

I almost wish a bunch of leftists would do the same thing just to show some of you idiots how mind-numbingly disingenuous your arguments are. 

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Black person killed by police 

RELEASE THE BODY CAM!  Release the tapes!

I Will Not watch the video, I know what already happened.  You have lying eyes. 


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2 minutes ago, KSB2424 said:

Black person killed by police 

RELEASE THE BODY CAM!  Release the tapes!

I Will Not watch the video, I know what already happened.  You have lying eyes. 


Perfect.  Lol. 

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10 minutes ago, Fnord said:

I'm not going to watch the Tucker footage. Anyone who has been paying even a sliver of attention to politics over the past decade knew exactly what was going to happen when McCarthy gave him access to the videos.

I was watching multiple news networks that day. I saw violent protesters assault police officers in an effort to slow or stop an official Congressional function. Live, as it happened, unedited, without commentary, committing sedition. Anyone that considers themselves a Patriot and thinks too big of a deal was made of this is a partisan zealot. Anyone that tries to whatabout those events to minimize what occurred is brainwashed.

I almost wish a bunch of leftists would do the same thing just to show some of you idiots how mind-numbingly disingenuous your arguments are. 

Those on the radical far-left end of the political spectrum cheered on the summer 2020 riots, yet the MAGAs try to lump everyone on the left with that bunch and then use that violence to try to whitewash Jan. 6. Two wrongs don't make a right, and it's OK to consider them both ugly, shameful moments in our history.

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