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Did You Vote?

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Got it done before heading in to work. Only 3 people ahead of me, but will probably be crowded later on.


I voted for Obummer. Although I generally like Romney, and voted for him for governor in 2002 when I lived in MA, he no longer has any integrity, has backasswards ideas about the economy and is a foreign policy dumbass. And Paul Ryan is a whackjob. Thought about Gary Johnson, but I'm just not into the legal drugs thing, think it's a terrible idea. Also thought about writing in Paul, but in the end I couldn't do it. I have great respect for him, but I just disagree with him about too much.


I saw the guy's ballot in front of me as we were waiting to feed them into a machine. He voted Obummer, too. :overhead:


It's fun living in a swing state (Virginia).

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I voted for Obama (although he'll already carry my state, NJ). I don't think Romney would be terrible, so long as we get the governor of Mass, and not the person he was pretending to be in the election, which is one of the reasons he did not get my vote - I don't know what his stances really are.

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Yup, voted. About 15 in line, Southern Indiana.


In '08 voted around the same time, had to wait about 45 minutes behind probably 75-100 people. Much different vibe this time.

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Yep... wife and I voted. Not that many in line. I think 3 or 4... went very quick. Not many people after us. You have to think the other 50% will vote when they get up at the crack of noon. ;)

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Voted early at a local library - no line at all, took all of 30 minutes.



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Not voting today. Was planning on it, but with my wife back in the hospital, I can't get away. It doesn't matter anyway, NJ always goes democrat anyway. :dunno:


My vote really wouldn't matter unless I lived in PA, VA, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, or a couple of other states. Democracy at its' finest. :thumbsup:

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Still waiting in line. Since 8:05. :mad:

Voted about 9:20am. It took me an hour and a half. Not to bad I guess. I thought it would be easier on the way to work than after work where the lines would be longer. Oh well.


Some notes from my voting experience:


1. There was a poster on the stop sign at the intersection of the middle school where I was voting. It was a white peice of paper with a black fist on it and it said Vote Obama at the top with Black Power in bold at the bottom. :thumbsdown:


2. With that said standing in line talking with everyone, it was actually pleasant. There were alot of parents with their kids, especially minorities did this it seemed. Which I thought was kinda cool.


3. In NC if you vote straight ticket, that does NOT include the POTUS vote. The POTUS vote is seprate from the straight ticket selection. I had to read this at the top of the ballot. This may fock up alot of folks imo who don't read directions.


4. I voted for Mitt Romney, I know big shocker there. I did not vote down party lines however on the other contests in my state (Gov, Lt.Gov, House, etc.)



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Nope. I live in California. I wouldn't vote for that failure of a President. And any other vote wouldn't count for much. We have a lot of dead people that vote here. Couple of interesting props, but those are usually passed then fought in court for 2 years and overturned. I've lost faith in the prop system.


Had I voted, it would have been for Johnson.

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i voted 2 weeks ago. i wanted so badly to vote for romney/ryan but in the end i know that my politics more closely align with obama/biden.

4 more years of angry recliner pilot posts, yay!! :overhead:

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i voted 2 weeks ago. i wanted so badly to vote for romney/ryan but in the end i know that my politics more closely align with obama/biden.

4 more years of angry recliner pilot posts, yay!! :overhead:


Yeah, I knew you were full of sh*t when you said you were going to vote for Romney. Can't believe anyone actually believed you.



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i voted 2 weeks ago. i wanted so badly to vote for romney/ryan but in the end i know that my politics more closely align with obama/biden.

4 more years of angry recliner pilot posts, yay!! :overhead:


Racist! :mad:

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Went to the polls before work, ~7:30. Pretty crowded, the parking sucked, but the voting moved along quickly.


No matter what your political ideology, can we agree on one thing - Focking senior citizens: can you please stay home and come back to the polls later?? We're all on our way to work. You're slowing us up. You're retired..what are you gonna do after you vote? That's right, nothing! Same as you do every day. So, go to the coffee shop, and come back at 10:00 AM.



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Vote by mail only in my state (they have drop boxes if you don't want to mail in your ballot). So I actually voted about a week ago. I love the convenience of mail voting, although you don't get that satisfying sense of civic participation that can come from actually going to the polls alongside your fellow citizens.

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5 minute walk to poll. No line at check in or to get a ballot total time 9 minutes inside.


This is Texas. I counted 16 REP running uncontested and others running against a GRN or LIB candidate. :lol:

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Took about 20 minutes in and out. Pretty much a waste of time except for referendums in my state. Our Congressman and Senator do not even campaign because they are so sure of the outcome. Sad.

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Still have an Indiana DL so I voted (Romney) in Indiana had I switched it to a Illinois DL I would not of bothered voting.


Thing is in Indiana at least in POrter county you need a State ID to vote as that is your voters card.

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Wife and I get early ballots, which started back when I traveled a lot and didn't know if I'd be in town. We realized that it is hella convenient; we spent time over the weekend reviewing all of the candidates and props, filled out our ballot, and dropped it in the box at our polling location this morning. We were in the building about 30 seconds, 25 of which was getting our "I voted today" stickers and chit chatting with the worker.


Voted mostly repub (shocker I know) but not completely -- I did my biannual protest vote for Sheriff Joe Arpaio's opponent, so now he'll only get 99.9999% of the votes. Also about 1/2 of our elections were non-partisan (school board, water conservation board, etc.) so we had to research them independent of party affiliations.


9 propositions, I voted for 2. I'm not a big fan of them in general as I don't like to change our constitution any more than necessary.

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Yup, voted. About 15 in line, Southern Indiana.


In '08 voted around the same time, had to wait about 45 minutes behind probably 75-100 people. Much different vibe this time.

:cheers: I voted in southern Indiana too. Biggest turn out I have ever seen at the place I vote. Kinda the opposite of your experience.

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Still have an Indiana DL so I voted (Romney) in Indiana had I switched it to a Illinois DL I would not of bothered voting.


Thing is in Indiana at least in POrter county you need a State ID to vote as that is your voters card.


I'm pretty sure you broke the law there pal. You can't vote in a state you aren't domiciled in. Unless you are just temporarily staying in Illinois?

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Good job lemmings. Try and think for yourself next time.


Gary Johnson. Split the rest between the low IQ democrats and low IQ republicans. Neither can hav total control. They are too stupid.

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Nope. Waste of time. If it comes down to one vote I'll come back and admit I was wrong.

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Nope. Waste of time. If it comes down to one vote I'll come back and admit I was wrong.

just curious, what state are you in?

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:cheers: I voted in southern Indiana too. Biggest turn out I have ever seen at the place I vote. Kinda the opposite of your experience.


That's a good thing.



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