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Hardcore troubadour

Lady Gaga

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She made a political statement right from jump and it was great. I'll say why later. Those two songs have significance beyond the words. Hats off to her if that's all she does. Smart.

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....has a huge clit and I like huge clits. There...I said it. I was born this way.

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She made a political statement right from jump and it was great. I'll say why later. Those two songs have significance beyond the words. Hats off to her if that's all she does. Smart.


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Damn, I didn't know she was packing that kind of bod. :o


You don't watch American Horror Story I take it? But anyways....to answer the question.........Would.


:banana: :banana: :banana:

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You don't watch American Horror Story I take it? But anyways....to answer the question.........Would.


:banana: :banana: :banana:

No, but maybe I should.. Definitely would!

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This land is your land was written by Woody Guthrie as a response to Irving Berlins God Bless America. One song from the right, GBA, and one from the left, TLIYL. She sang both. Good job.

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She's near the top in the hot body/weird face competition

I think she's starting to look much better than she did


I think she did very well

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Awesome show, one of my faves to date. :cheers:

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Awesome show, one of my faves to date. :cheers:

And yeah, Im the guy who didn't think I could get anything out of her artistically. I stand corrected

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And yeah, Im the guy who didn't think I could get anything out of her artistically. I stand corrected

Agreed. Thought she did a really good job. Not my music...but still really entertaining

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Couple things:


Yes Lady GaGa could get it

Yes she looks like she knows how to Fock good

She performed very well and was thoroughly entertained

Glad she didn't go off on a rant of make the entire performance a chance to spout her political beliefs

Loved the beginning when she did that whole America thing


Overall great performance. Glad it turned out that way :thumbsup:

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Scott Adams blog on how Gaga knocked it out of the park:





Lady Gaga - Master Persuader

Posted February 5th, 2017 @ 8:15pm in #ladygaga

Just some quick thoughts about Lady Gaga’s performance at the Super Bowl. It was the most brilliant persuasion you are likely to see. A lot of people enjoy her music. Many don’t. Music is personal. But I’m here to talk about persuasion.

You expected her to be political, right? You were primed. The commercials were political. The smell of Trump is in the air. She seems like the type to get too political.

What’s she gonna do?

She sings the best version of America the Beautiful you are likely to hear, while drones formed an American flag behind her. At the Superbowl.

And in so doing, she paced the Republicans who were watching. She already owned the liberals. Two minutes in, and it was perfect persuasion. No politics, just agreeing with all of us. And she did it visually, aurally, and emotionally.

I believe she next sang her hit song “Born This Way,” a sort of anthem for LGBTQ rights. Not too political, especially since we know the song. Her dancers were a rainbow of preferences and types. She said her message every way you can say it, and it went down easy, because she paced us.

Then she went into a song that was punctuated by her stage direction to focus on the lyrics “Why don’t you stay?” What did that make you think about?

By the time she got to “Get up and dance,” I can assure you that in living rooms and bars all across America a lot of people were literally getting up and moving to the beat. If you moved, she owned you. That’s textbook persuasion.

No form of persuasion works on everyone. If you hate her music, this didn’t change a thing. But as persuasion goes, you just saw the best of the best. I like her music, and I did get up and move. Anything that I hear her say about America from now on will sound extra-logical to me. That’s how brains work.

Good stuff.

Maybe Kanye can be her VP.


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This land is your land was written by Woody Guthrie as a response to Irving Berlins God Bless America. One song from the right, GBA, and one from the left, TLIYL. She sang both. Good job.

Good catch. Thumbs up.

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She's near the top in the hot body/weird face competition

For me at least, it's her hair. She looks good with her hair long and down. When she has it short, up, or in a pony tail. That's when she doesn't look that good to me.

Completely f0ckable either way though.

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The performance was ok, but you guys are nuts - there is absolutely nothing sexy about Lady Gaga. Ugly face, odd shaped body, and usually wearing granny panty type outfits.



I agree with your statement and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter

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Lady Gaga put on one of the greatest super bowl half time shows ever.


She was amazing.

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I missed it.........now that I hear it was great, I'll have to try to catch it on youtube.

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She's near the top in the hot body/weird face competition



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I'm not really a fan of either, but I always get Gaga and Gwen Stefani mixed up.. Are they really 2 different girls? :unsure:

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I'm not really a fan of either, but I always get Gaga and Gwen Stefani mixed up.. Are they really 2 different girls? :unsure:


Gwen can't sing and is skinny and taller.

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Gaga is damn talented and that was a great show.

Glad she sat at the piano at least for a little bit...IMO she is at her best when she drops all the over the top stuff and sits and plays (though, that does not make for a great SB half time just sitting there the whole time).

But lost in a lot of the theatrics sometime is that she has a damn good voice.

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Great performance. Tremendously talented artist. So far, any woman performing at the SB would just dress up, sing, and dance around. Gaga did all that plus jumped off a roof and played piano. Shows incredible range.


Heard on the radio this morning that the roof shot with drones in the background was taped earlier. Makes sense. There's no way you're allowing hundreds of drones to fly anywhere near a packed football stadium.

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Gaga is damn talented and that was a great show.

Glad she sat at the piano at least for a little bit...IMO she is at her best when she drops all the over the top stuff and sits and plays (though, that does not make for a great SB half time just sitting there the whole time).

But lost in a lot of the theatrics sometime is that she has a damn good voice.



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Scott Adams blog on how Gaga knocked it out of the park:





I think this guy doesn't understand the original meaning or lyrics of "This Land is Your Land" and the history of Woody Guthrie (especially with Trump sr., who he also wrote a song about). It was clearly political and a big FU to Drumpf.


Here's a hint. There used to be a 4th verse...


There was a big high wall there that tried to stop me.

The sign was painted, said ‘Private Property.’

But on the backside, it didn’t say nothing.

This land was made for you and me.

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I think this guy doesn't understand the original meaning or lyrics of "This Land is Your Land" and the history of Woody Guthrie (especially with Trump sr., who he also wrote a song about). It was clearly political and a big FU to Drumpf.


Here's a hint. There used to be a 4th verse...



I think you are right, and I thought of that when I posted it, having read the Wiki page on This Land beforehand. But I think he would argue that Gaga was appealing to both sides by singing both songs, and here we are... you seeing it as a big FU, and Trumpers liking the America and "under God" comments. Everyone wins. Or thinks they do. :cheers:

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I was impressed as all hell. And if you guys want to start seeing political shadows, that's up to you.

I'm talking about the performance, the staging, the originality, the technical aspects - the whole spectacle.

To say she did well is an understatement. She didn't just 'set' the bar, she RESET it.

Wouldn't be surprised to see it/her/Dir/Producer up for an emmy or whatever next year.


Katy Perry's was just focking stupid - a mess - a Farrago - but this one was better than Broadway - worthy.

And GD, my legs would have buckled and there's no WAY in hell in hell I could've even

spoken - much less sang from the top of that behemoth.


Whatever artist has to follow that next year - well, good luck with that.

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