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Middle aged or older Geeks

Older (30-35+) Geeks - What would you rather be?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick one

    • Fat
    • Bald
    • Have erectile dysfunction

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If you absolutely had to pick one which would it be? There’s no fixing it and you have to live that way for the rest of your life.

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I shave my head as I'm balding. Wouldn't mind if I was truly 100% bald so I wouldn't have to deal with that, though.  I'm getting there, though, as I don't have to shave as often as I used to. 


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Definitely bald. Largely because of the three, that's the one that's in its early stages.  Definitely thinner up top than I was 5 years ago.

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Bald, still got some hair might be thinning a bit but no spot yet, I already keep it pretty short, 1/4 up top and 1/8 on the sides so not that far away from going total chrome dome. 

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I'm 49 and I think I decided to just shave it all maybe 10-12 years ago or so.  I was receding in the front and told myself I would just say fock it rather than look ridiculous.

The Mariners had a trainer for years and years that was bald up front but still had a little tuft sticking up like a little island of troll hair.  He was my inspiration to NEVER look like that. 

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I would say I have 1.5 of those. I'm not "fat" but I could definitely stand to lose a few pounds.  Women find spare tires and the beginning of man boobs sexy as hell, though, don't they??? 

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Bald isn’t even bad, it’s just bad when you hang on to half your hair. When it starts to go, it’s gone. Fat or flaccid is far worse. 

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Pretty simple really.  I would love to lose a few, but it's getting tougher.  Still enjoy the pee-pee.  Bald it is.

I suppose if I did get ED, it might not be so bad, but not risking it.


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2 hours ago, MDC said:

If you absolutely had to pick one which would it be? There’s no fixing it and you have to live that way for the rest of your life.

You have all 3 :(


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I’ve already rocked the sh1t out of the bald look in the military for a while. Plus, you can get hair transplants nowadays. Also, women can like bald men. Being fat isn’t too flattering and ED just sounds like I’d want to kill myself 

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fock that i'll take ED.  good drugs for that now.


ETA: oh wait just read no fixing that.

gimme the clippers.

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5 minutes ago, MDC said:

MDCDS. Again and again. :D

I'm just trying to figure out just how simple-minded you have to be to think that saying 'you have all three' is either clever or funny.  I'm picturing 12th Man opening the thread and seeing the options. Then a lightbulb goes off over his head that makes him giggle and snort a bunch. He hastily hits the quote button and types those words that most elementary school kids would realize are too unoriginal and stupid to post. "You have all three". He then hits reply and claps his hands in a near-epileptic manner. Then sits there hitting F5 wondering if you saw his wicked burn.  I swear I'm in some sort of Twilight Zone with mental midgets running rampant.

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19 minutes ago, The Observer said:

I'm just trying to figure out just how simple-minded you have to be to think that saying 'you have all three' is either clever or funny.  I'm picturing 12th Man opening the thread and seeing the options. Then a lightbulb goes off over his head that makes him giggle and snort a bunch. He hastily hits the quote button and types those words that most elementary school kids would realize are too unoriginal and stupid to post. "You have all three". He then hits reply and claps his hands in a near-epileptic manner. Then sits there hitting F5 wondering if you saw his wicked burn.  I swear I'm in some sort of Twilight Zone with mental midgets running rampant.

Wiffle called and said stop using his schtick. Be more original 

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7 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Wiffle called and said stop using his schtick. Be more original 

He doesn't know any better.  He thinks he's winning some internet war.  Let him have his moment. Dude lives in a 500 square foot dump, drives a forklift all day and then comes home to some Muslim chick. That's some rough sledding. 

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30 minutes ago, Hardcore troubadour said:

Wiffle called and said stop using his schtick. Be more original 

I have no idea what this means but I bet it's a good burn. 

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Fat you can always lose weight. I don't think they can successfully grow back hair

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I have great hair but I'd trade it to lose my gut. Fat comes with acompanying health issues, the only health issues with bald only are maybe sunburns.

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For some reason, the Meatloaf song "Two out of Three Ain't Bad"  pops in my mind.   :lol:

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most dudes over 50 have all 3

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So I'm bald/going but have my head shaved.

I am jacked and thick as a brick and have worked out religiously since I was about 15 years old or so.  I don't ever brag, but I do take pride in it.  I only mentioned it now, to preface the story I'm about to tell.

A friend of mine...well...yeah...friend...who can be very arrogant at times, often makes bald jokes in front of groups of people if there are bald friends of his around. The guy has a great big belly...like a hard beer belly.  Not fat from face down, but big protruding belly. Yes, overweight and out of shape. 

I told a mutual friend of both of ours, that the next time he says something like that to me in a group (that's the only way he says it) I'm going to say "I'd rather have an issue that have no control over and was not something of my own doing, vs looking like I swallowed a basketball" ( I could add "because I'm too lazy to pick up a weight or excercise") but that might be pushing it. 

My mutual friend said "Jeez, that's kinda harsh and out of line isn't it?"

I said "Wtf...how? Because I'm being 100% honest? -- and it's not any different than what he says"

And it will happen eventually---because he does it a lot.

I'm so curious as to what he will say/what his reaction will be when I say it.


Do you think it's out of line/too harsh?

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6 minutes ago, tubby_mcgee said:

So I'm bald/going but have my head shaved.

I am jacked and thick as a brick and have worked out religiously since I was about 15 years old or so.  I don't ever brag, but I do take pride in it.  I only mentioned it now, to preface the story I'm about to tell.

A friend of mine...well...yeah...friend...who can be very arrogant at times, often makes bald jokes in front of groups of people if there are bald friends of his around. The guy has a great big belly...like a hard beer belly.  Not fat from face down, but big protruding belly. Yes, overweight and out of shape. 

I told a mutual friend of both of ours, that the next time he says something like that to me in a group (that's the only way he says it) I'm going to say "I'd rather have an issue that have no control over and was not something of my own doing, vs looking like I swallowed a basketball" ( I could add "because I'm too lazy to pick up a weight or excercise") but that might be pushing it. 

My mutual friend said "Jeez, that's kinda harsh and out of line isn't it?"

I said "Wtf...how? Because I'm being 100% honest? -- and it's not any different than what he says"

And it will happen eventually---because he does it a lot.

I'm so curious as to what he will say/what his reaction will be when I say it.


Do you think it's out of line/too harsh?

Nope. Not at all. It wouldn't even have been out of line to throw the too lazy to hit the gym line in.

About a month ago, I was at a winery with my girlfriend and about a dozen other people. They had a little acoustic band playing and people were eating cheese and crackers and whatnot. I'm normally a chicken breast egg white type of guy. I rarely if ever eat sweets.  But that day, at the winery, I decided to have a few crackers and some cheese with the wine I was drinking. My buddy's girlfriend actually had the nerve to say that I am lucky because I can eat whatever I want and still look like I do.  I literally put my hand on my girlfriend's thigh and squeezed it a little as a release rather than to tell her that both her and her fat boyfriend simply need to get off of their asses. Lucky? Lol.  That is such an insult. And it's always the out of shape lazy people who say it.

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32 minutes ago, tubby_mcgee said:

So I'm bald/going but have my head shaved.

I am jacked and thick as a brick and have worked out religiously since I was about 15 years old or so.  I don't ever brag, but I do take pride in it.  I only mentioned it now, to preface the story I'm about to tell.

A friend of mine...well...yeah...friend...who can be very arrogant at times, often makes bald jokes in front of groups of people if there are bald friends of his around. The guy has a great big belly...like a hard beer belly.  Not fat from face down, but big protruding belly. Yes, overweight and out of shape. 

I told a mutual friend of both of ours, that the next time he says something like that to me in a group (that's the only way he says it) I'm going to say "I'd rather have an issue that have no control over and was not something of my own doing, vs looking like I swallowed a basketball" ( I could add "because I'm too lazy to pick up a weight or excercise") but that might be pushing it. 

My mutual friend said "Jeez, that's kinda harsh and out of line isn't it?"

I said "Wtf...how? Because I'm being 100% honest? -- and it's not any different than what he says"

And it will happen eventually---because he does it a lot.

I'm so curious as to what he will say/what his reaction will be when I say it.


Do you think it's out of line/too harsh?

Nothing wrong with that at all. If you're going to make wisecracks about other people's appearances you have to be ready for return fire. Otherwise shut yer yap. 

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Here is the deal with boner pills. Even if you don't need them I recommend them. It's like a former girlfriend said...If I could take a pill to make sex better I would. I work with many guys in their 30s's and we buy the generic ones in bulk. You go longer and the reload time is vastly improved. And for those that drink a lot....no worries with being limpy.

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My girlfriend said “We should get some of those pills that give you a harder erection.” You should’ve seen the look on her face when I tossed her the diet pills! :banana:

  • Haha 3

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20 minutes ago, Mr. Hand said:

Here is the deal with boner pills. Even if you don't need them I recommend them. It's like a former girlfriend said...If I could take a pill to make sex better I would. I work with many guys in their 30s's and we buy the generic ones in bulk. You go longer and the reload time is vastly improved. And for those that drink a lot....no worries with being limpy.

Source for bulk boner pills? 

A friend gave me some generic that had Chinese writing on the packaging. Saw no real improvement in my mojo. 

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1 minute ago, the s is ilent said:

Source for bulk boner pills? 

A friend gave me some generic that had Chinese writing on the packaging. Saw no real improvement in my mojo. 

Would’ve been a 4-inch difference if you were Chinese.

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1 hour ago, The Observer said:

Nope. Not at all. It wouldn't even have been out of line to throw the too lazy to hit the gym line in.

About a month ago, I was at a winery with my girlfriend and about a dozen other people. They had a little acoustic band playing and people were eating cheese and crackers and whatnot. I'm normally a chicken breast egg white type of guy. I rarely if ever eat sweets.  But that day, at the winery, I decided to have a few crackers and some cheese with the wine I was drinking. My buddy's girlfriend actually had the nerve to say that I am lucky because I can eat whatever I want and still look like I do.  I literally put my hand on my girlfriend's thigh and squeezed it a little as a release rather than to tell her that both her and her fat boyfriend simply need to get off of their asses. Lucky? Lol.  That is such an insult. And it's always the out of shape lazy people who say it.

My wife is in great shape.  Her sister in law, notsomuch.  20 years ago we were in a position to have my wife stay at home with our kids.  SIL was working.  She made some snide comment one time about how nice it must be to be able to go to the gym whenever you wanted.  My wife to her credit said nothing.

Fast forward to today:  my wife is back working, and goes to a 6AM class most weekdays.  Eats healthy.  SIL is "retired" although her kids are grown.  Eats like shiot and doesn't work out, still fat.

Funny how that works. :dunno:

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3 hours ago, The Observer said:

Nope. Not at all. It wouldn't even have been out of line to throw the too lazy to hit the gym line in.

About a month ago, I was at a winery with my girlfriend and about a dozen other people. They had a little acoustic band playing and people were eating cheese and crackers and whatnot. I'm normally a chicken breast egg white type of guy. I rarely if ever eat sweets.  But that day, at the winery, I decided to have a few crackers and some cheese with the wine I was drinking. My buddy's girlfriend actually had the nerve to say that I am lucky because I can eat whatever I want and still look like I do.  I literally put my hand on my girlfriend's thigh and squeezed it a little as a release rather than to tell her that both her and her fat boyfriend simply need to get off of their asses. Lucky? Lol.  That is such an insult. And it's always the out of shape lazy people who say it.

You sound like a good friend. And this story sounds like bullshit.  

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