Good question:
1. Even before Trump arrived, Schiff was often interviewed on foreign policy issues. I found him to be extremely well informed and very insightful on a host of issues, particularly on trade and relations with China and India.
2. I dispute that Schiff ever lied about the Trump/Russia issue. I know what the claim is and I believe that Trump supporters have deliberately mischaracterized Schiff. We don’t need to go back into all of that but I generally think Schiff’s criticism was correct.
3. Adam Schiff was the main House Manager during the first Trump impeachment trial in the Senate. I thought he gave an eloquent devastating series of arguments as to why Trump deserved to be removed from office. Senate Republicans were unconvinced, but I was.
Despite my high respect for Schiff I will be voting for Katie Porter, as she is local, I have met her, and I like her very much.