This. It's why I say that Fantasy sports is virtually all luck. You can only make a prediction based on past experience. It never takes into account human nature/impact and never takes into account weather. When I say weather, I mean historically. Sure, in this weeks Green Bay/Tampa game in Green Bay, we'll know the weather. Anyone remember what the weather was last year in their Week 3 matchup in Tampa? I don't. Willing to bet no one else does either, unless they somehow got screwed by a player in that game. Also willing to be that all these "experts" don't really track the weather either. That's why they all say, "Well, it's going to be windy in Green Bay on Sunday, so you may want to temper your expectations". They never say, "Well, last year when these two met in Tampa, there were really high winds from the coming hurricane, and everyone sucked that day, so they're all likely to suck on Sunday".