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Kavanaugh sexual misconduct in High School

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Everyone here is an armchair Deanna Troi now. I just want to see some evidence and not 35 year old recounts from people who don't want this guy to get the job.

Nice STNG reference. Digging deep for that one. :thumbsup:

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any investigation updates? did we find out what kind of shots kavanaugh did on spring break yet? any new drinking games uncovered?


how about mr groper himself cory booker getting up and saying we should move on regardless? :lol: that guy has to be one of the biggest scumbags on earth.

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any investigation updates? did we find out what kind of shots kavanaugh did on spring break yet? any new drinking games uncovered?


I heard he also jaywalks and had 21 items in the 20 item lane at the store.... :shocking:

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I'll ask you again but I know I won't get you to do it. Please post where I've defended a democrat.

please point out where you've criticized a democratic

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please point out where you've criticized a democratic


Page 73 of this thread... I believe I was also the first poster in the Ellison thread.


Your turn.

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Page 73 of this thread... I believe I was also the first poster in the Ellison thread.


Your turn.

focking Broncos blew that game the other night

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focking Broncos blew that game the other night

That's because they're terrible and might not win another game, ever. Focking Donkeys.

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Remember when Benghazi was investigated 7 times, but when Trey Gowdy announced an 8th you were all in!. :lol:

Great Americans died there and this scum bucket thinks its funny.

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Great Americans died there and this scum bucket thinks its funny.

Drobeski thought it was funny too. :lol:

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  • Sending politicians and gov't officials poison
  • Running them out of restaurants
  • Stalking them in elevators and outside of their offices
  • Shooting them at softball games
  • Throwing sexual claims,without evidence, as much as you can until you pray something sticks
  • protesting by blocking highways and damaging property

This folks, is your current Democratic Party Constituents. We've hit rock bottom. Worst of the worst. :thumbsdown:

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I know one. Her name is Christine Blasey Ford.

She's actually not a psychologist; she never took the state exam in CA and it's actually against CA law for her to refer to herself as such.


Could be up to 5 years in prison and a hefty fine for that little perjurous statement...good thing she has her GoFundMe.

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link ?

Voltaire knows what I am talking about - he saw the threads too.

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Great Americans died there and this scum bucket thinks its funny.


I think your reading comprehension is funnier. :lol:

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greater good


I will take his morals all day for the good of the nation


and since nobody has still proven he has done anything inappropriate thats all that matters for Trump and anyone else


I am not appalled by how the dems acted, I expect it.


how'd you feel about the Clinton impeachment?

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Drobeski thought it was funny too. :lol:

Serial liar....

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So you think she concocted this story in anticipation of a GoFundMe payday? :wacko: Even a democrat conspiracy is more likely than that.



How about an FBI one (Dems too)?


Her friend McClean (the one she coached to pass a polygraph there by lying under oath) retired from the FBI in 2016 from the SDNY Office of the FBI a.k.a. Rats Nest Central.


Additionally, Ford admits to being in the same town where McClean lives when she wrote the Feinstein letter. Who better to coach her through that than a lawyer from the FBI?


Now go back and listen to the interview again people. The Mitchell lady asking where she was when she wrote letter, did she write it alone, did she ever help someone with polygraphs, etc....the investigator knew everything and knew she was lying and got her to commit under oath. If Mitchell knew it, then McConnell knew it.


Some unknowns at this point: Was the FBI agents at the SDNY office supposed to do the investigation? Did they get caught when launched because it appears they didn't count on the DOJ/FBI already investigating. Is that why the Dems want the report cloaked to Senate only?

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It amazes me someone can have that much schooling and have the critical thinking of a toddler (pen).

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Dems want the report cloaked to Senate only?

This ALONE would tell me something is shady.

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This ALONE would tell me something is shady.


Agreed. Senate should have early access to it but it should be made public. Way too much sh1t is hidden from us.

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This ALONE would tell me something is shady.

It also allows them to frame a certain narrative i.e. 'We'll tell the people what to think".


Remember that folks. The Dems don't want you to see for yourself just like the unredacted FISA.


If they want that hidden to lie to you, what else have they been lying to you about?

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She's actually not a psychologist; she never took the state exam in CA and it's actually against CA law for her to refer to herself as such.


Could be up to 5 years in prison and a hefty fine for that little perjurous statement...good thing she has her GoFundMe.


"I am a Professor of Psychology at Palo Alto University and a Research Psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine."


This chapter shall not be construed as restricting or preventing activities of a psychological nature or the use of the official title of the position for which they were employed on the part of the following persons, provided those persons are performing those activities as part of the duties for which they were employed, are performing those activities solely within the confines of or under the jurisdiction of the organization in which they are employed, and do not render or offer to render psychological services, as defined in Section 2903


(a.) Persons who hold a valid and current credential as a school psychologist issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.


(b.) Persons who are employed in positions as psychologists or psychological assistants by accredited or approved colleges, junior colleges, or universities, or by federal, state, county, or municipal governmental organizations that are not primarily involved in the provision of direct health or mental health services, may conduct research and disseminate their research findings and scientific information.

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This ALONE would tell me something is shady.




Agreed. Senate should have early access to it but it should be made public. Way too much sh1t is hidden from us.



It also allows them to frame a certain narrative i.e. 'We'll tell the people what to think".


Remember that folks. The Dems don't want you to see for yourself just like the unredacted FISA.


If they want that hidden to lie to you, what else have they been lying to you about?


How do you all feel about the 2003-2006 documents from Kavanaughs time with Bush that the Republicans are refusing to request because according to them they are irrelevant?

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It amazes me someone can have that much schooling and have the critical thinking of a toddler (pen).

Pen had professional training. Critical thinking is something us liberal arts majors spend more time with. Of coarse, looking at all these clueless snowflake SJWs, its fair to point out we cant critical think at all anymore. Excuse me, I have to go vomit now.
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Pen had professional training. Critical thinking is something us liberal arts majors spend more time with. Of coarse, looking at all these clueless snowflake SJWs, its fair to point out we cant critical think at all anymore. Excuse me, I have to go vomit now.


It makes sense to me that some doctors would lean left as it is in their nature to "take care of people" and they are under the impression that is what the left does.. but pump the brakes for two damn seconds. The guy literally compared socialized elderly care to a child pumped full of hormones the other day. Critical thinking for him is non-existence.


Also random, but why the fock do they call it Liberal Arts? Why not just Arts?

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  • Sending politicians and gov't officials poison
  • Running them out of restaurants
  • Stalking them in elevators and outside of their offices
  • Shooting them at softball games
  • Throwing sexual claims,without evidence, as much as you can until you pray something sticks
  • protesting by blocking highways and damaging property

This folks, is your current Democratic Party Constituents. We've hit rock bottom. Worst of the worst. :thumbsdown:


tolerant people those lefties!


imagine this c#nt got over 500k in her gofundme. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Fox says she did, but it doesn't matter. What would be a lie in this situation anyway? If she regrets anything she did (same for any woman), even if it was consensual at the time, it was rape. Remember folks, consent can turn to rape if a woman changes her mind.


The description of him covering her mouth and turning up the music so her screams can’t be heard make the allegation much more severe IMO. None of it can be proven or disproven.

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You don't know how to read stats. I won't get into this because this is not the thread, but go ask a friend to help you research the FBI stats and bureau of statistics and compare the number of rapes and violent crimes and compare that with the % of population in this country. Hint, blacks make up about 12% of the population.

Even if Blacks commit a disproportionate % of rapes, it doesn’t mean the White rapes are statistically insignificant. HTH.

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It also allows them to frame a certain narrative i.e. 'We'll tell the people what to think".


Remember that folks. The Dems don't want you to see for yourself just like the unredacted FISA.


If they want that hidden to lie to you, what else have they been lying to you about?


Anything here Filthy?



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Even if Blacks commit a disproportionate % of rapes, it doesn’t mean the White rapes are statistically insignificant. HTH.

I'm just saying there are bad people from everywhere, but it's just that one group is way more likely to do it than another group by evidence of the statistics.

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She's actually not a psychologist; she never took the state exam in CA and it's actually against CA law for her to refer to herself as such.


Could be up to 5 years in prison and a hefty fine for that little perjurous statement...good thing she has her GoFundMe.


Shes not a practicing clinical psychologist, but she is a professor with a PhD in educational psychology, making her an academic psychologist.


Not remotely perjury.


ETA Parrot did a better job dispelling the BS.

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I'm just saying there are bad people from everywhere, but it's just that one group is way more likely to do it than another group by evidence of the statistics.

Thats a very different statement than your drivel about me misunderstanding statistics, but I guess you needed an excuse for that racist non sequitur :dunno:

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Thats a very different statement than your drivel about me misunderstanding statistics, but I guess you needed an excuse for that racist non sequitur :dunno:




Man, nobody sticks to the playbook better than this guy..

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How about an FBI one (Dems too)?


Her friend McClean (the one she coached to pass a polygraph there by lying under oath) retired from the FBI in 2016 from the SDNY Office of the FBI a.k.a. Rats Nest Central.


Additionally, Ford admits to being in the same town where McClean lives when she wrote the Feinstein letter. Who better to coach her through that than a lawyer from the FBI?


Now go back and listen to the interview again people. The Mitchell lady asking where she was when she wrote letter, did she write it alone, did she ever help someone with polygraphs, etc....the investigator knew everything and knew she was lying and got her to commit under oath. If Mitchell knew it, then McConnell knew it.


Some unknowns at this point: Was the FBI agents at the SDNY office supposed to do the investigation? Did they get caught when launched because it appears they didn't count on the DOJ/FBI already investigating. Is that why the Dems want the report cloaked to Senate only?



Republicans plan careful steps to protect secrecy of FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh


WASHINGTON – Republicans are planning a careful choreography for the results of the FBI's background probe into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, including sending only a single copy to Capitol Hill that will be housed in a safe.

The FBI report, which officials said will include summaries of interviews about Kavanaugh's conduct in high school, will first go to the White House and then to the Senate Judiciary Committee, where it will be carried to senators' offices on request.

Senate Republicans are planning the cautious approach amid a debate over how much of the FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh's past – including allegations of sexual assault – should be available for public view. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said only senators will be able to see the results of the FBI's work. A very small handful of Senate aides may view it as well.



This ALONE would tell me something is shady.


You really should double and triple check anything FF says for accuracy, his information is very unreliable.

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Thats a very different statement than your drivel about me misunderstanding statistics, but I guess you needed an excuse for that racist non sequitur :dunno:

Yeah, but what's the white rape rate in Anchorage?

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